4 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That entirely depends on your expectations of a company CEO

I can’t think of a company that wouldn’t hire someone with this kind of stock performance over 30 years.

The issue is really that consumers just keep spending money on things that they hate.

If they didnt do that, Bobby would have been gone a long long time ago

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In Ontario, it’s often swimming.

Lots of lakes here, children need to be taught to swim

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Canada is going to elect a conservative government, too

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Hey bro, Twitter sucks!

(I hope that helps too)

It only knows about things people talk about online. I bet it knows how trump likes his bed made, but doesn’t even know what you can do in a library

Arrested means this shit is extremely serious. Like makes me think just straight up raping people over there.


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If you’re buying this (or anything other than Nintendo exclusive games) for your switch, it’s because you don’t have any other options and likely only own a switch

If you had a PC or a PS5, you’d buy it on that.

So switch only owners would pay whatever for it, but the rest of us wouldnt

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Youtubers count as news now

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That guy has saved ….. so much money! I’m jealous

He’s obviously a terrible human being, I think you have to be to be a wildly successful CEO.

But those are the people who are best at running companies. I wouldn’t be good at it, because I’m not a piece of shit

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This sounds like some jersey shore level drama.

I don’t know why I should even care

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I hate battlepasses

Nothing demotivates me more than a game with a battlepass. Really disappointed, I played and somewhat enjoyed the campaign, then totally lost interest at around level 20 in the first season.

Haven’t picked up the game in a long time, and it’s all because having a battlepass just kills the game for me.

It turns the game into completing the battlepass instead of just playing the game as I normally would. Ignoring the battlepass doesn’t work for me, because I know it’s there.

It triggers FOMO, but instead of making me want to play to not miss out, it makes me not want to play at all because I know completing battlepasses for me is highly unlikely

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This is petrifying

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I don’t think any of these things should be illegal

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Sure there is, it’s called likeness or personality rights

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Why is there so much communist content on lemmy?

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I understand that being surrounded by trauma most days of the year, for a lot of your life leads people to find humor in what the rest of us would find disgusting.

I know a guy who airlifts people to hospitals when they are severely injured. Once a man had been beaten to death in the head with a hammer and my friend had to airlift his body somewhere. His joke “It’s hammer time”.

Not a good joke to you and I. But there is a fair amount of desensitization and coping that goes into a joke and a laugh like that. This guy I know is just a pilot, he doesn’t have any real specialized training to deal emotionally or mentally with something like that.

I am not excusing the officer, not one bit. But just laughing and making a joke about a traumatic situation I kind of understand in a round about way.

What makes this so insidious feeling is that it’s the police, and I know that the vast majority of police are corrupt losers who might actually simply be a bunch of horrible horrible people. Do we know if they would cover up any incompetence that went into the cause of this death? Of course we do. It’s probably even likely, imo

I don’t think that the police should have a union, I don’t think the tax payer should pay for police officers mistakes.

And the addition of throwing in a story about a trump flag incident with a black person makes it pretty obvious that the author of this piece has an agenda to push too.

Pretty sure you can find other flags in that precinct. Probably a BLM flag if this is in Seattle.

The police are disgusting, this author is stooping pretty low, and the only people I respect (besides the victim) in this is the victims family. God bless them, and I hope they are able to find some comfort in the years ahead.

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With a Usenet account, I was able to make things relatively autonomous.

I told it what I wanted and it found it immediately, downloaded it, renamed it, even replaced it with higher quality whenever it became available.

It would find new episodes of shows I asked it to look for as they aired, new movies I was interested in as soon as they became available, Scott’s, genres, it was crazy.

If I was at work and someone recommended me a movie, I could add it to an IMDb watch list and my PC at home would have it downloaded automatically before I even got home.

It was way too efficient for me, I don’t watch much ‘content’ in real life, but it was so easy and efficient I ended up with dozens of TB’s of stuff that I never had the time to watch to begin with.

I was a collector of ‘content’ and not a consumer of it. So I stopped torrenting and using Usenet.

But Usenet is really pretty awesome with the right setup. I felt like I didn’t need to do shit once I set everything up.

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I don’t understand why these people think they’d have All this free time.

If there wasn’t an industry to sell us all the things we buy, people wouldn’t just volunteer to do it.

You’d be spending all your time learning how to hunt, fighting with your neighbours over territory, waging war over it likely, and dressing your kills to help feed your family.

Your wives would probably be busy trying to avoid being raped by your enemies while you’re out trying to bring home dinner and making clothes out of threads.

People think there would be starbuck’s to just walk into and start making coffees for people? Just some random dude who thinks ‘Hm, today I’m going to go and make coffees for people for a couple hours’ is this guy seriously okay?

Lemmy users do not understand why things are the way they are. They’re …. Childish. Child-like.

It’s almost like they imagine the government will be just like their parents and fund their lifestyle like they did when they were actually children.

Take them to swimming lessons, sign them up for art classes, dinner just magically appears on the dinner table everyday, they can spend all day just hanging out with friends and playing video games or whatever they want to do.

I think lemmy users, for the most part, are stuck having a crisis of changing from childhood to adult hood.

They’ll likely grow out of it, but boy is reading shit like this fucking embarrassing to adults

Here’s a hint, lemmy communists:

Without capitalism, you’ll do what the government decides you will do, for however long they decide you should do it for. If you’ve been farming wheat for 3 years and the government decides there’s too much wheat and not enough apples, you’ll be picking fucking apples for 16 hours a day, without sunscreen or water or breaks.

Or you’ll be shot and your family will be put in prison.

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This is why the downvote system is such a failure of an idea.

If people were as smart as they think they are, they’d just downvote stuff like this and it would go away. People post this junk because they are whores for upvotes

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No you don’t understand. Everyone is very special and should be catered to at all times, regardless of how others around them may or may not feel.

What are you, some kind of bigot?

Street fighter II

growing up with line ups of kids playing sfii in the arcades, leaving your quarters on the cab in a line to figure out who’s next, and when someone finally beat that Asian kid (who knew every move you’d make and always picked chun li) who played for free all day beating everyone else was finally beaten and the cheers and the whooping and sometimes even the real fist fights over it.

Street fighter ii was an absolute phenomenal moment in gaming

I’ve never played deep rock galactic. It very well could be the exception that proves the rule.

Feeling punished for not playing, and feeling like a company is trying to manipulate me with psychological tricks to make me play their game is why I don’t play games with battlepasses.

I didn’t mind Diablo iii’s seasons journey at all, and that had rewards that were missable. But Diablo iv has like 90 levels, it costs money and you have to do stupid shit like kill world bosses 15 times with them being on a timer.

I’m not going to set a fucking alarm to log into a video game. I play games on my schedule, not the developers.

It sounds like deep rock has a much more sane system. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

Can they tell how many accounts of mine they’ve banned?

Oh I don’t care actually

Wasn’t it considered a conspiracy that they would even exist at all?

Does that say Russia has lost 300k people?

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Right, but I’m assuming those hypothetical charges would have been laid as well if they were real?

Why would they not charge him with the worst of the crimes if that was the case?

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My right testicle gets VERY SORE sometimes

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You need to put a little work in setting up a few different programs to all work together, the first time might take you awhile depending on how familiar you are with it (my first time it took me a few days to get everything set up how I like it).

But it’s worth it for the convenience you’ll enjoy

That’s true, I wonder who tweeted this first and the author read it scrolling their feed

That’s how news is written now anyway

Why don’t they just vote for younger people? Why does there need to be a law?

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If it’s negative and it’s about Musk, it gets posted. NO EXCEPTIONS!

If found guilty, shouldn’t the punishment be actual execution?

Does this have anything to worry consumers about in cold climates where cars could accumulate snow and road salt on them, and then say - park the car in the garage where it all melts into salt water?

Did any other makes of electric vehicles also burst into flames in Florida?

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Or just work a part time gig at McDonald’s for a couple 5 hour shifts a week to supplement your career job.

Makes it pretty appealing to think about flipping some burgers for $20 an hour, $100 a day 2-3 days a week.

Could be an extra $1,000 a month or so for people looking for something to supplement their income.

This always disgusts me. In the words of the great Lupe Fiasco

  • dude is dating so and so, blabbering about such and such. And that ain’t jersey shore, homie that’s the news! And these are the same people supposedly telling us the truth


Begun the moderator PR campaign has

That evergreen college insanity clued me in

I had to understand wtf was wrong with those people, now it’s like everyone is an evergreen state college student.

This world fucking sucks

“The Final Member”

It’s a documentary about the worlds first penis museum in Iceland trying to finally secure a human specimen

I usually keep one handy at all times, just so I can hold it up whenever the time is right and proclaim loudly:

“Anyone wanna screw?!”

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