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Joined 11 months ago

Dang, only "slightly injured".

I love how the post I saw immediately before this was about Biden's new Trump insult, 'Broke Don'. So insult your rivals by calling them poor, definitely a good way to relate to struggling voters.

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Wholesome to see people help, but the main feeling I get is revulsion that this person can have a wheelchair provided with insurance but can't even get proper functionality without paying.

The Wikipedia article for the attack has a pretty thorough summary of the events, most aspects of it are pretty well documented as far as I can tell. Essentially, the police were able to slow them down while congress members were evacuated to more secure areas. After a woman was shot breaking into a barricaded chamber door, much of the attack seemed to dissipate, and not long after further reinforcements were able to help clear the rest of the building. Trump then told his supporters to go home, knowing they had been routed.

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It's an opinion piece, they start out with their claim and try to back it up, it's not a news article, what is the problem?

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The grocery store in my city became straight dystopian. It was always a sort of sketchy area but nothing that bad. After the pandemic, they added a second armed, vested private security in black, one-way turnstiles going in and out, increased cameras with screens on every aisle that showed you with the words "RECORDING IN PROGRESS". They even added locks to the frozen section, so you had to get an employee to help you buy ice cream. The police and security would tackle clearly unwell people who were shoplifting food, face pushed into the concrete type of thing.

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Where in the definition of genocide does the attempt have to be successful before you call it genocide or try stop it?

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And by hard you mean the genocide way.

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I was with them until that comment. Israeli people might want that, but the action of the Israeli government has been the opposite. Funny they say 'stop being so one-sided' and say Israel wants peaceful rulers, like Palestinians don't want that also.

Based on what evidence? Even if it were, an attack on an embassy or consulate is akin to attacking their territory. If Israel has a right to retaliate against Hamas then Iran has every right to retaliate against Israel.

You just have to say there was a weird technique the Nazi's liked to use.

People see will see these numbers and still argue "they are showing restraint, if Israel was really evil they would just carpet bomb them all." Like what the fuck is this then?

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The majority might not celebrate this murder directly, but support for the Republican party in the US is implicit support for dehumanization of trans people which inspires these murders. The policies and rhetoric used by the mainstream right-wing are responsible for this death.

Stainless steel can be woven into a net that would break the fall, I don't know if that's how it works but it would be possible.

I just read a guardian article about it, it's actually kind of fucked up:

The nets are meant to deter people from jumping and to curb the death rate of those who still attempt to jump, though they will likely be badly injured.

“It’s stainless-steel wire rope netting, so it’s like jumping into a cheese grater,” Dennis Mulligan, the general manager of the bridge district, told the Associated Press. “It’s not soft. It’s not rubber. It doesn’t stretch. We want folks to know that if you come here, it will hurt if you jump.”

Notice it says CURB the death rate, which sounds like they anticipate some people will still die? Jesus ffs.

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Well that's the thing, the haters don't think queers and non-white people are human.

She could ride in an anonymous tour bus, harder to track, she could even have a security convoy, and still save money and emissions. Billionaires are murdering us all, I have no sympathy for her or anyone with her wealth if they take private jets on trips that would take two hours to drive.

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He isn't representative of conservatives as a whole, but the rhetoric pushed by many prominent Republicans is exactly the sort of propaganda to inspire these actions.

The same is true of a lot of average apartment buildings, especially college housing, but they are rigourously maintained by staff.

Public housing in the US is rarely funded enough or maintained properly. It's almost a cliche in the US, municipalities purposely underfund public programs so they fail, to encourage privatization.

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Have you read the comments? Plenty of people think this is silly evidently, it's not brigading when a lot of dbz users are hexbear users also

Upvoted comment here:

I don’t care for the drama on Hexbear. And I don’t care for it here either. This post is drama baiting.

That's a reasonable sentiment to me

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Grow older and push for change? Palestinians have been growing older and pushing for change since 1948. Have you seen how the IDF responds when they have had mass protests? A massive key for change will be when tax dollars in the US stop funding IDF bombing. And in the meantime, the alleged 'command and control infrastructure' that was destroyed was likely a tower block holding dozens of families who are now dead or have no home.

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It's funny when supporters of the attack try to say that they were unfairly brutalized by police, like we didn't watch endless clips or witness directly people pummeled by the police for weeks for substantially less.

Israel is dependent on foreign aid, do you think their allies wouldn't notice if they bombed and killed millions of people at once? There would be a response from other countries in the area as well. Even the Nazis took a lot of effort to hide the holocaust during the execution of it. Where in Hamas' founding charter does it state "we will commit genocide if we have the power."? And even if it did, Hamas is not the Palestinian people, they haven't had an election since 2006 and there are several other militant groups within Palestine.

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The only people who should be allowed to hold power are people who don't want it.

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No bikes??? I hadn't heard that, one of the most satisfying things about playing C:S1 to me was making great bike routes and useful public transit, without bikes I really don't feel a drive to play this one now honestly hah. Maybe they are going the Sims route where all the useful basic things they added in the previous edition will be released over time as DLC, ffs.

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Would you really put the blame on piracy for that when there are conglomerates manipulating the entire market? I'm not doubting they exist, but can you name a small business streaming service that would be affected by pirate services? I have never heard of such a company. I've seen small streaming services utilized by libraries but they are on government contracts and tax funded as far as I know.

If anyone has love for Jewish people, for any people, they should condemn Israel. You are wrong. This attitude has helped allow the slaughter of thousands of innocent people over decades. To condemn Israel is to have humanity. To support the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom is to support justice. I love Jewish people, I've studied the Holocaust, I've spent massive time studying Nazism, modern movements and the history. The actions of the Israeli government and the IDF must be stopped by all means necessary.

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It's like combat, companies like this see it as necessary to take every protective step possible, they have an inferior product so manipulation is the only way to maintain their monopoly

Often the RVs in places like OP is referring to are dilapidated and don't run, with tarps on them, not connected to water or power. Essentially a small shanty house in a slum so I guess it depends on your definition

The IDF has killed more people than Hamas has militants, mostly women and children. Precision targetted aid vehicles multiple times. The bodies of children shot by sniper fire have been examined and confirmed several times even before this escalation. If you are still so deluded by propaganda to say that Hamas is using human shields then there is no hope of discussion. I pray you go to Gaza yourself to witness hell.

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If it ain't an MRE and you are busy cooking you aren't gonna be ready when the commies kick down your bomb shelter door and take your guns! And also cooking is for women.

Okay sure, but by mocking and dehumanizing trans people he encourages violence against them which is already a massive issue for trans people. But I love comedy, other than bigoted it's just lazy and played out and comes across like an old dude mad at scary new changes in society.

To be fair they do say they "need to be" transparent, not that they were going to be :p

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There are crypto ads involved in the product though? Fuck that, even if it was default off

I think my parents did a fine job, when me and my brothers were little we would play 'crips and bloods' how kids play 'cops and robbers' but none of us wanted to play as a cop.

It shouldn't be, but I do see it on TVs in public more often than any other news I think which is concerning

A lot of transphobes, white-supremacists, and similar ideologues would support eugenics for disabled people so that isn't a far off description. Whether comedians like him realize it or not, they are normalizing social darwinism essentially.

For 8 years now his base has been firmly convinced that the mainstream establishment is an enemy of Trump and 'the people'. From what I've seen any words against Trump coming from establishment liberals is more likely to entrench Trumps support than weaken it.

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So you view all Gazans as terrorists, got it.

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Republicans only rank so high for gun ownership because of the dozens of people that have an armories worth. Left -wing and marginalized people will have one or two guns that are effective, not a stockpile of tacticool attachments and WW2 rifles.

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Images after bombing, the area was essentially carpet bombed. There have been thousands of more bombs dropped since this article. The IDF wouldn't function without western support. This is plausable deniability, they can kill substantial numbers of people and blame it on this system or 'collateral damage'. They have to maintain an image at least somewhat. So they kill as many as they can get away with.

The Israeli state has made it clear for years they don't believe in the long-term existance of Palestine. This is part of their project to eliminate as many Palestinians as possible to more easily take territory.