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Joined 11 months ago

The only meaningful theft, by the numbers, is wage theft.

Barbers Hill Independent School District prohibits male students from having hair extending below the eyebrows, ear lobes or top of a T-shirt collar, according to the student handbook. Additionally, hair on all students must be clean, well-groomed, geometrical and not an unnatural color or variation. The school does not require uniforms.

Land of the fucking free.

Call me when the HOA allows you to plant clover on the front lawn.

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Little overly general there.

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Every time

Every single time

Every time, when the media posts pictures and names of murderers, they help create more copy cats.

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The environmental destruction is almost without parallel.

Walls don't stop humans, but they do stop migratory animals.

It's a show for bullies. To enjoy laughing at caricatures of people people they never respected or understood.

Which proves that cops really DO actually do their jobs.

Because protecting the property of the rich is the exact core purpose of policing.

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That's why Nethanyahu funded them.

All his investments paid off in this neat little casus belli.

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There are no rights unless they are backed by the threat of violent revolution.

Who's gonna save you? The Supreme Court?

Better yet, firefox

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The point is the meat industry is afraid of competition.

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Don't trust fascists.

Do you have a credible source instead?

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If you're lucky, it'll follow along with Chrome and start sharing your browser history to advertisers, too!

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Bush even lost the electoral college.

Courts decided that election. Not even the college.

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It IS dangerous to them!

Genocide thrives best in silence

Any reason to believe Graphene pings google?

Not everyone's American, we don't know your entire portfolio of talking heads.

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The incredibly arrogant and ignorant German leadership was another big help

Revolutions happen, they happen fast, and then they spread.

And right before, even though everyone is angry, they also swear its impossible. That the king capitalist state can't be defeated.

I always hated the UI/UX of Mac. I find it annoying and ineffective to work on without heavy modification and third party tools.

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Yeah I down voted to avoid kitty harm

Yeshua of Nazareth possibly existed.

Jesus is the comic version of that.

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So they tortured a child.

It's only a matter of time before it becomes mandatory.

Xi's policies were on this path a while

PHP is actually a really nice language to work with both for web and command line utils


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Fighting Genocide is positive even if you are old

My exception is smaller bands with bamdcamp.

Buying from there supports the artists well!

Which has zero relevance as the war ended

Bitch, we SAW Israeli's dance, we heard them laugh and clap, and witnessesed their celebration of dead Gazans.

Every cruelty and abuse carried out by Hamas, Israel has done twice over.

You can't gaslight a world with its eyes open.

I mean, not that this is justified, but reactionary extremist Sikhs exist, as do Sikh terrorists.

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Old fascists did die fighting and were incredibly dangerous.

We're lucky the current bunch are so fucking stupid

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I don't need to be Bangladeshi to tell you they're probably going to pass on that one.

By their own count, 40% of the murdered were civilians.

They were proud of that figure

Those who resist occupation using violence

Are not the moral equals of the violent occupiers

Pretty smooth flirt as is

Boycutt Israel

Spread some pro Palestinian narratives

Call your reps

It's not much, but it can help

You are very sane.

At least on this topic.

Yes honestly

You can if you then strike everywhere.

I also don't believe they do it consistently.

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