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Joined 1 years ago

The election will come down to like 2000 voters in some swing states. Even if 1% of people in those states changed their minds it could swing the election.

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Oh God, Gavin Newsom ruined SF, which gave him the credentials to ruin California. Now it gives him the credentials to ruin the country?

Okay, I'll bite. Who has a better chance?

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Safari, which is the biggest one. But also in the OS, they committed to supporting it, but I'm not sure if they followed through yet

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You haven't heard that Apple supports it now?

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How come it's still leading to two major parties?

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Then decrease your limit, LMAO. It's not that hard

You learned the wrong lesson based on your timing. I've invested in like 2013 and I'm so far up six digits. Sure, I dipped during the pandemic, but I sold my bonds and bought more stock which makes me up bigly now.

I have about 10 of them because cancelling is considered bad. I product change to another card when the annual fee hits to avoid it, and generally get a few cards a year to take advantage of bonuses.

They still keep giving me 5 figure credit limits on every one, for reasons I can't explain

That's a good point, but I've never seen merch for less popular shows.

Unless they get wiped out by the enemy military

Because I don't like the smell of cat shit anywhere outside the bathroom

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The cat listens to me. It understands nothing, though

They stole half assing it from the West!

Enjoy being conquered by another country if you don't have a military. Sure, the species will survive, but you may not

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I don't wear a seatbelt because I don't want to live in a world where people need them

Look at long term trends, population is already dropping in East Asia and Europe

Sure, there might be more people in Nigeria, but they are not paying into your retirement

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You can't have revenue from people who are watching it for free

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Okay, now tell me how pirate sites contribute to creation of said content

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Where are you going to get new doctors if everyone in your society is 70 years old

Nurses are now optional? EMTs? Firefighters? Military personnel? Police?

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I had a laptop with 8GB. Doing one of those things was fine, but when you open up another program it takes forever to switch to the browser

During the shutdowns there's a compositional effect of lower wage workers losing their jobs.

I'm talking about the difference from 2019 to now, people are making more money even accounting for inflation

Your income maybe didn't go up, but this isn't true in general

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That applies to Uber Eats and similar, not to Domino's delivery drivers who are Domino's employees

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It didn't, not in the US, not in Soviet Union

In the Soviet Union it caused rationing instead. Here's your coupon for 1 stick of butter

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They were very smart. Ball pens messed up my wrists. I was livid when I found out it takes no pressure to write with a fountain pen

But itself, maybe not

Domino's has not. Yet people criticize a few dollars delivery fee, despite Uber eats actually costing more (maybe not at first glance, but the prices in store and online are different which is worse)

It doesn't work because it's a stupid idea.

If there's a cap on the price of a type of good, then obviously only the lowest quality things get made. If you cap shoes to $10, they will only sell shoes imported from sweatshops.

If you specify exactly how something is made, like $20 for made in USA shoes, they will import it from a sweatshop and sew a logo on it in the US.

If you specify how much labor must be done in the US, there's a chance nobody would bother since selling the $10 sweatshop shoe has better profit margins

Obviously, but how do you fix it without getting more workers? No scheme would work without people doing work.

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Bears have predicted 11 of the last 2 crashes, this isn't news

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What are they going to use? Firefox?

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The industry got decimated due to being worse than the apps. The apps 100% exploit drivers, but let's not act like calling a cab was such a good experience 20 years ago.

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Yes, but none of the local governments had it at 13, so this is purely symbolic

Disagree, just make the draft also affect women so it's not sexist

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To be clear, this is a flaw in RoboForm

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I want a federated social bookmarking site. Not for news or discussion of recent stuff, but to keep some good sites in your account and to share with others.

Searching those and getting results with attached upvotes/downvotes would be ideal

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without principles or convictions

He has 34 convictions

WTF on the part of Mozilla

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I warned you guys. "It's so easy, just do these three steps if you don't like snaps" but then later they tighten the vise

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