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Joined 1 years ago

Which apps are doing this by the way?

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Oh my god they were roommates!

My interest are gaming, standup comedy, memes, react videos, metalurgy, machining, blacksmithing,

Because a lot of the type of guys who like seeing those stupid conservative videos also like many of the same things as you. Gaming^(TM) is well known to have a problem with the alt-right, react videos have a very similar structure to conservative “libs destroyed with fact and logic” types of videos, and finally a lot of conservatives like to think of themselves as an old fashioned man’s-man so they enjoy things like metalwork and other typical “manly” careers.

At the same time Israel was releasing Palestinian "prisoners" (largely children and largely imprisoned for petty crimes like throwing stones) they were capturing and imprisoning from the West Bank (where there is no Hamas) roughly the same number of people as they were releasing in Gaza.

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The vast majority of religious people are ideologically conservative though.

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Name an alternative browser that has the same level of ability to block trackers built in.

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Bud light saw a temporary drop in revenue because a big part of their market is right wing reactionary morons. Ben and Jerries doesn’t market towards those types, they’ve always been a relatively ethical and left(ish) leaning company. Saying something like ”the United States is on stolen indigenous land” will only make B&J’s more popular.

Also let’s not forget that Bud Light is just one of the several hundred brands that are owned by Anheuser Busch, the actual drop in revenue is basically nothing to them.

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No they don't Mike

It does, it’s just called a different thing. Centripetal force is exactly the same thing as what most people assume centrifugal force means.

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No way he bought that himself. He definitely made some underpaid assistant buy it about 10 minutes before he needed to walk in with it.

It’s not a single website like Reddit or twitter. It’s a network of interconnected ”instances”. You can view and access and comment on any of the content from any one of them from from any other of them. So you only need one account. You can even subscribe to communities that are based on a difference instance from you.

For example I am commenting here from an account on but this post is on

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It might, but luckily DeSantis is so unlikeable and has zero charisma, that the republicans would never win a presidential election with him as the candidate.

I’m talking after the lgbtq+ push back

I don’t believe you to be honest. I think you’re just saying that now to try to save face.

And if that was what you were talking about then your post makes even less sense than I thought. Why would an obviously true statement like “The USA exists on stolen indigenous land” made by a company that everyone already knows is sorta left leaning politically (and has been saying things like that for decades) ever piss off their market of the exact type of person who would agree with a statement like that?

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventures proposes a couple of interesting . One villain has a power called "The Lovers" he manifests a tiny ,almost microscopic, insect creature which is physically very very weak (or at least the weakest we have seen at that point), but has the ability of going crazy whenever the stand user feels any kind of pain, so he sends the stand inside an opponents ear to their brain and pain centre – whenever he feels any pain The Lovers inflicts that same pain but much worse on his opponent. It's also heavily implied that any pain caused by The Lovers that is above a certain level would be lethal.

Super weak power that is actually really strong if used intelligently.

In the British TV show Misfits there was a villain who had the power of limited telekinetic control of milk (and cheese), he literally managed to successfully kill all but one of the main heroes (including the guy whose power was the ability to resurrect himself!). He was only stopped because of time travel by the one hero who was also lactose intolerant.

Love this.

Non paywall version?

I’m not exclusively talking about the USA. I live in the UK myself and I still think that most religious people are somewhat conservative. Doing charity doesn’t make you not right wing, in fact some would argue that charity is a right wing concept because right wingers believe that things like feeding the homeless should be done by charitable individuals and organisations, rather than it being something that the government should be fixing (like many left-wing people believe).

There are many different flavours of conservatism, not all of them are rabid screaming morons who publicly admit to their bigotry, many are much quieter and subtle.

That’s just the address of your user page. You can technically post there like you would a subreddit, and people can follow you like you would join a subreddit.

He’s definitely not innocent.

Yes of course they do. I imagine the stats would be similar in most countries. There are two types of conservatives:

  1. The uneducated/ignorant, they choose conservative ideology because they are confused by different people and are afraid of any change they can see happening.

  2. Those who have financial incentives. They know that their ideology is wrong and stupid, but they just don't care. They are only interested in gains for themselves and their family and cronies. Also known as the "fuck you I've got mine" types.

Everyone else is just some combination of the two.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that both of those types would be against higher education. The uneducated/stupid are afraid of educated/intelligent people, and are confused when someone they know comes back from college changed from how they were when they left. The ones with a financial incentive are smart enough to know that education generally results in people becoming more left-leaning, and they also know that enough left-leaning people in a population can cause genuine political change – change that might hurt the bottom line of the rich – naturally they want to avoid that.

None of what you're saying makes any sense. That's why I'm not acknowledging every single talking point.

Why would the left ever be annoyed at the kind of statements Ben and Jerries made??

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If you think there’d be folded plastic in the design I’m talking about then you must be misunderstanding me.

wasn’t sexual but indeed very sexy in style.

Those characters have child-like facial proportions. 🧐


Okay, so name an extension that will provide the same level of tracker blocking as Brave does.

The backlash that Bud Light faced from LGBTQ people was not for the same thing that they faced backlash from the right for, it was because they left Dylan in the dust to fend for herself against hoards of angry reactionaries. Or in other words they pretended to be progressive and then immediately dropped their sponsor like she was mouldy apple as soon as it became even slightly inconvenient for them to keep up with that progressive facade.

They did that because their main market in the United States has always been largely conservatives. Ben and Jerries ice cream has never really been marketed towards conservatives (and also people don’t really identify with brands of ice cream like they with brands of beer), and they’ve always been very public with their political ideology. So they are a) very unlikely to face any kind of backlash for saying something progressive and b) very unlikely to retract any progressive statement/action if they were ever to receive a backlash for it because they have at least a modicum of integrity.

I do like the idea of them, same size phone takes up half the space in a pocket etc. But my current phone (that I've had since 2017) still works mostly fine.

I do think they've missed a trick by going all in on the foldable plastic display rather than two bezelless screens that folded out to look like one screen. I'm not phone designer but I think it might be more durable to not have the actual screen bending.

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Fuck off, stop posting this hateful bullshit.

It’s not a genocide, that’s not how genocide works

He talks about doctors sterilising people, as if they’re doing it forcibly — but they aren’t. The surgery that transgender people can get is entirely optional, they aren’t being forced to do it. In fact a lot of transgender people don’t undergo any surgery — and the ones that do choose to have to be fully informed of all the risks just like anyone else undergoing any other kind of surgery. Additionally trans people can and do have children, some because they never underwent the surgery that would make them unable to (remember Thomas Beatie ?) and others through things like adoption or surrogacy.

Finally, the idea that they can’t feel sexual pleasure is just categorically untrue

This isn’t a debate. That person in the video is just a moron, as is everyone who thinks the video makes any kind of remotely valid point.

“iT’s SaTiRe” isn’t the automatic win card that you seem to think it is. The video is making a joke, but in that joke it’s attempting so say something (you know this because you referenced it in the title and caption of this post) — the thing that it’s saying is just stupid and wrong because it’s a false equivalency and a complete misunderstanding of the topic it’s taking about.

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That’s not what affirmative action is you cretin. This situation is not even remotely comparable. If you think it is then you’re either a literal child or just a full on bird-brained simpleton (or possibly both).

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I wonder why.. Could it possibly be that he's trying to emulate Trump in order to become president himself, even though he lacks all the charisma (and that's saying something) and really just comes across as a weird creep fascist looser who literally nobody likes.

Also this community is technically specifically not for US-based news.