Netanyahu says Israel will retain open-ended control of security in Gaza long after war with Hamas to – 47 points –
Netanyahu says Israel will retain open-ended control of security in Gaza long after war with Hamas

They should be ashamed. This was the point all along, nothing new. To exterminate and displace people for more military bases and control. Shame. And the world is supporting this shit. Noone is safe, they will make sure. Fuj

Apararently October 7th never happened then.

Their security was amazing at ignoring issues

"That woman shouldn't have walked down that alley"

Such a great look for you man

More like police notified of crime, ignored it then shot the perpetrators, victims and hostages

This is how you avoid another terror org seizing power in the vacuum after Hamas is removed.

This has literally never worked. Occupation forces in opposition to the local populace always create more violence, not less.

No, this is how you create car bombs in residential areas, suicide vests in crowded markets, and more abductions with fewer reunions.

This has already happened

Which is how we know it will get worse with the actions being taken

I very strongly disagree that taking away the ability for your enemy to make war on you puts you in a more dangerous situation.

This war has already happened. You can't un-fuck a chicken. If there was no war, then I think you'd have a lot more ground to stand on here.

Every place that is occupied gets more partisan violence.

This isn't opinion, it is a lesson learned during every occupation.

Gaza was already occupied. Step outside your thought pattern and consider what I'm actually saying.

Which further makes my point.

An occupied territory with partisan violence gets more occupation, which gets more partisan violence.

Do you work for an occupying force, because that's the only way occupation makes sense.

No I just didn't bring my personal emotions and biases into this discussion. One merits alone, you have to have a plan for after this war, and "our bad, we're leaving" is the worst of those options.

That's why I said

This war has already happened. You can’t un-fuck a chicken. If there was no war, then I think you’d have a lot more ground to stand on here.

No I just didn't bring my personal emotions.


"our bad, we're leaving" is the worst of those options.

Occupation is not going to solve this issue either.

Lets wind the clock back to The Troubles. There wasn't a military solution, it was a diplomatic one.

Funny how partisan violence died down real quick when Sinn Fein was invited to the table in good faith.

Lets wind the clock back to The Troubles. There wasn’t a military solution, it was a diplomatic one

Can't do this while terrorists govern and removing terrorists from governance is literally what this war is.

The Gazan conflict is a substantially more complicated problem than the Troubles.

Insults don't work on me.

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No, how you do that is by enfranchising and giving equal rights to the people suffering under apartheid

Israel didn't rob Gazans of the right to vote. Hamas did

Yes. Both Isreal and gazans are victims of hamas. That doesn't mean idf can keep punishing everything in Gaza for hamas

That doesn’t mean idf can keep punishing everything in Gaza for hamas

this ship sailed in late October when Israel decided to pound the fuck out of Gaza - a decision everyone (especially Hamas) knew they'd make, and a decision that everyone (especially Hamas) knew would worsen the problem.

Staying, helping rebuild, offering humanitarian aid, and functioning as an interim government is by far the best route forward, because there are no good routes forward.

And when are they going to do that? Because they've yet to do that for those living on any land they have taken over

Smart thinking. If there's no one left, no one can take control from

You can't possibly be this delusional. This is in fact how you guarantee another Hamas.

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At the end of this "war", the leadership from both sides should be sent to the Hague.

The first opinion of this war on Lemmy I can actually agree with.