
2 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Nah it's not that it's libertarianism failing it's just that idiots version of it failing

What they'll say when it fails or next time someone else tries to implement their ideals

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That was a mod??

Saw one dealer do that to a Honda civic r then brag they got someone to actually pay it

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Nope but that's exactly why they keep trying to make that a thing

Of course Isreal counters with pointing out the facts are antisemitic. How long until the label Human Rights Watch as hamas?


Having a right to defense doesn't mean you can take it out on a civilian population.

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Pointing out their genocidal actions make you a hamas supporter?

Also why would anyone be surprised that's how Isreal explains their actions in the region? Of course they aren't going to say they are doing it on purpose

Always have been for republicans

Be able to start the wars you want

My favorite is still having them closed when low staffed because they still need a person dedicated to helping them.

Just amazing how much trouble management goes to to make experiences for customers worse

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I love people saying we're just calling more things nazi when a major USA party has been actively using the American nazi party logos, slogans and ideas for years.

The issue is they'd rather have another republican than an actual progressive

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Currently yes but Torries want to remove that and replace it with one like the USA

But don't you dare try and make them disclose that or have any ethics

Has neoliberalism done anything good or just a way for fucking over everyone but the rich?

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No cause he's also gonna ban evs

Not at all surprising since they also said racism was over because Obama was elected pre3

Or 100 % if not in the IDF safe zones

Her only claim of accomplishment is that the state has a huge surplus, which is simply due to her cutting just about everything simply so she can trigger tax cuts for the rich.

Not even the first federal money she's rejected, when not misappropriating the federal money she has taken

You say that but Britain is trying to emulate it :/

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well they won't give up power so I guess we just need to kill them all - - idf

if they couldn't afford a kid they shouldn't have had one - - also right wing

Texas has the shitest state government of them. Who also love to grandstand the most

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It angers those that are pro idf

So put them here

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He'd help them go even harder

Or the weapons and other aid shipments we continue to sent with no strings attached

They are always okay with death panels as long as they can profit off them.

It got an exception so Reddit could look accessibility friendly as they attempt to make their app compliant

Gow and his wife star in a YouTube channel called "Sexy Healthy Cooking" in which the couple cooks meals with porn actors. They also have written two e-books, "Monogamy with Benefits: How Porn Enriches Our Relationship" and "Married with Benefits — Our Real-Life Adult Industry Adventures" under pseudonyms. Their biographies on Amazon contain links to their videos on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, and a pornographic website.

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I saw different sources but feels more like a lack of others posting issue rather than just someone pushing an agenda

And if you don't leave they'll blame them for getting killed.

well we warned them we'd be bombing everything

Also why bibi wants trump back so it's even easier to get stuff from the usa

So they going to stop shooting or bombing? Or this just part of them removing troops so they can bomb even harder?

Their security was amazing at ignoring issues

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Why else would marge show it off on the floor

no you see the issue is that the auto pilot stopped right before the accident so obviously it was entirely drivers fault, please don't check how much time was between it stopping and the accident

Good thing he traveled to Iowa to destroy it, not like those in power in Iowa will do anything

If only he had done that after the 10th failed attempt to become speaker

Which reddit probably won't give any to the creator

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