
58 Post – 840 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

They don't need stealth apparently. They have gotten drones into that airspace.

Once again not a drag queen but a religious figure.

Well, if they get the presidency, it could very well be. If they lose, let's fucking hope so.

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Isn't allowing the porn industry to be able to use your hardware crucial for widespread adoption? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the fact that Betamax and HDDVD did this was one of the factors for their loss of market share?

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So he would trigger an article 5 incident to apease his ego? I hope one of is multiple cases gets him locked up. And I don't care where, as long as it means he isn't in office.

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So Poutine wanted to weaken NATO, ends up adding countries, including one that has been neutral for an incredibly long time.

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The ruling would be better if they disqualified him like they were supposed to.

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Did they just photocopy a flyer that was photocopied by someone else? Because this looks like it was about 15 steps from the original printing. Also, why hand these out now?

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Aren't there punishments for false accusations?

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While I didn't think that they would go after a dictionary, it's not surprising that fascists would go after a book full of definitions.

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This incidence of swatting is literally terrorism.

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Well both those things can be true.

Moral panic is a hell of a brain worm.

Fucking racists bawling like babies because their valorization of traitors is going to be removed.

I don't know a single other country that has monuments to the losing side of a civil war.

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Yeah, I believe that straw would commit mass murder.

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Honestly, I've had the light green after taking a vitamin supplement that I did not need. You can get red by drinking a lot of beet juice (the juice in the jar of sliced beets), but if you haven't done that red is very bad.

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Isn't that his base?

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It takes a pillage to raze a child.

It can be explained in one word: Zionists.

If you would like a slightly longer explanation: people seem to have a problem separating the Israeli government from the Jewish people, and think criticism of an apartheid government is condemnation of an entire faith.

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Then you really aren't going to like the actions the OG unions took.

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I feel like you've overlooked Weird Al.

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They all are. It's a thing for them.

Why would people go to European Texas for femboys?

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Well, maybe we should stop teaching people that everyone's opinions are valid. That, and that there are people out there who want you to be uninformed/misinformed.

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Ah, so the religious exemptions are only for the crazy christians.

They are going to get a bloody asshole from the fucking that the ACLU is going to do. One: the rule is sexist, and two: it violates religious freedoms.

Can't wait for them to remove the rule while figuring out how to sit again.

Being too stupid to do it is different from I didn't know. Though both are bad.

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Of course it's a plant by a right-wing org.

Scholastic fairs were amazing when I was in school. Good to see that they are still in operation.

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She's right, its a solid

Which stemmed from an active shooter measure that would have allowed kids to relieve themselves without out having to leave the safety of their hiding place.

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Not just a competing company. An expressly right wing one.

I was hoping for an actual bloodbath, this is just infighting and the consolidation of power. Hoping it fucking cripples the RNC.

They do know that Antarctica isn't any one countries' territory and their claim will just be ignored, right? And any enforcement of their so called claim will likely have a multi national response of "like da fuck you do".

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Hell, even if you are wealthy, it's not in your interest. Long term, they are just going to create an environment that is going to be hostile to them just existing. Both the actual environment and society.

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What is with conservative groups and their weird fixation with hair length? It's not like its a historically set thing for men or women.

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Sure Ms. Swift, act like Muskrat.

That's why they have an overly broad definition of what is prohibited. So they can pick and choose what they will allow.

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There are certain places where even with it's problematic nature, it was the more desirable material. Normally in industrial applications where temperatures would be several hundred degrees for long periods of time. Most of the replacements aren't much better in regards to the long term health risks they pose.

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Well, I hope that this gets someone in shit.

Have you talked to one since the 80's?