I was handed this lovely flyer while grocery shopping

korny@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 517 points –

I thought the woman handing me this was going to ask for help reaching something, but she was handing this out to everyone.


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Did they just photocopy a flyer that was photocopied by someone else? Because this looks like it was about 15 steps from the original printing. Also, why hand these out now?

Sounds about right for these folks. Anytime you see an email like this it's always FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: the Illuminati KILLED MY DOG with COVID masks!

The Bavarian Illuminati?

mmm Bavarian cream illuminati

Hubsi personally mistook the dog for a wild boar and stabbed it

Reminds me of a line in Futurama:

Fry: Over there a crazy guy used to hand out a socialist newsletter

Bender: Was it poorly Xeroxed?

Fry: Oh, you better believe it!

I once got a full color, too many graphics, tiny writing to fit it all on one full page flyer about how doritos is made with human stem cells. I've got it in a file somewhere because it was so weird I couldn't throw it out. And yes, some of the graphics were of the flavoring fetuses.

For many years, I had what was very definitely an expensive printed tract (full color in the early 1990s) called "Is the Russian Bear Ready to Strike?" It predicted that Russia would launch a nuclear strike on the United States based on Biblical prophecy. My favorite part was where they tied it into the Biblical tribes of Gog and Magog by saying that Gorbachev's name was actually Gogrbachev. Since this was in 1990 or 1991 and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992 and Gorbachev (Gogrbachev?) died two years ago, I think their prophecy might have been a little off.

Did they just photocopy a flyer that was photocopied by someone else? Because this looks like it was about 15 steps from the original printing.

Some nutcases do things old school. Respect.

They photocopied a wet copy lmao it has spills . Unless that’s OP

OP was just laughing with tears, that is why it is stained

looks like OP cause its all the way to the edge of the paper

Rookie mistake of not drying the counter off after doing the dishes.