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Joined 9 months ago

We are actively being held back by companies catering exclusively to the lowest common denominator.

So when do we get to start calling these guys nazis? Cause I'm pretty sure that calling to send dissenters to camps, where a concentrated ethnic group is actively having genocide committed against them, is some nazi shit.

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I don't think it was ever honestly about the points, even on reddit.

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Restaurants menus lacking milk as a drinking option is definitely a positive for me - I do not wish to dine alongside whatever freak chooses to drink milk with their meal.

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Yeah reddit has a name generator that you can choose from when you create an account and that's the format it uses. Those names are almost exclusively bots and throwaway/anon accounts

I remember when it was a literal radio feature in Spotify and it was this but the algorithm was decent and you could curate different stations.

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Well they actually don't write that realistically, these are copy and paste bots that are just trying to farm karma so they can later sell the account (which I've heard is a thing apparently?). You can see the left is all original accounts by the uniqueness of their usernames and the copied posts on the right are all reddit generated names.

Yeah I'm not clicking that link

If you're just watching movies and tv I highly recommend just grabbing one of the streaming sites from the masterlist. Use a good ad blocker and you're golden.

oh my god this drives me absolutely nuts when I'm looking for help I received months ago and distinctly remember enough to put into a search bar but can't go back to the actual conversation... even though it is clearly saved somewhere since it still comes up in search!!!

Stream on angelthump, discord, those are just the ones I know of there's definitely more ways to do it out there. Source the media from the piracy megathread. You're on your own with the 'gathering a community' part though.

What, do you bite the cup when you sip? You shouldn't be bathing your teeth in whatever you're drinking like that unless it's just straight water

Ah yes thank you I see it now I fart glitter 😀

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So, birth lottery

I feel this way about the "This website would like to send you notifications" popup. I will never, ever click accept on that. Why are you still asking. It's not even embedded in the website, it would be so easy to build a toggle into the browser to blanket reject those requests. Why is this even a """feature""" at all ffs, after email and push notifications and junk mail why do these shitty companies need yet another way to freely spam unwilling consumers. You did not under any circumstances have to hand this to them.

He wasn't at the controls. He was hitching a ride on a flight piloted by somebody else, which isn't unusual for pilots. You should read the full story, but this is what I understand what I heard earlier.

He was already depressed and had lost somebody close to him recently. Did mushrooms, (presumably) had a bad trip, doesn't sleep for the next 48 hours, then boards the flight as a passenger. Apparently he was suicidal and felt like he was dreaming so he probably didn't have a full sense of the consequences of his actions; I don't think he was out to kill anybody but himself. Told the flight crew "you better get me off this flight or it's going to get bad" or something to that effect after already acting out and needing to be restrained. Then they make an emergency stop to let him off.

I'm for legalizing psychedelics, but unfortunately it seems the mushrooms are integral to the story. Although it should be said that this guy very clearly wasn't in a state to be doing psychedelics without any professional supervision, guidance, and/or aftercare. I've said all that I know about the story here, and it's admittedly very little, but chances are that a little bit of education would have gone a long way to prevent this.

What's next? Invading Poland?

No, invading Mexico.

Yes! On the other side of this, as a cis woman, don't be afraid to teach her practical, hands-on skills that don't conform to whatever ideas you have about gender roles. My dad wasn't in my life much, though my grandfather was a fair bit. I was always jealous of the boys that were raised to have "shop" skills. I wanted to help with that kind of stuff but the adults just kind of shrugged me off, where I feel like if I was a boy I might have been invited or even volunteered to help. All the older men that have worked alongside me in shops act surprised when they see that I can hold my own around power tools. The only exception might be some of my robotics mentors.

I learned what I know mainly from a couple projects with my grandfather and some classes/clubs I took part in in high school, and while it's something that does just click for me, I got to engineering school and felt pretty alienated when the boys had way more practical knowledge about things like cars and computer networks. Their father figures didn't shy away from those topics with them and gave them solid foundations to build their skills upon.

Of course, you might not have those particular specialties yourself and she might grow up to be into different, traditionally "girly" things, but you won't be able to say it was for a lack of support or because you were reluctant to share that side of yourself/your interests with her. It's a whole level of connection that I think is too easily missed between people raised as girls and their father figures, while those raised as boys, yes, probably are more likely to miss out more on the emotional end of things. Both are important for a well-rounded human being.

Nah it's still pretty easy lol

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If I believed in that stuff I'd be scared to death of this guy.

Counterpoint: evangelicals do believe he's the antichrist and actually want him to bring on the end times in order to trigger the rapture so they can check out early and reunite with all the dead believers "in the clouds, to meet the lord in the air"

They're an accelerationist death cult, and their scheme only works if we all go down with them. They know how bad trump is, they know he fits the bill as their antichrist, and they're gambling our entire planet and life as we know it on their little fairytale stories. Not to mention all the non-believers that even within the evangelical belief system would just be fucking smited I guess or go on living in the apocalypse if their rApTuRe were to ever happen.

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And this guy lying to those working people, about even his most basic information, to get into power at any and all cost, stealing their right to make an informed decision and setting a precedent for anyone to do the same if he is allowed to remain in his office, somehow proves he cares about them more... how?

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no there's definitely something wrong with her personally, we don't get to blame this one on bigotry. She's as milquetoast as they come and her past as a prosecutor just doesn't inspire any kind of enthusiasm from anyone left of "elightened centrist"

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No, no. You're giving them too much credit. All it took for the likes of Tim Pool to decry DEI is that the pilot at the time of incident with the door plug was a woman. He wondered aloud if she "pressed the wrong button" and the airline "deleted the flight recordings to cover it up" as if theres some door ejector button on board and as if both boeing and the airline wouldn't be tripping over themselves to pass the blame off on an incompetent pilot if given even a sliver of an opportunity to do so.

All Chick-fil-A had to do was hire a VP with DEI in their title. Bud light simply gifted a can to a trans person with their picture on it. Target just sold a modest bathing suit for adults just with a wider gusset and mild binding effect as an ideal option for trans wearers.

No, all you would need is something like this:

Just THINK about how many diversity licenses they're handing out these days!! How many hoodlum thugs and women with no business driving are out there sharing the road with you, just waiting to kill you in an accident? We all know they can't drive! How many of them got the chance to screw up at the factory where they BUILT your CAR??? Or "fixing" the roads! Everyone knows they don't build em like they used to and that the roads are crap... and it's all because of the wokes and their silly DEI!!

No actual logic or policy required. Bald-faced fear mongering is plenty enough to rile them up. Anything to redirect the blame for societal enshittification to identity politics instead of the obvious conclusions of capitalism falling into an unmitigated death spiral.

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I've actually been to sushi restaurants where you pay per person and the entire menu is all you can eat. The waiter leaves a menu with you and checks on you periodically so you can order a roll or two per person at a time. We were vacationing in Florida and apparently it's a relatively common thing down there.

It's probably easier on a sushi chef too to stagger orders instead of doing them all at once, cause they'll have to be put together and rolled up one after another anyways. It's not like a burger joint where you can toss multiple orders on the grill or in the deep fryer at once and then toss all of the ingredients loosely onto plates.

I really don't want to live in a world where feeling threatened grants a person all the powers of judge, jury, and executioner. Do you want lynch mobs? Because that's how you get lynch mobs. And minority groups, however much more justified they are in feeling threatened, have historically not been nor will they ever be the ones doing them.

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No. It really doesn't. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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The electoral college exists to subvert the popular vote whenever the choice of the rural minority is behind. It would have no reason to exist otherwise. It has no duty to "ignore" any outcome and nothing to do with the quality of leadership besides their ability to campaign to low density populations.

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Is this supposed to be an acronym for something? Why are you capitalizing it like that.

I mean it's an honest title and chubbyemu even goes to the extent to explain the medical reasons as to how it happened why the average person doesn't need to worry. When that's not the case, his videos are cautionary tales meant to inform the public of the medical consequences of behavior they might not otherwise think all the way through. I honestly one of the few cases that gets a legit pass, and it should be standard for click bait like this to be accompanied by the disclaimers and medical background he includes in his videos.

If you think trump is a wild card on this topic I really don't know what to tell you.

The temu and tiktok ads that seem to be intentionally engineered to provoke extreme negative emotions such as discomfort and irritation, that force your attention on the screen by overloading your ears with so much noise that you feel compelled to take in some amount of visual information to ease the shock, and then tacking on hashtag slogans at the end; like "oddly satisfying" after a video of a fucking butcher knife cutting through colorful play sand or "shop like a billionaire" after yelling at me about cheap Chinese goods, both of which only serving as reminders of the current state of society at large and pushing me ever so closer to a state of blind rage; are what finally pushed me to install vanced on my android.

It's psychological torture and it should be against international human rights law.

all that doesn't matter if the Electoral College utterly fails succeeds at its ONE job yet again and picks the loser.


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Cant say you are a conservative cause people will call you "rasist" "bigot" "sexist" "transphobic" and so on. Just because you think a 9 month old baby should have the same rights as a newtborn.

What about the 93% perform before week 13. Is that not "I didnt want the baby but I was horney last weekend and I fucked without a condom so now Im killing the baby" acctitude?.

lol. Interesting how you just shift to saying the quiet part out loud that you were just crying about being called sexist for even though you started off pretending you actually cared about babies.

So easily too, all it took was being proved wrong on the most surface-level inflammatory argument that fox has been able to manufacture through lies and deception, relying on their audience's extremely poor understanding of how the medical system interacts with the legal system. An understanding which you clearly have no intentions of improving just so you can stay mad.

"😭 Just because..." my ass. You ain't slick. We can see through your shit.

I'd go on, but I don't think you need to be told what's wrong with your new argument. Otherwise you would have started with it.

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man I just miss being able to type and reach all corners of the screen with one hand without having to be a contortionist or accidentally clicking on the one-handed keyboard that I never actually use because I've already resigned to always using two hands anyways

I've since realized that you can turn off the one handed keyboard completely but the fact that it has to exist at all still annoys me

I mean I've known that I'm lactose intolerant since I was 13 or something and I had to be be bribed to drink it before that so, yeah, it wasn't hard to stay away from drinking straight milk into adulthood.

Learning this little factoid also helped immensely: Because of the mastitis epidemic in the U.S. dairy herd, the dairy industry continues to demand that American milk retain the highest allowable “somatic cell” concentration in the world. via:, how much pus is there in milk?

also. drank. 🙂

The only way to completely snap out of it for me sometimes is to start reading out loud or at least move my mouth with the words to reinforce them. Although it doesn't always work, I do realize quicker if I have no idea what's coming out of my mouth than if it's just in my head. It also forces my brain to slow down a bit.

Right like that's kind of the entire point of these solidarity encampments; it's a statement that we should not be subjecting humans to those conditions

creates an aggregate of the most annoying people on the internet in the least charitable way possible and paints everyone left of center with it... wow I can't believe these "progressives" these days.

Right cause I think having both having access to normie content and giving normies access to fediverse content is a positive thing if we can balance out the power dynamic with meta. Blocking threads content would just defeat the purpose imo, it would prevent people from leaving threads for the fediverse because they wont be able to get the same content. If threads has it all and fediverse doesn't, most people are just going to go to/stay at threads. It could backfire.

Maybe if instances could allow meta users to see their posts to pique their interest/gain exposure, but meta users have to join any other instance in order to interact? Kind of like an ad I guess but UI native and unpaid. Though I'm really not sure if the fediverse platform would even support such things in the first place, and if meta couldn't just fire back with the same thing. It's just the first thing that comes to mind.

The fediverse's number one issues right now as I see it are accessibility and content density. I get the concerns people have with EEE but I also struggle not to see this as handling that last E (exterminate) ourselves just to spite meta. I want to join threads just to see what my friends and everyday people are posting, and I'd really like those people to join the fediverse so I can interact with them here. The only things keeping me away from threads however are privacy concerns and supporting meta, so being able to see the same content on a different instance might just be the best of both worlds.

That "infographic" and statistic is such transparent cope man...

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