Matt Gaetz is Not Worried About Trump Losing Women Voters: ‘For Every Karen We Lose, There’s a Julio and a Jamal Ready’ to politics – 200 points –
Matt Gaetz is Not Worried About Trump Losing Women Voters: ‘For Every Karen We Lose, There’s a Julio and a Jamal Ready’

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The electoral college exists to subvert the popular vote whenever the choice of the rural minority is behind. It would have no reason to exist otherwise. It has no duty to "ignore" any outcome and nothing to do with the quality of leadership besides their ability to campaign to low density populations.

Yea, it's effectively a tool of disenfranchisement, but the point is it was pitched as a safety mechanism from the "dumb plebs", yet it has done the exact opposite.

It wasn't the plebs that put Trump in office. The point I'm making is it literally has zero upsides.

The point I'm making is it literally has zero upsides.

Then we're literally making the same point. There is no reason to argue here.

We're making the same point, but you're using terrible logic to do so.

That's funny, I thought the same thing about you. I just didn't feel the need to shit on you for it.

Is this the argument you wanted? Are we supposed to be getting something out of this?

You're making a claim from an offensive perspective. Anyone who doesn't ALREADY agree with your premise is just going to fight you on calling the idea a plan of disenfranchisement.

You have to CONVINCE someone you're right, not just declare it so... You use bad arguments for people who do not already agree with you. Now grow the fuck up and take criticism like an adult.

Hold on. You understand that adding FTFY to a comment is not a criticism of said comment? I was just adding to your commentary and you somehow took issue with that.

I genuinely don't even know what we're arguing about, what I said that was so offensive, or why you're so heated over it. I'm not trying to convince you of anything or make an argument, in fact we seem to already agree with each other. The electoral college was sold as something that it never actually was in practice. All I basically said is we might as well call it for what it effectively is, and stop pretending it was ever meant to be something it has never actually been. If you still manage to have an issue with that then I honestly really don't care to sit here and argue about the semantics of it and be constantly insulted along the way. Also, I didn't even say the disenfranchisement part, you did.

I really don't think you have any room here to tell me to act like an adult. I didn't even criticize you and you just started hurling personal attacks at me, insisting I defend something I didn't even come here to do. That's not "criticism" lol, and it surely isn't acting like an "adult", whatever the fuck that means 😂 I was literally just making a joke and you decided to turn it into a debate. A one-sided one, because like I've said in 3 successive comments now, I do not know what your problem is.

Anyways, hope your day gets better because I really don't think that whatever you're upset about has anything to do with me.