1 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

You can be an obnoxious passenger threatening 1 star reviews, the driver has an ult calling a wellness check on you

Android voice also suffers from late stage Capitalism, soon all Letters Will BE CAPITALIZED

Fusion reactor SLAMS surprised scientists with it's INCREDIBLE output

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And what a whimsical coup it was

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That is very Monty Pythonesque. British humor is something special

I am sorry, I obviously can't read properly

It's incredible. Musk held all the aces, Tesla, SpaceX, Crypto (debatable). He was viewed as a pioneer, as a philanthropist. But it seems social media fucks up every one of us. Image Nixon, it would have been immensely insightful if we had social media back then EDIT: Nixon would have been a smart Trump, fuck that timeline

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I am still very confused why it's not called the X Truck or CyberX TruX or something stupid containing the letter X

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Interesting how it says "authorities" not "experts"

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I feel so bad for pugs. They have so much trouble breathing. Still, have you seen a humans CRT? Looks equally frightening haha

It's like Chai Tea

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I am convinced a good chunk of the "genocide Joe" crew are agents provocateurs.

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Drinking water is a start

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Revenue =/= profit

Same thing when children get punished too harshly or unfairly. They just learn how to lie and hide things

I did miss the refund? It's just an in-store credit

This implies the existence of Legadillo and Headadillo

Nice background

The armpit section

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Definitely prefer the vanity projects of the past. Libraries, city halls etc

I am sorry, I can't read

He Rick Rolled us!

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You just get two COVID vaccinations instead, should kind of work the same

Wrinkly people are nightmare fuel apparently

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I forgot the brand name that is now operating in old DrMartens boot factories in GB. Those are apparently good

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Thank you for the tip, Mr Business Man!

Reminds me of that: here

I think this this explains a good chunk of the behavior

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I imagine a lot of boredom (besides staying alive), helps finding out stuff. I can also imagine, that they had basic roles in a group, where people were designated "mess around with stuff and discover things, aka proto scientists"

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It was tho

That's actually a nice idea, if it's, as you said, user readable in eg. CPU-Z

Thanks! I make sure to use the package manager, even, as of now, I'm not 100% what that means but I will find out

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"this never happened before!"

Calculating the armpit area with a high enough n should yield a gaussian distributing around the center of mass of the baguette, which usually is located at l/2, assuming a uniform shape and density.

Life pro tip, never eat the middle part of a baguette in France

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They are getting paid via "exposure"

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They were busy jamming the European airspace