Iran challenges Biden, declares Antarctica its property to politics – 54 points –
Iran challenges Biden, claims land ownership: Report

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They do know that Antarctica isn't any one countries' territory and their claim will just be ignored, right? And any enforcement of their so called claim will likely have a multi national response of "like da fuck you do".

I'd like to see them attempt to take and fortify the continent of Antarctica. That would be fun.

There are already several overlapping claims on various areas of Antarctica.

Kinda the point. Countries have claims but there isn't any real teeth to any of those claims. There aren't border gaurds and there isn't a military presence that would be able to do much. If Iranians tried the countries that have research stations would definitely remind them of the Antarctic Treaty.

Well there's two teeth: carrier groups and long range bombers. In general folks keep it civil down there

Partly, I assume, because nature is decidedly incivil.