Iran challenges Biden, declares Antarctica its property to politics – 54 points –
Iran challenges Biden, claims land ownership: Report

They do know that Antarctica isn't any one countries' territory and their claim will just be ignored, right? And any enforcement of their so called claim will likely have a multi national response of "like da fuck you do".

I'd like to see them attempt to take and fortify the continent of Antarctica. That would be fun.

There are already several overlapping claims on various areas of Antarctica.

Kinda the point. Countries have claims but there isn't any real teeth to any of those claims. There aren't border gaurds and there isn't a military presence that would be able to do much. If Iranians tried the countries that have research stations would definitely remind them of the Antarctic Treaty.

Well there's two teeth: carrier groups and long range bombers. In general folks keep it civil down there

Partly, I assume, because nature is decidedly incivil.

I too declare Antarctica my property. Especially these random coordinates I choose: -80.1484550, 34.3151495.

Literally nothing about "challenging Biden." Pure clickbait title.

Would be interesting to see what happens if they try (the fact that Russia doesn't have a base there should be an omen), and it will be interesting to see if the other several countries who signed the Antarctic Treaty will have anything to say about this.

Either way, this seems like a blatant exercise in FAFO.

I don't see why they can't build a scientific base there, and the treaty doesn't seem to preclude it.

No idea what they're thinking on the military angle. Everything is hard in Antarctica, let alone military operations. They really going to spend the money and R&D?

Anyway, it's just a flex, but truly a weird one.

The article is stupid, but the European treaty signatories to defend Europe barely do anything but demand money from the US

Shit, who told them about the Stargate?

I declare Japan as mine. That is a direct threat to Iran. You guys pissed yet? Want to start WW III?

Yeah right. Might as well claim moon and mars while they‘re at it.

They didn't just say it, they declared it. Let's pack up boys!

Do they even have warships that will make it to Antarctica to establish their claim? Also what are they going to do when half the world's major navies send some real warships to dispute said claim?

How does it go? "Speak loudly and carry a small stick?"

And the moon is my property.

You only have the rights you can defend, including property rights.

I think The NORTH WIND will be able to take care of this. Promotional image from the movie “Penguins of Madigascar” with the characters who make up the north wind”

They were banned from the southern hemisphere after the south Georgia and south sandwich islands incident.

Does anyone know whether Antarctica is, in fact, the property of Iran? Maybe it broke off them and dropped down there? I'd like to hear them out.

Yeah and when they get there they'll... They'll... Oh yeah put up a big "NO BIDEN" sign! Gottem!