24 Post – 1741 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am trying to focus on posting source documents, as opposed to someone else's reporting on source documents.

No, I'm sure that's a "silent majority" of users who support everything that Reddit The Company does banding together to stamp out the minority of noisy rabble-rousers. /s

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Private business, police are not a protected class, the end.

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Also a pastor, "shot himself in front of police during a welfare check." It also appears that his wife was aware and involved with the hobby (not with the suicide), presumably in a supporting way.

I may disagree very strongly with this guy's politics, but fuck the assholes who make this shameful.

@Poutinetown quotes from the article:

... even though it does not appear [Copeland] had taken any public positions against LGBTQ issues that could be construed as hypocritical.

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That's because your IT department hasn't turned all that crap off with group policy.

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Ashcroft: "Are you scared of the truth?"

Sanchez: "Oh, I am not terrified of the truth at all, seems like you might be."

You need to watch those clips in the Xitter link. Sanchez is on fucking fire and does not let up.

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Somebody is going to have to die in order for nothing to continue happening.

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McCaul went on to call the tactics despicable and added, “If this is the level of my party, I think it’s in the gutter and we need to get out of the gutter right now.”

Hey, McCaul - you can get out of the gutter any time you want. If that is the level of your party, and you continue to carry water for them you are complicit.

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The tastiest part here: Violation of the Georgia RICO Act carries a minimum five year prison term. If you are convicted of racketeering in Georgia, you are going to prison.

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DeSantis claims to have violated the United States Constitution.

Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

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During a break in the trial, Trump vented his anger, saying, “The government lied… They didn’t reveal all the evidence that made me totally innocent of anything that they say.”

So your defense attorneys certainly will, right? And you'll be completely exonerated, right?

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The only thing a supervisor should be saying to "I need to take time off to address personal health concerns," is "Take as much time as you need, your health is most important."

The only thing a supervisor should be saying to "I fainted, and my doctor has put me on medical leave," is "Take as much time as you need, your health is most important."

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Important points:

  • Yesterday, Jordan received 200 of the necessary 217 votes.
  • Today, Jordan received 199 of the necessary 217 votes.
  • Some of the people who didn't vote for Jordan yesterday voted for him today; some of the people who voted for Jordan yesterday didn't vote for him today.
  • Ha ha
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14th Amendment to the US Constitution, Section 3:

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This does not require judicial input. The language is clear. Trump is, along with many co-defendants, disqualified from holding any civil or military office.

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People who choose not to watch ads are far more likely to not spend money based on ads. I know that when I see the same crappy ads over and over, yeah, I remember the name of the product, and I remind myself every time never to buy it. I'm more likely to buy from that seller if I don't see their ads.

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That's because Trump was trying to use the Justice Department to forward his own interests, so he assumes that any other president does/did the same thing.

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You know what people who operate legitimate investigations don't do? They don't announce on Fox Business that they're going to subpoena the president's family, and possibly the president himself.

Seems the AI got the article wrong on the first pass:

Carleton reportedly made disparaging remarks before opening fire with a handgun.

No, the victim was not armed, and did not make disparaging remarks before opening fire.

According to police, a man opened fire after making disparaging remarks.

That's what's in the article now.

The rest of the article:

“Finally, during my conversation with (the student) regarding the dance party, the subject of religious beliefs was broached by (the student) and myself,” St. Pierre wrote. “While that conversation was meant with the best intentions, I do understand it is not my responsibility to determine what students’ or others’ religious beliefs may be – that should be the responsibility of the individual.”

The student and her mother said St. Pierre brought up religion, not her. The mother and daughter have also said the deadline for her scholarship application was on Oct. 3, and questioned whether St. Pierre could have reinstated his scholarship endorsement sooner, The Advocate reported.

In a statement Monday, district officials said St. Pierre had requested to take leave for the remainder of the school year.

“Walker High School Principal Jason St. Pierre has requested to take leave for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year,” said Livingston Parish Public Schools Superintendent Joe Murphy. “The district office is awaiting his paperwork to process his request.”

Fuck this guy for bringing his religion into school administration, and infringing this student's 1A rights with it. Hopefully his leave will become a resignation.

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They're going to be violent; it's only a matter of when, how much, and for how long. Kicking the can down the road puts "when" further away by making "how much" and "for how long" much worse.

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Ninety-one. Accuracy is important.

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"It's so unfair that my own words can be written down for posterity!"

Tell me she doesn't know that just because you've edited a Wikipedia page, that the previous version still exists, and is likely to draw attention and discussion because of your edits.

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Republicans would not have it. “Hunter Biden is trying to play by his own rules instead of following the rules required of everyone else,” Comer wrote in a statement. “That won’t stand with House Republicans.”

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

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DePape said Tuesday he went to the couple’s home to talk to the former Speaker about alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and that he planned to wear a costume and post his interrogation of her online. He claimed he was looking for the former Speaker and other targets to confess to their corruption.
DePape’s attorneys have argued the charges do not fit as he was not trying to go after Nancy Pelosi because of her official duties.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this guy's attorneys are wrong.

Issue 2, legalizing recreational marijuana for people over 21, is also projected to pass.

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I feel like it's worth mentioning here:


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You know how "If you see someone stealing food, no you didn't"?

If you're on a jury where the defendant is accused of killing a Nazi, not guilty. Jury nullification.

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Literal fascists.

For everyone who only read the title, a couple of Russian TLDs were no longer available in DNS. That's a far cry from "internet offline."

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Houchin said Gardner accidentally shot a child in the shoulder. They were taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening.

Also, it was a blank, so the kid doesn't have a bullet hole. None of this excuses wielding a firearm irresponsibly in a crowd of people, and I'll take "Trigger discipline" for $200, Alex. Just wanted to bring to the fore that the kid will be okay.

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I followed the link to ShitSocial so you didn't have to:

I wanted to testify on Monday, despite the fact that I already testified successfully, answering all questions having to do with the Fake, No Victims, No Jury lawsuit, thrown at me by the Corrupt Racist A.G., Letitia James, and presided over by a Trump hating judge who suffers from a massive case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and is a puppet for the CROOKED A.G. Anyway, the Judge, Arthur Engoron, put a GAG ORDER on me, even when I testify, totally taking away my constitutional right to defend myself. We are appealing, but how would you like to be a witness and not be allowed free snd honest speech. THE TRIAL IS RIGGED. I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!

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The ability to open a car door mechanically, from both inside and outside, should always be obvious, without having to find any instructions.

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Didn't he also talk about how "all those J6 people were treated very badly" and he would "look into" pardoning Enrique Tarrio and others?

Tarrio was convicted of seditious conspiracy.

18 U.S.C. § 2384 states:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Suggesting the possibility of a pardon for someone convicted of seditious conspiracy is "giving aid or comfort to the enemies [of the US Constitution]."

Trump is ineligible to hold office, per the 14th Amendment, Section Three.

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Let's just stop and take in that headline.

The Speaker of the House of Represenatives, whose job is to lead the House, worked with the House to prevent a government shutdown, ... and that creates a threat that he will be removed from the Speakership??

What the actual fuck.

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If Meta is running a fediverse instance, they're doing it for money. Sure, I might be able to block Meta-sourced content from reaching me, but that doesn't prevent me-sourced content from reaching Meta - where they can monetize it.

Show me how to do that, and I'm on it like white on rice.

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Dude is having a series of small strokes right in front of the entire world. If this is happening multiple times in front of cameras, imagine how often it's happening off camera.

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They think they already understood.

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I bet they're daring the platform to ban them, so they can go "Hey ... you're not trying to silence your political rivals, are you?"

Refusing to certify the election results should immediately disqualify one from becoming Speaker. It should disqualify one from holding any elected office.

It won't do either.

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Wow, and it's literally just "If you're using Firefox, wait five seconds."

It's because they are literal fascists.

Yeah, I've said it a bunch of times. Gonna keep saying it, because it's true.

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