The Cult Runs Deep: Nearly 3 in 4 Trump Voters Say Indictments Are a ‘Reason’ to Support Him

USA to politics – 401 points –

Many voters supporting the former president also rated him as more truthful than their own friends and family


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It's because they are literal fascists.

Yeah, I've said it a bunch of times. Gonna keep saying it, because it's true.

Are you ready for the people who don't understand what fascism is to tell you that you've got it wrong?

It blows my mind that people can't accept that the Nazis had the same enemies that the Christian Nationalists do today: sexual, religious, and ethnic minorities & leftists. It's not a coincidence, it's a plan.

It’s the way history is taught in the US. We gloss over any wrong-doing by US leaders, whitewash American history while discussing pretty openly the failings of other states and forms of government…US educated children are (and I mean this word…literally) LITERALLY brainwashed into thinking that things like the vague concept of “fascism” existing only in Germany in the 30s-40s. If it’s not actual swastikas and red flags on every street corner with Jews being rounded up and killed by the millions…then it can’t be fascism.

Our education system is severely lacking in a lot of ways, but not knowing how to put history in proper context while explaining how everything that’s happened has led to today and the exact conditions we are in now is one of its gravest failures.

Not to mention, painting capitalism—a system that breeds people to viciously live in spite of others—as infallible and the final and only answer. That’s another horrible heavy dose of indoctrination that is just treated as a given.

Are you ready for the people who don’t understand what fascism is to tell you that you’ve got it wrong?
