
11 Post – 707 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Proud anti-fascist & bird-person

They're a bunch of degenerates who think the country belongs to them alone.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6:24

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The code states that "male students' hair will not extend, at any time, below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes" CNN previously reported.

Is this school stuck in 1959?

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Hollonbeck admitted to his actions and said he was "afraid for his daughter's safety and didn't know who she was with or that she had left without permission," according to the report.

Oh, well if he didn't know then it's perfectly understandable to point a gun at an underpaid taxi driver.

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So perfect that it happened when he was asked about running for reelection; the ads write themselves.

And before anyone condemns me for lack of empathy: the world would be a better place without McConnell in power. Also, fuck him.

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The full quote is much more enlightening IMO:

What I’m asking you to do is to say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.

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Ted Cruz is a lickspittle traitor who blamed his daughters for his leaving the State during an emergency and tried his hardest to overthrow the government.

Nothing would make me happier than to throw him out of office kicking and screaming on his wolf-scrotum-looking face.

And that's the nicest thing I can say about him.

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So he eventually realized that he wasn't winning a popularity contest with the people who were looking to hang him. It really shouldn't have taken this long.

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A conservative Christian group abusing children? Now I've heard everything!

How many drag queens were on staff?

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“If I knew then what I knew now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-challenges. I look back on this experience with deep remorse,” Ellis said, her voice breaking at times.

What she knows now is that the coup wouldn't succeed and she would be liable for her part in a treasonous plot to overthrow the democratically elected candidate.

IOW: "I'm sorry I got caught."

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My best friend has a young daughter with a genetic disability that will dramatically affect her for her entire life. She had a stroke a few months ago that scared the whole family, thinking there would be more complications to her condition. Furthermore, my friend works part-time and her husband works full-time so that she can be there for her daughter and help her grow up.

Texas Medicaid kicked her off during this round of purges, and my friend has spent countless hours trying to get her daughter reinstated (one person from TXMED finally said it was a data-entry error that caused the loss in coverage).

Fuck Republicans and everyone who voted for them. Society is about caring for the most vulnerable, and they've broken the social contact.

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We used to bust up monopolies in this country; about time that tradition made a comeback.

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Fascist movements use conservative "moral" judgement and their disgust at minority sexualities as a tool to control their ideological enemies.

It's why they hate birth control and abortion so much: they allow women to control their own lives and have a career. The Nazis also had a program to drive women out of the workforce so that men didn't have to compete with them.

It's not a coincidence; it's a plan.

This guy seems like a loser. Sure you want to run him, GOP?

Guess the fascism is more important to them.

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Bru has been representing himself with an attorney on standby. He has spewed anti-government rhetoric that appears to be inspired by the sovereign citizen movement. At the start of the hearing, Bru demanded that the judge and a prosecutor turn over five years of their financial records.

Just to make it perfectly clear that this guy is an imbecile.

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His campaign should get rid of that DeSantis guy, he seems like a lot of dead weight.

Man, it must suck to feel vulnerable like that.

By which I mean the women stripped of their reproductive freedoms.

The Republicans can eat a salty bag of dog balls marinated in phlegm.

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So glad these cynical, opportunistic ghouls are getting exposed as the know-nothing, do-nothing parasites that they are.

I just wish the people who needed to hear it most would listen once in a while. Not that they would change their votes...

The woman, referred to as “Witness 1” in an FBI affidavit, previously recalled how a bit of “comically minimal ego-stroking” on her part led to Taake and other Jan. 6 participants giving up information about their activities during that attack.

“I felt a bit of ‘civic duty,’ I guess, but truthfully, I was mostly just mad and thinking, ‘F--- these guys,’” the woman, who spoke anonymously for fear of online reprisal, said. The men wanted to “regurgitate” the lies they heard from prominent Republicans about the 2020 presidential election, she said.

That woman is an American hero.

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Don't forget to support the instance! They don't sell your data or inundate you with ads, so throw some cash their way to keep non-corporate social media alive!

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She put my recent thoughts into words: they simply can NOT admit that they were wrong about Trump, especially since they've curated their new identity around him.

After all, many sacrificed their family life on the altar of Trump. If you make a stand for bigotry that's so rancid it drives your kids to sever contact, you have to believe it's in service of something higher or else come to grips with your own moral failings. I know which one I believe is more likely.

It's the rotten core of the anti-intellectual ideology that the right has been pushing for decades.

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It's not that they got hurt.

It's that fascism is an engine of hatred that burns minorities for power.

Think about bullies: they aren't attacking people who hurt them; they're attacking people to make themselves seem dominant.

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Worrell had been on house arrest after court records show he complained about the treatment at the Washington D.C. jail. The federal judge allowed him to await sentencing while on house arrest.

Maybe stop treating right-wing terrorist extremists with kid-gloves?

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Trump just can't stand having to follow the same rules as everyone else.

Habba called the judge’s ruling “insanely prejudicial” and the judge soon afterward cut her off, saying he would “hear no further argument on it.”

Habba told the judge: “I will not be spoken to that way, your honor.” When she mentioned the funeral again, the judge responded: “It’s denied. Sit down. Bring in the jury.”

So... she would be spoken to that way.

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In illustration of that point:

Only one of my ten Nazi friends saw Nazism as we—you and I—saw it in any respect. This was Hildebrandt, the teacher. And even he then believed, and still believes, in part of its program and practice, “the democratic part.” The other nine, decent, hard-working, ordinarily intelligent and honest men, did not know before 1933 that Nazism was evil. They did not know between 1933 and 1945 that it was evil. And they do not know it now. None of them ever knew, or now knows, Nazism as we knew and know it; and they lived under it, served it, and, indeed, made it.

As we know Nazism, it was a naked, total tyranny which degraded its adherents and enslaved its opponents and adherents alike; terrorism and terror in daily life, private and public; brute personal and mob injustice at every level of association; a flank attack upon God and a frontal attack upon the worth of the human person and the rights which that worth implies. These nine ordinary Germans knew it absolutely otherwise, and they still know it otherwise. If our view of National Socialism is a little simple, so is theirs. An autocracy? Yes, of course, an autocracy, as in the fabled days of “the golden time” our parents knew. But a tyranny, as you Americans use the term? Nonsense.

When I asked Herr Wedekind, the baker, why he had believed in National Socialism, he said, “Because it promised to solve the unemployment problem. And it did. But I never imagined what it would lead to. Nobody did.” I thought I had struck pay dirt, and I said, “What do you mean, ‘what it would lead to,’ Herr Wedekind?” “War,” he said. “Nobody ever imagined it would lead to war.”

The evil of National Socialism began on September 1, 1939; and that was my friend the baker.

Remember—none of these nine Germans had ever traveled abroad (except in war); none had ever known or talked with a foreigner or read the foreign press; none ever wanted to listen to the foreign radio when it was legal to do so, and none (except, oddly enough, the policeman) listened to it when it was illegal. They were as uninterested in the outside world as their contemporaries in France—or America. None of them ever heard anything bad about the Nazi regime except, as they believed, from Germany’s enemies, and Germany’s enemies were theirs. “Everything the Russians and the Americans said about us,” said Cabinetmaker Klingelhöfer, “they now say about each other.”

Men think first of the lives they lead and the things they see; and not, among the things they see, of the extraordinary sights, but of the sights which meet them in their daily rounds. The lives of my nine friends—and even of the tenth, the teacher—were lightened and brightened by National Socialism as they knew it. And they look back at it now—nine of them, certainly—as the best time of their lives; for what are men’s lives? There were jobs and job security, summer camps for the children and the Hitler Jugend to keep them off the streets. What does a mother want to know? She wants to know where her children are, and with whom, and what they are doing. In those days she knew or thought she did; what difference does it make? So things went better at home, and when things go better at home, and on the job, what more does a husband and father want to know? The best time of their lives.

There were wonderful ten-dollar holiday trips for the family in the “Strength through Joy” program, to Norway in the summer and Spain in the winter, for people who had never dreamed of a real holiday trip at home or abroad. And in Kronenberg “nobody” (nobody my friends knew) went cold, nobody went hungry, nobody went ill and uncared for. For whom do men know? They know people of their own neighborhood, of their own station and occupation, of their own political (or nonpolitical) views, of their own religion and race. All the blessings of the New Order, advertised everywhere, reached “everybody.”

There were horrors, too, but these were advertised nowhere, reached “nobody.” Once in a while (and only once in a while) a single crusading or sensation-mongering newspaper in America exposes the inhuman conditions of the local county jail; but none of my friends had ever read such a newspaper when there were such in Germany (far fewer there than here), and now there were none. None of the horrors impinged upon the day-to-day lives of my ten friends or was ever called to their attention. There was “some sort of trouble” on the streets of Kronenberg as one or another of my friends was passing by on a couple of occasions, but the police dispersed the crowd and there was nothing in the local paper. You and I leave “some sort of trouble on the streets” to the police; so did my friends in Kronenberg.

  • They Thought They Were Free- The Germans, 1933-45
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Musk was reportedly motivated to foil the attack out of concern that a strike on Crimea would constitute a “mini-Pearl Harbor” and lead to Russia retaliating with nuclear weapons

So glad the blue-checks get to dictate our foreign policy now.

What was all that DoD money for? A suggestion box?

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Really Kev?

Please go on about how impossible it is to work with incorrigible dipshits who don't care about functioning government.

That must be so hard to deal with! Their refusal to negotiate in good faith must be soooo infuriating, huh Kev? It must be so frustrating to try and get a deal done and then have legislative arsonists burn the whole fuggin' thing down.

Right Kevin?!

LMAO! Not buying your shitty product isn't blackmail, drama queen.

Or am I blackmailing McDonald's by not eating their burgers?

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More reactionary stupidity based on a curated reality.

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Of course. Hawley is a traitorous coward.

Republicans would rather tank the country than pass good law under a Democratic president.

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Nationalizing the satellites that we paid for as a national security asset sure seems reasonable here, seeing as he likely broke a contract when he disabled them.

Imagine if Lockheed disabled an allied F16's targeting computer during a mission; there would be hell to pay.

In fact, there's substantial evidence that progressives may put an even higher value on opposing corruption than their more moderate colleagues. For instance, progressives like Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania were among the first to call for the resignation of Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., after his recent indictment on bribery and corruption charges. This isn't just about political progressives also being people of conscience. I think they understand how intertwined corruption and authoritarian politics are, and understand you can't fight one without fighting the other.

Authoritarians like Trump gain power by exploiting public cynicism. The more that voters believe that all politicians cheat the system, the more decent citizens will give up engaging meaningfully in politics at all. Eventually, the only people left in politics are the ones with no vision of a better world beyond a bitter desire to stick it to racial minorities, LGBTQ people and women. Getting people to believe in equal justice and functional government is a necessary prerequisite if folks like Fetterman and Ocasio-Cortez are to make any progress on the social and economic issues that matter most to them. It makes sense that AOC opened the door for the massive lawsuit that may bring Donald Trump's business empire crashing down. Maybe the main reason she's not taking more credit for that is that in the here and now she's busy trying to expose the corruption of House Republicans.

A well-written article and a fantastic response to the "wHaT hAvE pRoGrEsSiVeS aCcOmPlIShEd" concern trolling from centrists.

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But he was the leader of the SWAT team in question, and before their white, unmarked cargo van drove down Lake Street that night, Bittell told the unit, “Alright, we’re rolling down Lake Street. The first f***ers we see, we’re just hammering ’em with 40s” — referring to 40mm launchers or rounds, or rubber bullets.

Earlier that night, Bittell punctured the tires of vehicles, instructing his officers to puncture two tires because people could easily change one flat tire.

These scumbag authoritarian assholes play "war" against their fellow citizens because they get off on being above the law.

And the bootlickers still think the problem is people protesting this abuse of power.

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Some of those critics this week highlighted social media posts of Katherine Maher, NPR’s CEO, praising Democrats, calling President Trump a racist and promoting progressive ideas.

Why are they criticizing her for calling a loud-and-proud racist a racist? Because it hurts their feelings?

Sounds like they're telling on themselves.

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But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

-1 Timothy 2:12

This is why I hate the "these aren't real Christians" no-true-Scotsman dismissals.

The Bible is a toxic book full of misogyny and racism. Sure it has some good stuff in there, but when the founder of Christianity* is so clear about his thoughts on the subjugation of women then these are Christians following the teachings of their religion.

Christianity is only compatible with the modern world when it is so diluted by humanism that it would be unrecognizable by its founder; that's why reactionaries are working to change the world instead of updating their morality. They want power over people, and enforcing their backwards ideology is their path forward.

* And Paul was the founder of the religion; Jesus didn't expect the world to last longer than the lives of his disciples

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"Non-human biologics" could mean anything from pollen in the air to aerosolized chimpanzee to Gragnak from the planet Xeltav's big clawtoe.

Wake me up when we get something more than wishful thinking, conspiracy nonsense, and credulous reports.

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Doesn't yet endorse Donald Trump.

Nearly every Republican is a fascist coward, either by playing with plausible deniability or by being loud and proud about it.

I can count the exceptions on one hand. I'll be drop-dead surprised if she doesn't end up telling people to vote for that battered and fermented butterscotch-colored turd.

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Hey, Justice dumbass:

Change "homosexual" to "Catholic," and I bet you can see the problem really fuckin' quickly.

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I'd love for rules to start applying to Republicans.

But I won't hold my breath.