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Joined 1 years ago

“Outlaw,” which is a fucking incredible name for a police commissioner, is really just saying the quiet part out loud. “It’s very difficult when the details of a case change, and change in such a public way.” Like…difficult for who, you fucking monster?


This isn’t about the individual murders. Of course it is, but in the larger sense, how the fuck can these fuckers just keep perjuring themselves, and then when they get found out just paint the issue as, “oh, well, we are working to get the details straight.” MOTHERFUCKER, YOU ARE THE ONES OBSCURING THE GODDAMN DETAILS.

God fuckin dammit this is so incredibly fucked up. This is so, so, SO clearly a fucking system-wide problem. It’s not just the trigger happy cops. It’s the entire policing concept, it’s the entire concept of hierarchy, it’s legally protected murderers and liars and—honestly, just some fuckin assholes. No one should have this power. Yet here we are trying to figure out how to continue the problematic part without the ultra problematic part.

Right? The first few days I was worried it just wouldn’t be the same, but the slower upload of content here has made me browse when I want to without over browsing endlessly. The less active comment sections means I can interact with more people without being buried…it’s just better. And I’m excited to see it grow

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Lol not to mention the “SM” trademark logo down there absolutely will not stop people from just copy/pasting this jpeg onto their scams en masse lol

This is literally a boon for trump scammers. Embed that stupid ass photo onto your scam site, watch the money roll in. This helps the scammers, if anything.

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Insane. Fucking disgusting.

They didn’t include it in the article, but this fuckin “good squad” was called to the place because “two black men were staying with a white woman.” Thats was the call.

Who the fuck made that call? They obviously knew this type of outcome was likely, because that’s not fucking illegal. No one makes that call without knowing these types of fucking scum would be responding. So where the fuck is that indictment.

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Because that’s their data. You can’t go deleting it. You’re the product, friend. My baby powder doesn’t get to decide it doesn’t want to go between my buttcheeks

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Not to mention, so I can stop seeing pictures of him, pressing his fingertips together in front of his face like he’s some fucking pensive genius. I’m goddamn tired of it

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I’m really fuckin loving getting to watch this war being waged on Reddit from Lemmy. I was really worried that, on the first, all of the protests would peter and those of us pissed about it would be gone and things would just even out for the company. Love to see it still being fought, and more dirty than ever.

I mean…this is the same thing they’ve been saying for years. That’s the “point of no return,” because the warming is exponential. Decades, they’ve been saying this.

But, here comes the new fucking DIRECTOR OF THE U.N.’S CLIMATE EXPERTS saying, “1.5c warming is not the end of the world.”

He said that shit, like, last week. We really do need to put the workforce into building guillotines. The world needs some guillotin’ing.

He added: “Nevertheless, we should not despair and fall into a state of shock when the world exceeds 1.5 degrees.

“Every action we take to mitigate climate change helps. Climate protection is always cheaper and protects people from the dramatic consequences of global warming. This is all the more true if we have exceeded the Paris climate target.

“The world won’t end if it gets more than 1.5 degrees warmer. However, it will be a more dangerous world. Countries will struggle with many problems, there will be social tensions.

“And yet this is not an existential threat to humanity. Even with 1.5 degrees of warming, we will not die out.”

The context for this is that he thinks the “doom” coming from climate alarmists will paralyze people.

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My worry now, as a bunch of us leave Reddit (the “non-social media” social media site that gave us all some internet community without the horribleness of FB/IG, etc), is that now that these companies have cornered their “gateways to the internet,” there is no wrenching them back. Whether we like it or not, the bulk of people are…well, kinda stupid. They like reality TV and don’t fast forward through commercials and they watch big bang theory and never question if companies’ existences are a net positive. They just take them as a given.

Americans in particular seem to be pretty guilty of this, because our lifestyle lends itself to being spoon fed. It’s easier, makes life simpler…it’s just “the way things are done.” So while I’m hoping this is the beginning of us taking the internet back…I just find it hard to grasp onto any hope for big, positive change. I just feel like we’ve been beaten into submission and as the planet burns to a crisp, capitalism is just gripping the reigns tighter than ever because they know this should be about the time that people start to buck. But…we just don’t. I think even they’re surprised.

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Amazon is definitely the one behind this. This is all part of their “vertical integration” bullshit I bet. They’ve been taking tons of money off the top for years. Where to go besides taking 100% of the money?

“Company builds entire business model on tricking consumers and overcharging for basic flight needs”

Now let’s do every single airline for operating like fucking organized crime and gouging people for using the previously free space built into the fucking plane. The entire industry is out of fucking date and needs to be done away with

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If he only said it the first time, I’d agree with you that it’s possible. But he said it, and then said it again more clearly. I’m sorry, but you can’t chalk this up to “he didn’t understand/hear.” If it were really loud there, even, and he said it twice, maybe you’d have a point. But it was not very loud where they were standing.

Not to mention, he had the context of the conversation they were having. He was trying to goad them into spouting their rhetoric. There’s no way, given the context, the volume of the area, the fact that he said it twice…I’m sorry, you can’t buy his bullshit back peddling.

I think exactly what they’d hope would happen has happened: create a controversy to become the new OAN. I, for sure, had never heard of “far right news” or whatever the fuck the name of that “network” was.

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I don’t dream of labor

That’s troubling. I’ve been playing the shit out of both GTA V and RDR 2 because they have the two best campaigns I’ve ever played. Especially RDR2. It was unique in its trajectory, in its beats…I really hope the follow ups, (however many years down the road those might be) won’t be affected too much by this. The writing made those games what they are.

I haven’t played baldurs gate, but I’ve been seeing a lot about it, mostly positive. Interesting, the news about that company. Being successful doesn’t usually call for a massive shakeup. But that’s capitalism for you. Fuck the workers, squeeze more out of those you keep. Classic.

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Poll: 21% of Americans are dumber than previously thought

Although, on Reddit we were always talking about musk and Twitter. Dumpster fires when the AIC (asshole in charge) deserves the harm coming to their profits and their website, it’s newsworthy and juicy content.

Although I do agree that it will slow to a trickle and then eventually stop. Not because the content stops being interesting to us, but because reffit will ultimately probably win in the end, they’re IPO will be profitable, they’ll continue down this enshittification road until FB make a Reddit competitor and then everyone that didn’t care about the API thing because they were too busy watching reruns of the Big Bang theory will move there. It’s the circle of tech life, eventually fb will own the internet

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Exactly. We’ve also been saying that burning coal was destroying the climate, and then we said CFCs were destroying the ozone, and then we said massive deforestation is ruining the climate…doesn’t make any of them less true just because we’ve said similar beings about less efficient means of destruction.

Or just…say “fuck that” and avoid this entirely pointless addition to the social mediasphere. Simple as.

Painting with an incredibly broad brush here

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Long story short, it’s a 1:15 pros/cons

Does it mean I’m old if I hate both

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Exactly. Until we put either the heaviest lid on capitalism (never going to happen) or upend the system entirely, UBI will “drive inflation,” meaning we’ll still make the same (or probably somehow less) at our jobs while the UBI money literally just keeps everything at the same affordability. There is no world in which business doesn’t just go after that money. We saw very recently, with the flimsiest of excuses, capitalists will claim “inflation” while pocketing record profits. They’ll do the exact same if UBI is implemented without some massive changes to capitalism.

Burn it all down. Anyone that still has hopes for fixes that maintain the capitalist system are fooling themselves. We have no other options at this point. It’s either we do it now, or wait until capitalism and the devastating effects of climate change force our hand. At least if we do it now, at our own discretion, we might be able to throw the emergency-emergency brakes on climate change. Otherwise, companies and the capitalists that run them will absolutely watch us all fry from their self-sustaining pod homes that are built in the upper atmosphere to keep the temperature bearable and to stay above the devastating weather events. And they’ll do it without thinking twice.

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It’s just as dumb as believing in “partial birth” abortions which…I mean…come on. If only these people had the capacity to think about it for two seconds.

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Same in American!

Honestly, any user or mod that sticks around Reddit after this entire thing…I just don’t get. How can you be so disregarded, have your opinion so thoroughly dismissed, and then just keep creating content and driving traffic to the company? Fuck capitalism, but fuck reddit in this particular instance.

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I mean, I get what both of you are saying, but I’d argue that the phrase “power corrupts” still applies here.

It’s a feedback loop of being above the law that feeds into these police gangs (like the one in Texas, I believe, that were called because “two black men are staying with a white woman.” The gang went over and sexually assaulted and then pulled the trigger of a gun they shoved in one of the two guys’ mouth. They literally pulled the “let’s sprinkle a little crack on ‘em and get out of here” move. They said it was a drug deal gone wrong—yes, they planted drugs.)

These guys push each other to test the limits of their power abuse further and further. Just like 4chan users tried to one-up each other’s shocking memes and shit, these groups of cops try to out-“badass” each other.

So I do think that their power plays a part in this. Of course the power didn’t make them racist pedophiles, but—especially in Germany, they got a taste of getting away with things people never get away with, and they explore those things. In Germany, sharing and displaying swastikas is illegal. So, I think the taste of untouchability that comes with being a cop definitely fed into their sharing and espousing these views.

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Your fiancée is a lizard?

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I always thought a scary amount of undetected “guerilla marketing” was invading Reddit. And I’m convinced bots were ginning up conversation in the comment sections of those Reddit posts. And bots were downvoting me when I cried manipulation. And all those voices I always hear were very against me.

And here I thought I was crazy.

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But it’s also topical news. There are interesting hints happening, newsworthy things. And the news is relevant to the wider world, not just one of us

In a text, Walters, who has previously pushed a conspiracy theory that schools had installed litter boxes in classrooms to accommodate children who identified as cats, said “the media is twisting” his remarks.

A hilarious and purposefully ironic phrasing that is an absolutely brutal and hilarious takedown of this clown.

It’s like getting a divorce, paying a ton of money in legal fees (as well as your wife paying a bunch), and then getting back together and trying to sue your wife’s lawyers because that money she spent is your joint money again. What a dumbass

I think the dumbing effect it’s having on us as a society might even stop us from ever having realizations like his ever again though

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Wait, bing is Nazi too?!?

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Yes, definitely! I wonder what that is. Because I definitely engage way more with the actual content, reading full articles, actually opening articles…on Reddit, I was so angry with myself because I wouldn’t actually read the shit. Which was very unlike me. Very odd

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Plus, I know some SHITTY parents who don’t consider their kids much at all. Why don’t we limit the vote to good parents who can prove they love their children by sacrificing themselves for their kids in a simulated environment? I mean, this is the future! VR voting compassion-for-your-children tests. Elon loooves futurestuff

Important query: is that lion wearing shorts?

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Nah I’m good

Goddamn, that cop got cake

If that’s true (link broken), that’s the saddest, most pathetic, try-hard response I could’ve imagined lol

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No, one is an uppercase “I” while the other is a lowercase “L.” lI — you can see the difference when you compare it to the nearby “h.”