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Joined 1 years ago

You're saying this now but they're on course to leave the left in the dust and are likely to compete with greens in terms of members and votes by election sunday next year.

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Other countries already struggle to find use for the masses of panels china has been shipping in the last couple of months. They need to be approved, bought and installed first and there simply isn‘t enough personnel for that. There are already more panels sitting in EU ports than countries could realistically install in a year.

It was already a huge privacy risk before, though.

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These freaks took a Clockwork Orange for a manual.

But how do you integrate a subscription fee into analog doors? You can‘t enshitify that!!

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As it was mentioned earlier that would be wildly unpopular.

ICQ shut down yesterday and it was relatively small to begin with so I‘m afraid Google will be around for decades to come and possibly outlive most or even all of us.

Stampede is the most common cause of death for backpack tourists in Australia. It may tempting to jump fences for a little shortcut, but many cows do not tolerate home invaders.

Please don‘t call it an eco-region just because these eco wrecking saudis do.

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Crazy how self regulation always winds up like this. By crazy I mean predictable of course.

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  1. There’s a reject all button on every cookie banner.

Most importantly, those banners should be streamiled to look the same at the very least. No highlighing "ACCEPT ALL" while graying out "reject all" nonsense. No swapping the buttons left and right, top to bottom trickery. I'd prefer if the browser takes care of it all, though. I'm already using a plugin for that, though it comes with draw backs.

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Mind you those are (at least some of) the guys that killed animation and comedy sketches on youtube because they made it necessary for videos to be 10+ minutes long to be relevant.

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Soon the only content left on Youtube will be AI generated ads for Ponzi schemes.

This exact method is how Microsoft became a giant in the first place. They've been doing it for longer than I live and they'll likely outlive me doing it.

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Worth noting that BG3 was Larian‘s effort through and through. They took the initiative and asked for permission from Bioware to make another Baldur‘s Gate game and as far as I know that wasn‘t even the first time they asked. So finally after they got permission, they also had to compensate Bioware and WotC generously for the use of their IPs. It‘s kind of a rights nightmare where Larian took several big risks while WotC could just lean back and watch. And of course after BG3’s massive success, Hasbro think they struck gold when their own official DnD game is the complete opposite of BG3 in terms of monetization, popularity and critical acclaim.

So, everything considered we shouldn‘t expect greatness from this. Honestly I would be surprised if we ever actually get official announcements with working titles from half of these games before they get shut down early in production and I would be more surprised to see even a quarter of them come to life.

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We just have to look at how much the CEO and COO paid themselves last year to know the whole thing is just a huge grift.

This is what anti NATO sentiment gets you. It‘s not like China just started supporting Russia‘s invasion. They‘ve been working together from the very start and quite openly. But after Trump‘s rambling they now feel confident enough to show it plainly at a UN meeting.

I mean just late last year, Xi met with Biden in a historic visit, promising more cooperation and it took Trump a couple of minutes to reverse these efforts. Not like Xi could‘ve been trusted, but there was at least hope he could somewhat be contained, China being highly dependent on global relations and all. That‘s off the table now. Looks like we got another crazy dictator on the loose now.

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Most of the execs never tried their hands on a game including this one. They genuinely have no idea about the industry and thought they had a hit game on their hands based on a trailer or something. It‘s truly baffling yet so typical.

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Tell me it's a silly opinion, but I don't care about arbitrary stock news and I think they don't belong in a place like c/technology. Even when it's about the two biggest tech giants. I would like to discuss Apple's AI if they ever have anything to show for it but until then it's just hot air like their emission pledges.

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I remember when Bill Gates was the richest person on the planet with $45 billion total and it was covered in all the news. Things have gone more out of control than anyone could’ve imagined.

Expecting a lot of these kinds of headlines to follow the next couple of months.

One gripe I have with this video is that he said the situation at the unity office - namely the supposed death threat by an employee against their employer - was "understandable". It absolutely isn't understandable. No matter how shitty your tech CEO is, unless they happily throw puppies into a wood chipper in the office, death threats are definitely not understandable.

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It‘s exactly this dangerous mindset that‘s riding us in some AI service hellhole. Too many super talented developers have told themselves exactly that instead of standing up for their principles or even allowing themselves to have principles in the first place.

Only recently have they started leaving companies like OpenAI and taking a stance because they‘re actually seeing what their creation is used for and with how little care for human life it‘s been handled.

Of course many critics knew this was headed towards military contracts and complete Enshittification. It was plain to see OpenAI founders aren‘t the good guys but „someone else would do it anyway“ kept the underlings happy. This deterministic fallacy is also why anyone still works for Meta or Google. It‘s a really lazy excuse.

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I remember it already being a thing 5 years ago with upvote/downvote buttons, karma and everything. I guess they just removed the abyssmally small grey text that said something like 'paid ad' in a corner?

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I almost want to believe they legitimately do not know nor care they‘re committing a gigantic data and labour heist but the truth is they know exactly what they‘re doing and they rub it under our noses.

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Reminds me of the time Nintendo reported a Pokemon fan artist to authorities and they sent the japanese equivalent of a swat team, traumatising the young woman for life. Fuck the big N.

Yeah right. Because senators who rally against gun safety laws and are generally OK with kids being shot at school are so concerned about safety.

They‘re turning the internet into a mutated form of free TV. You only get to see what they want you to see and there are ads around every corner.

Of course the goal is to make you switch to a mutated form of pay TV. You still only get to see what they want you to see but there‘s a bigger pool of crap now.

To put it bluntly: After they cornered the market, they‘re killing the internet.

I think it‘s less of a really smart person and more of a very knowledgeable person with an inflated ego so you take everything they say with a grain of salt. Useful nonetheless.

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You would think space engineers would‘ve run those numbers before sending tens of thousands of them in orbit. It‘s really annoying that we can only hope for the best at this point.

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GPT thinks

No, it doesn‘t.

I get that record sessions are a huge hassle and simply paying VAs per AI-generated voice line is easier for everyone, but it somehow makes Paradox look a little careless to me.

Stories like these also set a precident. This is what voice 'acting' will be like for a moment before it becomes effectively eliminated because voice libraries will become diverse enough quickly and there will be no need for a single more voice actor to be included. It seems like VAs are basically forced to sell their voice to AI companies quickly to at least make a quick buck before they never get a job again.

There's probably no stopping it, but that made this read all the more frustrating to me.

Election year in the US and EU while Russia is invading a neighbor and China possibly preparing to do the same. There couldn‘t have been a worse time for LLMs to be so accessible, capable and fairly unregulated. The perfect conditions to make this year the worst for internet content we‘ve ever seen. By a landslide. We will look at the last 10 years and feel nostalgic on how good these years were with their little bot armies, cute clickbait and adorable fake news.

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Who cares if people talk about it when it‘s doomed to either become an unlivable hellscape or more likely never see completion because it‘s utterly infeasible? They destroy a huge area, waste billions and worst of all throw many lives into a meat grinder just to get some clout by the dumbest idiots on the planet. In the end of the day more people will dislike and look down on them for this moronic project that many knew would never work.

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We're talking about high rise buildings with cardboard mixed into the concrete that collapse within less than 5 years in many many cases. They often don't have plumbing or electricity as they are only constructed to get people to invest in property, not to live in them. US citizens really don't know how much regulations and their enforcement are doing for them.

This is the Brussels effect at work, everyone.

'pay for privacy' is a hoax and I don't even think Facebook has ever refered to their premium plan as such. It's just a really shitty adblocker that they excpect people to pay for. Your data will still be tracked and processed as normal. It was only media that claimed it had anything to do with privacy in the first place.

Because corporations and politicians always keep their vows.

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Well considering the last price hike got us gems like the music 8-ball/magic crystal thing, I can barely wait to see what banger they'll come up with to bloat my music player with next.

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I get that direct comparisons to Pokémon might seem too surface level to someone who has played both. But let’s not beat around the bush: People have been begging GameFreak for something like this for years now. And I don‘t mean the guns, but everything else, really. There‘s a reason so many Pokémon mods are made for these type of games anyway. Really, players couldn‘t have been more obvious about what they wanted all these years.

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