
25 Post – 1098 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Asking me to give them profit so that they can donate is so obviously pretentious.

It's a way for them to have their cake and eat it too.

They use the desire of people to buy something they want and think they did a good thing at the same time, while the business will just take that money to donate to a non-profit (helping their public image) while writing off a part of it on their tax records (helping their bottom line).

They're not doing this from the bottom of their heart, it's just a cost of doing business for gaining some PR karma.

Talk about kicking someone when already down..

Isn't that considered Stolen Valor?

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And why they solder the RAM, or even worse make it part of the SoC.

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It's beyond dangerous to the GOP to have a successful and educated society that isn't crumbling under debts.

I usually stick to 1080p medium for movies and TV shows I want to rewatch, 720p for the stuff I'll watch once.

For movies I try to stick to a 2-5GB filesize, and TV shows between 200-400MB per episode.

Any company trying to use the HDMI-CEC protocol in such a subversive manner should lose their license to the HDMI standard IMO.

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I'll keep using Firefox and be extremely vocal about websites that won't support it. I mean that's all I can really do.

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DisplayPort is superior anyway.

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Skinner Out Of Touch Meme: Are the AI using toouch energy? Nah, must be the weak energy sources.

Optimizing power consumption? Why?!

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That sounds like the government is trying to interfere with free speech and the free market.

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As an ex-redditor, my only reaction is kekw

To avoid that label, he could, like.. not mass murder the people of Gaza.

Would be nice if there were some actual alternatives about the same price range and not using proprietary softwares..

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Russia had a total standing military of approximately 900,000 active-duty troops

Of the 360,000 troops that entered Ukraine, including contract and conscript personnel, Russia has lost 315,000 on the battlefield, according to the assessment.

So roughly 87.5% of the initial troops was lost, like the article said so that checks out.

900,000 - 315,000 still means 585,000 troops remaining, and that's outside the conscription efforts.

Russia has announced plans to increase the size of the armed forces to 1.5 million.

Still a considerable force, as long as the supply chain is able to back it up.

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Let's ban any ads targeted towards kids.

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At what time do you normally start drinking?

They're really set on decimating their voter base.

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Cute how she's being likely being paid under the table by some lobbyists that benefits from said non-compete agreements. And even if not under the table, it's likely under the form of campain contributions, etc. Politics and capitalism mixed together brings the worst in both.

Nobody in their right mind would elect to veto something giving more rights to the working class without having some personal interests on the line.

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The Mod Helper Program is a tiered system that awards helpful moderators with trophies and flairs. Reddit users accrue karma by receiving upvotes and awards, and lose karma if they receive downvotes. The program rewards moderators who receive upvotes on comments in r/ModSupport.

lmao my sides, they're giving stickers and shit like at elementary school

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And it's easy to share your server with friends and relatives so that they don't have to go through the same process to watch these shows.

I was sharing my Netflix account with my mom and dad, now that I can't without paying more, I just pulled the plug on that subscription and add the shows they want to my server.

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I'm all in for the return of actual game expansions.

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Users don't care if Lemmy or the Fediverse is more "free" or which technical features are superior to what Reddit offers.

Most users want a place to find content and basically doomscroll. You want users that will submit new content, not just lurkers. So in order to attract people here, the best way to do so is to submit new content.

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Until the dust has settled, and there are a significant amount of pull request and contributions, I'm not considering this as an actual fork, it's just a repo mirror, on GitHub, which can be taken down at any moment.

They want to advertise that their stuff is "cloud enabled", while offering the shittiest service possible and putting as many roadblocks as possible to minimize its use.

Having people use their services efficiently is increasing their cloud services bill, can't have that.

Personally, I've restrained myself from buying into IoT, and if I'm going to do so, I'll make sure it can be controlled locally without depending on a cloud service, and through a hub I can fully control. I need to be able to disconnect my modem and operate everything even if the WAN is down.

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  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@lemmy.world (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@lemdro.id (modlog)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@lemmy.ca (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@reddthat.com (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@startrek.website (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@lemmy.dbzer0.com (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@lemm.ee (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@sopuli.xyz (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@geddit.social (modlog)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@sh.itjust.works (modlog, banned)
  • /u/Bungiefan_ak@literature.cafe (modlog, was denied entry by chad admin @gabe@literature.cafe lmao)

There's likely going to be more

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Oh no, more space that could be transformed into housing.

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The thing is they don't need a one-off donation, they need a stable revenue stream. Can't plan for the future if the financials are uncertain or bleak..

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Anakin Padme 4 Panel Meme: It's rust, right?

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From the modlog

Banned @soviettaters@lemmy.world
reason: Let us help you

That is petty and thin-skinned af lmao

EDIT 1: Account has been unbanned sitewide

EDIT 2: Banned from !lemmyworld@lemmy.world instead, for "trolling" \_(ツ)_/¯

At least there is a public modlog for accountability on Lemmy

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Even more frustrating when the question is closed as a duplicate because someone asked a similar question many years ago and the answers are no longer relevant today.

We need to keep there old answers for historicap reasons, but we more importantly need useful and up-to-date answers to be available on top.

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A law is a strong as its enforcement. Without enforcement, it's just political posturing.

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Dammit, don't tell HR..

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I'm okay with Mozilla trying to diversify their source of incomes, as long as it's focused on privacy. Firefox Relay is a great example of a paid service that helps preserving some privacy and I gladly pay for it.

I hope they'll make more privacy-focused optional services like that. If it helps paying for Firefox continued development while detaching from Google then it's a good idea.

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Good Guy California getting rid of pay-to-win subscription for air travel.

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Fake, there's no way the sysadmin wouldn't throw the HR rep who signed the policy under the bus (without some CYA documentation prior).

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More users will lead to a more diverse range of opinions, and groups will more fiercely fight for what they think is right when they feel validated in the comments feedback.

The pains of a growing platform.

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The missing part is that the user with a 4090 complaining had a CPU from 2017 🥴

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