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A digital citizen

The comment was a “complete joke” and the study was made-up, the Minneapolis mayor’s office told Fortune

Ah yes the typical "what? It was just a joke, why's everyone mad at me?" reaction to saying something only an asshole would say, fuck this guy. So sorry rich people are going to make less money off of their real estate investments, boo fucking hoo, how about adapting to technological and cultural changes better? 🤷‍♂️

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Recently had an argument with my conservative father, he's always been big into Trek and Wars, and I had just started really watching Trek again, never watched a lot of the shows all the way through. So this father of mine started going on about how woke Trek was now, and I just lost it on him, I just get so tired of the "anti-woke" nonsense and he just finds some way to insert it into every conversation. So I was like "oh no, not woke Star Trek, the series about a socialist utopia, the series that holds the title of "the American show with the first interracial kiss", the show where Kirk throws his dick at every species with a quim, the show that had a Ruskie character in the middle of the f'n Red Scare." Star Trek was always woke, and my father was always too dumb, racially biased, and narcissistic to pick up on the lessons that they were trying to teach us when he watched it as a child in the 60's.

I have not even tried to bring up Star Wars since the Disney acquisition, I'm sure my father has an insufferable take on that series now as well.

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Alan Ritchson pls don't stop giving me reasons to love you, lol.

This dude is definitely my favorite Hollywood rising star.

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Why tf do out of touch executives and managers always think that we want to make friends at work? I don't really care to know any of my coworkers, I just want to do my job in a professional manner, get paid well for it, and then either go home or close the laptop and leave my home office.

Also the only creativity that the office gives me is how to creatively get around the Internet restrictions they place on us, or how to creatively appear to be working when there's nothing to do.

If I wanted to make friends I'd go to a bar or something else that adults do together in groups, like bowling leagues.

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Nah instead Stalin just killed 6 million+ Russians, in Soviet Russia you don't need gulag when you have bullet.

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Indictments don't count for shit without guilty verdicts and seeing the orange asshole behind bars, and I'm not even a doomer about this, I believe it'll happen, but claiming victory before winning is always folly, just ask Trump.

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Whomp whomp, now time for his little ass to run back home to Florida to continue to make our state worse, fuck DeSantis.

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They didn't "Swarm" anything, they threatened the lady governor en masse under the cover of darkness like the pussies they usually are, maintaining that thin veneer of legality so that the governor can't go after them.

Now the Nazi punks are acting like they're the KKK to a sitting governor, time to start curb stomping some Nazis kids, before they come to curbstomp the rest of us.

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It absolutely has a lot to do with Right wing/Republican propaganda, California, Chicago, and New York represent everything they hate so they constantly use both states and that city as negative talking points.

One point they constantly make is that New York City is a crime riddled hellhole, meanwhile NYC has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire country, and one of the lowest murder rates, it's just a massive city with a massive population and everyone there has cameras so when stuff happens it goes viral. Also the Red States tend to have much higher crime and murder rates.

All in all this is usual conservative/right wing tactics, they constantly want to isolate and segregate themselves from other ideas, and aren't afraid to take over where other people live to exclude the people already living there. This is why Idaho, Texas, Florida, and Utah have similar campaigns about "don't California my state" and by "California" they mean don't bring your "liberal/socialist/Communist/woke/progressive/democratic" outlook to their states, because they don't want to be responsible for cleaning up the racism and various other problems that the red states seem to have adopted as their identities.

Also I know quite a few conservative Californians and New Yorkers that recently moved to Texas and Florida, and as conservative as they thought they were they actually talk about moving back to where they came from because of how it is in their new states, except for the fact that they moved to the new states because they can afford so much more than what they could in California.

Overall my point is, if you consume right wing media then you are conditioned to hate blue states, and particularly those blue states are Cali, NY, and the city of Chicago as well as DC, I'm not saying these places are without flaws, but I am saying that the propaganda and disinformation about those places has amplified the hate towards those places and their residents.

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Oh shit, new Klanned Karenhood just dropped!

So I guess 'Mom's for Liberty' had to start the rebranding process after getting caught quoting Hitler?

Mama Bear Rising, fuck this Sarah Palin sounding bullshit.

"such demonic images"

Lady it's a skeleton wearing a hoodie, are all skeletons demonic to you?

Fundies are fucking weird.

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Sounds like the newspaper was investigating the police chief and the chief in turn violated their rights and caused the 98 yr old co-owner to die in the process:

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Could be worse OP, could be a movie about the North Koreans successfully invading America, you know, North Korea, a country that barely has a navy and who's Air Force is mostly old Migs from several decades ago, a country who starts threatening their neighbors whenever their food supply runs low because their chubby leader eats too much while the rest of the country is at famine levels of hunger.

At least the original version of the movie was against the Russians while they were a super power.

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Motherfucker wants a police state, but one he and his buddies are totally not accountable in, fuck this geriatric wannabe dictator.

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So the town basically hired a gang of thugs to be their police while they extort travelers in their jurisdiction, sounds like a 70's or later action movie/show like Dukes of Hazzard, Billy Jack, or Rambo.

Hopefully the main character shows up and kicks all of their asses and we all get a happy ending. (Meanwhile in reality they will just keep getting away with it because of the way Texas is ran and qualified immunity)

Great, just what we needed, more billionaires...

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Aww gee didn't hear her complaining when it didn't effect her, she's been kissing Trump's ass this entire time.

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So let me get this straight, if I, living in Florida, ever found a fire ant free spot to lay down and relax in a park, I'll be harassed by cops now? Or is this just for the "shittier" neighborhoods? What about people at the beach?

The current governor and Florida legislature are a bunch of mean spirited bigoted buffoons.

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This feels like one of those right wing memes that could go either way, but let's break it down like this Uncle Ben and Aunt Jamima are both domestic servants, do you think that's an appropriate mascot for a company? Do you think black folks want them as some of their oldest icons?

Land of lakes also has a stereotypically dressed native woman who probably wouldn't dress like that at all even back in the day.

I get that most people couldn't give a shit either way but when you use your brain to think about how messed up presumably white owned companies are for using slaves and genocided people as their logos or mascots is pretty fucked.

But hey you're not here for an insightful discussion, you're here to get those hate clicks.

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How about that Russian company that is Mike's top campaign contributors?

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We fucked around, now we're going to start finding out.

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This is just a step to eliminating rape as a crime, they'll find some way to justify as "for the babies", the GOP are completely garbage people.

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Watching the actual Daily Show interview would probably be more helpful than this article was:

It was a really good interview, Lina Khan was essentially a guest that Apple TV had blacklisted from Jon's now cancelled show, they break down some of the ways the Tech Robber Barons have been undermining regulations and laws, while making boatloads of money and manipulating the stock market. They then go into some of Jon's issues with Apple, his former employer, and why they had Lina Khan blacklisted as a guest on Jon's now cancelled show, and after hearing her speak I can see why, she's smart, and knows the topic well, and has some good ideas on how to fix some of the issues we have with regulating and controlling not just tech, but all out of control businesses. Then they discuss AI, how corporate leadership is going to fuck workers over completely using AI, and how AI is currently just a bunch of bullshit being used as an excuse to take our jobs and pay us less.

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I thought this trailer looked fantastic, I don't know what the rest of you all are smoking. As a fallout fan it was more than enough to get me excited for the series, also Walton Goggins as a ghoul chefs kiss.

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We should spread new elon death rumors and make what happened more and more embarrassing with each telling.

Edit: I love all of these already, lol

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It's definitely not just their votes running kids off, it's their shitty attitudes and small ignorant minds.

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The King of Jordan has been a long standing US ally, and one of the most stable partners in the region.

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Investigators have identified the remains as Kawsheen Gelzer, a 40-year-old registered sex offender who was arrested for sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy in 2004, according to court documents.

Gelzer is a known drug dealer who went missing after visiting Stines and her husband, Nicholas McGee, law enforcement sources said. He may have died during an ongoing narcotics dispute with the couple.

NY Daily News is the best major newspaper in the city, and way more details than OP's article.

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Sen. Jason Brodeur, R-Sanford, sponsored the legislation in the Florida Senate. Rep. Spencer Roach, R-North Fort Myers, sponsored the House version of the bill and said it brings "parity" among elected officials.

Also sponsored by Republicans, voted for by a state Congress with a Republican super majority, I'd love to know what the catch is, but it's definitely a law that should be everywhere, public servants should always have transparency to prevent corruption and as the sponsor said "bring parity" to local elections.

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"Everything I don't like is woke, or a psyop, or SJW, or liberal, or socialist, or..."

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LGBTQ Republicans be like: "but we're the good ones right? Right??"

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These mofos always looking for excuses to hunt people, especially minorities.

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This state is being ran by trash people, same as the rest of the red states.

Edit: All of you getting excited to see Florida get destroyed can fuck right off, normal people who don't vote for conservatives live here too, grow tf up and stop treating these things like it's team sports. The GOP is the problem, not some random citizens of the states they hold hostage.

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Love how people always jump straight to drugs, but there's a variety of mental illnesses both permanent and temporary that could cause a mother to do this.

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Because of capitalism and the US oil and car industry.

James O'Keefe and Project Veritas have to be some of the biggest scumbags in political disinformation and hoaxes, yet the damage is done and millions of right wing idiots and their biases believe every claim without a second thought.


Project Veritas, founded in 2010, identifies itself as a news organization. It is best known for conducting hidden camera stings that have embarrassed news outlets, labor organizations and Democratic politicians.

ABC News burying the lede here by not mentioning that they're embarrassing these people but purposefully editing those "sting videos" while also manufacturing evidence and paying off people to say they are witnesses while not actually being witnesses to anything.

Anybody paying attention to American politics should be made well aware of these clowns and their attempts to help usher in American fascism:

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This isn't a surprise, Meta's VP of public policy is literally one of Roger Stone's Brooks brothers rioters.

Hey MAGA Christians, this is what antichrist shit looks like, maybe it's time to realize you're backing the wrong golden calf.