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Joined 1 years ago

Nah, they'll just blame Muslims or immigrants or something fucking stupid, they're not intelligent people.

Stop expecting them to care about being hypocrites. You can't embarrass these types of people into acting like a proper person.

You know he couldn't math that himself.

19 more...

QUBGG, easy.

Arachnids win.

Fucking dig into him until he rage quits the interview, then show that on the news. Stop asking soft questions and letting them get away with lies. Reporters these days are becoming as guilty as the media themselves allowing these assholes to lie constantly and not calling them out immediately. Make them squirm and be accountable!

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How in 2024 do we not have the ability to find and prosecute offenders of false 911 calls like this?

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"Sexual affairs with a 17yo" aka Statutory Rape.

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These nut jobs are so disconnected from reality, thinking telling people a story about killing your own innocent dog will make you look tough.

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Without a future or desire to live, why would we have kids? Why are we listening to an 80 year old male virgin in a dress who represents a fairy tale and participated in covering up the rapes of children around the world?

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And women are worthless stay-at-home breed mares to them so I guess they should get a new Governor.

PS I'd pay good money to watch Britney Griner kick his ass.

In 2023, how are these threats not immediately traceable and punished? Even burner phones have to be registered these days, right?

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"it'S uP to tHe stAtEs"

"When I'm president, I'll make those states not be able to choose" -Tim Scott, black man for president who thinks his party doesn't call him that word behind closed doors.

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Not really, it's been well known he's fucked kids for almost 30 years.

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Must be nice to have your taxes pay for something useful instead of guns and war like us.

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Duh. Now can we do something about it?

It's New York, he has to post the 83M before he can appeal in a civil case. They don't let deadbeats waste their court time.

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Shouldn't he have to die first? Naming places after living people is a terrible idea, what happens if he gets charged with rape/fraud/assault/tax evasion/election manipulation? We might think less of him...

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His only vision past 2024 will be three white walls and a steel door. Our whole lives aren't about hating you Cheeto, you committed treason.

You're forgetting that not only did he look, while squinting without protective glasses, twice, at the eclipse, he also pointed at it with arm and finger to aid others in locating the sun.

"We have to get over it" - Cheeto Benito

I'm more scared most politicians believe or claim a religion when the population doesn't. How can I trust you to govern me when you believe in magical bearded men threatening you from the clouds?

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The word is hanged, but I wouldn't expect a politician to remember or pass 7th grade English. Pornstars are hung, traitors are hanged.

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Punch him back, lesson learned. Bet the old fuck won't hit someone again afterwards.

Perfect censorship

The Earth is the true victim of our dick waving contests.

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And were followed to wherever they parked their mom's cars, and were shot, thrown in a pile, and burned, as is customary with Nazis and Fascists right?

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Always have money for war and bloodshed

This is how Equifax was "hacked". They had a remote server with those credentials, which someone used to steal all our info. Equifax paid like $10 per person in fines and said "teehee our bad".

I can never tell what the shrink factor on his face is

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TIL Gawd makes bullets fly with the shell still attached

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I'd kill for velcro steel toe leather work boots, I hate tying such long laces.

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We should send their children to a house of god to be sodomized by trusted leaders instead!

Poor person just trying to live their life and educate kids.

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"Trumpsters are not fascists"? Ah I forgot when all of the other candidates supporters threatened to kill people who don't vote the way they do.

I work 10 hour days, 5 days a week to make enough to barely save a small retirement, that maybe some day I'll use before dying. I don't care to see any of these people on TV congratulating themselves on a Tuesday. I will vote Democrat for the forseeable future because of sanity, but my disengagement is hardly measureable.

I will not yield an inch further away from safe, accessible, affordable, legal abortions for all women for any reason at any time. We have no common ground to argue.

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I vote all blue in a very red district and county, what else can I do? They're too stupid to understand how dangerous their red vote is, and there is no changing their minds.

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Loving home with two dads? Never! Throw the kid back in the orphanage, fuck that little bastard.