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The truth is that Trump has done more for conservative causes than any president prior. He installed the far right justices that have toppled Roe v Wade and affirmative action. He enacted things like the Muslim travel bans. In short, either they know he's a scumbag and don't care because he gets results, or they don't believe their own lyin' eyes because look at the results he produces. It's all about the bottom line, and the ends justify the means.

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I wouldn't say there's a norm, everyone varies. What would probably help a bunch is some sort of validation for how that fight sucked for the other person, no matter who's right or wrong.

"Hey, I'm sorry we fought. I hate it and I know you do too. I don't ever mean to make you feel bad. I love you and want us to be ok. Is there anything else you need me to understand?"

In case anyone forgot, ACAB

Does anyone think the officers who did this are going to face legal consequences? Does anyone think they feel a shred of remorse for what they did? Does anyone think that after they come back from their paid leave that any of their fellow officers are going to speak out against their return?


ACAB. Fuck them all.

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Fuck these counter-protestors. I hope the reporters press charges. It really seems like the majority of the violence is started by the counter-protestors, but apparently this is what Zionism is all about.

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But God forbid you kneel during the anthem...

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Holy shit I can't imagine the sheer terror. One second you're just doing your normal work commute, the next you just fell a hundred feet into freezing water. Without reacting immediately you're probably trapped in your car from the water pressure. Shit shit shit

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A kid with his whole life in front of him is dead because some wannabe cop decided it was his duty to guard the parking lot that nobody asked him to guard.

And the icing on the cake: he did this while his own son was in martial arts class. Now this asshat is likely going to prison (there's witnesses and video surveillance and he's not a cop so he will get some kind of prison time) and his own son is going to miss out on having his dad in his life.

This country has a fucking problem. We sold our soul to capitalism and this is what happens. There's no hope for meaningful legislation. Any systemic reform that might hurt an industry with enough money has no hope.

But hey, thoughts and prayers, and all that bullshit



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Streisand effect in 3...2...1...

I have lived in Texas my whole life. My knee jerk reaction is no, absolutely not.

First off, what part of Texas?Texas is a huge state with several metro areas, smaller cities, and lots of rural areas. Eas h has their own quirks.

There are parts of Texas that are so racist that POCs shouldn't drive there at night. There are parts that are as progressive as any other metro area in America (at least within the limitations of the state government). There are parts that are essentially artist communes. Texas is huge and diverse. No one viewpoint can capture it all.

I feel bad for the people who didn't vote for this guy, but are stuck there and have to pay the price for these shitty decisions.

Also, let's not forget that DeSantis can't do anything unilaterally. A whole legislature made this possible.

Imagine saying this at a Civil Rights sit-in in the 60s

I can't read "secret tunnel" without hearing the song from The Last Airbender

Girl Scouts USA has always been a completely separate organization with no affiliation to Boy Scouts of America

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Well they already tried suing them when they began accepting girls and changed their name the first time to Scouts BSA, but that didn't work. But truthfully the two organizations have different missions and methods.

Historically, a lot of girls who joined GSUSA thinking it was going to be Boy Scouts for girls were disappointed and would leave. GSUSA is more about empowering girls through community engagement and exploring careers. Yes there can also be camping, hiking, etc but these are more or less optional components, up to each troop to integrate. Rank advancement is based on age and grade level, while awards are based on merit.

Boy Scouts is much more focused on outdoor skills and citizenship. These are integrated into the program in that advancement in rank is based solely on merit and demonstrating proficiency with these skills. You can spend six years in Boy Scouts and never make it past Tenderfoot.

So for girls who want more emphasis on the outdoors built into their program, Scouting America would be the better option. For those that want more flexibility and are less outdoorsy, GSUSA is still an option. Both are good programs. I have kids in both. There are some things I like better about GSUSA and some I like more in Boy Scouts. I think Boy Scouts is a more challenging program overall, but GSUSA's Gold Award is way more challenging to achieve than an Eagle project. I definitely prefer GSUSA not having a religious requirement.

Both programs will continue to adapt and change. Both have been experiencing declines in membership for decades anyway, so there's bigger problems that they're facing.

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Arcane. Hands down 10/10 on practically every possible metric, but the thing that really got me was the way they portray trauma and the subsequent impact on mental health. I work with folks who have experienced trauma and I thought this was one of the best depictions of the aftermath I had ever seen in media.

Also, this is a perfect depiction of a Greek tragedy, in the sense that everything ends in tragedy not despite, but because of everyone's best intentions. As the story unfolds you understand everyone's motivations and they all make sense. There's no perfectly good or bad characters, just a lot of people doing the best they can with the cards they were dealt.

"Bartender, give me the darkest BBC you've got. And keep 'em coming, I want a steady stream of BBC going down my throat.

Did I mention that my wife loves BBC? Go ahead and give her two, she loves to double-fist 'em."

You're right. Unfortunately it wasn't Palestine that attacked Israel, it was Hamas.

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Exactly. You know who else felt blindsided?

A narcissistic collective intent on shit-stirring for lulz, immune to logic or any sense of morality? Suddenly Star Trek TNG makes a lot more sense

Therapists have a wide variety of personal beliefs and professional opinions. They're people just like anyone else in any other field.

Unfortunately even well-meaning therapists can do a lot of harm when they forget to take a non-judgmental stance and just be curious about their clients.

Just curious, what are his reasons for not wanting to upgrade?


In the US there's the saying "you can't squeeze water from a stone"

I declare... BANKRUPTCY!!!

I wish there didn't have to be any reading between the lines. They're sooo close...

I am in the US so I don't know much about the UK specifically, but generally speaking I would think about starting small and working your way up.

For example, in the US there are many state or national parks that offer campsites where you could rent a basic cabin so you don't have to worry about a tent. Or you could get a site with a covered pavilion with tables and benches so you don't have to worry about seating or shade. Many have built in charcoal grills and fire pits. I would also recommend you start with somewhere that has access to plumbing and maybe even electricity for your first few go rounds.

There are also privately owned parks that cater to the "glamping" crowd where you can have access to a fancier cabin and other amenities like swimming pools, sports equipment, etc.

As far as camping equipment I would highly recommend you start off buying used gear. Good equipment can be pricey because it is meant to last, and you are not even sure if this is something you're going to stick with yet. Try out some used gear and see what you like and don't like about it. If you decide to stick with this you can always invest in better gear later. The basics should include a sleeping bag, tent, and maybe a propane stove. There are many things you probably already have or can make do with something. For example you don't need to go buy specialty camping cookware when you can just bring a pan and utensils from home. You don't need a backpack unless you plan to do some actual backpacking; a trunk or duffel bag is fine if you're driving into your site.

Anyway, hope this helps! Enjoy your journey!

Thanks! I think that's my first Lemmy Best Of!

I don't agree with their religion and they shouldn't have even been there. But to say that they were tourists is unfair. They were full-time missionaries. They (sadly) dedicated their lives to spreading their religion. They also probably tried to help meet basic needs like food, shelter, etc.

Religion is complicated and this was a preventable tragedy.

Cries in Gorsuch

Here's a good discussion on why you should vary your news sources along with some charts to show how sources vary and specific examples given. Maybe you can find what you're looking for in there.

The point isn't about whether or not social media is bad for kids. The point is about the hypocrisy of a political party that is willing to minimize the legal and social consequences of parents opting to not vaccinate their kids, arguing that it is up to the parents even though it clearly has health risks to other people that the unvaccinated kids come into contact with, but then say that the state has a moral obligation to protect kids from the harms of social media regardless of how the parents feel about it.

While generally speaking, no, social media is not great for kids, there are some who can handle it responsibly. It's a clear case of how parental discretion should be used. But the state is removing that option. Vaccinations and herd immunity, on the other hand, have a century or so of evidence and the risks of not being vaccinated are clearly demonstrable, but consequences like no access to public schools are disappearing. The internal logic isn't there, it's all just pandering to an idiotic political base.