Judge temporarily bars removal of Confederate monument from Arlington National Cemetery

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 127 points –
Judge temporarily bars removal of Confederate monument from Arlington National Cemetery

A federal judge on Monday temporarily barred the removal of a memorial to Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery after a push from a citizens group and some GOP lawmakers.

The temporary restraining order, issued by U.S. District Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. in Alexandra, Va., comes just one day after a group called Defend Arlington, which is affiliated with a group called Save Southern Heritage Florida, filed a suit against the Department of Defense seeking a restraining order against the memorial’s removal.

It is set to expire at 5 p.m. Wednesday following an expected hearing Wednesday morning.


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Fucking racists bawling like babies because their valorization of traitors is going to be removed.

I don't know a single other country that has monuments to the losing side of a civil war.

They still view the South as righteous. In Texas growing up I had history teachers refer to it as the war of northern aggression

I heard it referred to as "the war between the states," and that was at a deeply conservative religious private school.

Deliberately miseducating children is reprehensible behavior.

Which states rights? The right to do what, exactly?

Yeah even as a kid I found this whole “fundamental disagreement about how to run a state” argument to be nonsense

To keep slaves is the simple answer. More nuanced is that the southern states seceded because several "non-slaveholding" states refuse to follow federal law and return escaped slaves and the federal government refused to enforce those laws. (a good call)

There were a bunch of issues wrapped up in the road to civil war, but they were almost all related to slavery.

Who can forget when the garrison at Fort Sumpter aggressively followed their orders by not leaving when ordered to by a group of people with no authority. Those yank soldiers were standing there, MENACINGLY!

Don’t ask me who shot first

My honors US history professor taught us the Civil War was all about trade. Well, yeah, that was certainly an important part, Northern industry vs. agrarian South. It was a huge part of the war, both how it started and how it played out.

By FFS, did the man never read the various states letters of succession?! Here go a few.

And seriously people, read those letters. Don't clap yourself on the back for regurgitating, "It was SLAVERY!" Come at it from a learned point of view or you're no better than anyone else talking shit.

I'll bet they all consider themselves "patriots" too... Maybe they are, just not for the country they live in.

For a country that had a shorter existence than Ghostbuster's cereal.

Hey now the Confederacy was at least 4 Santos's

Whose term in office was shorter than the recommended shelf life for coconut oil stored at room temp.

Do you mean the judge who halted this? Because he is black. You just as well could mean the locals, etc., though.

I don't have a comment either way.

I mean the "citizen's group", and the members of GOP. The Judge might not be complicit as they might just be exercising due process or extreme caution, but they do deserve the side eye.