
2 Post – 418 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

For those who didn’t read the article, voyager 1 is still sending and transmitting data. It’s stuck in a loop sending the same packets to Earth on repeat but it is receiving commands just fine. It’s not completely dark.

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Admittedly, most of the "Mostly Negative" Steam reviews seem to be reacting to the fact they exist at all, without considering whether they're actually critical to your progress in the game or not (for clarity, they are not).

I didn’t know we were only allowed to write reviews based on things critical to your progress. I didn’t know how many companions you have or what your character looks like weren’t critical. I bet if we searched even a little we’d find a RockPaperShotgun review of “non critical” game features.

What horseshit.

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It’s easy to blame working from home for this but the fact is that this happens all the time, and has happened even when everyone was in office. The problem is people breaking the law, not people not having to commute.

In this case this idiot seriously thought no one would notice. They did, he’s going to jail. The system worked. No reason to make this about anything other than his behavior.

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You fucking what

Oh god

Oh fuck I’m so old

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She’s being accused of…having sex with her husband lmfao

Now let’s cut to a montage of all the elected men who fucked around on their spouses and had no consequences

Sounds like a question a chat bot would ask to avert suspicion.

Advertisements for prescription medication

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We should still celebrate this. For decades the IRS has been committed to the mere appearance of tax enforcement. This signifies a significant investment in corporate enforcement and hopefully has a deterrent effect.

Case in point, in this situation Microsoft originally got the IRS’ approval for this tax scheme. Only after a change in leadership and strategy did the IRS investigate. Next time we at least have hope the IRS won’t approve these schemes in the first place. It’s not perfect but it’s progress.

Citation needed that LLMs are passing these tests like they’re nothing.

LLMs don’t have intelligence, they are sentence generators. Sometimes those sentences are correct, sometimes they’re gobbledygook.

For instance, they fabricate real-looking but nevertheless totally fake citations in research papers https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-41032-5

To your point we already know standardized tests are biased and poor tools to measure intelligence. Partly that’s because they don’t actually measure intelligence- they often measure rote knowledge. We don’t need LLMs to make that determination, we already can.

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He can’t respect her because she’s a sex worker and not because she’s a cop? Man talk about being right for the wrong reasons

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People here are far more likely to be anti-capitalist, anti-corporate, pro-privacy, etc. those groups all circle the same kind of Cory Doctorow/Matt Stoller/Luddite world where the word enshittification became popular.

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Video https://youtu.be/2H7D2lNAeeY

He’s backpedaling but it seems pretty clear that he was in agreement at the time

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I mean it’s called fortune not broke ass \s

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Excel has a bad UX for people who want to use it to make art

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But who hasn’t killed their citizens in a simple misunderstanding? Or, if that doesn’t work, America Also Bad! \s

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This doesn’t help you but may help others. I always run my updates and deletes as selects first, validate the results are what I want including their number and then change the select to delete, update, whatever

Just sit down

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Maybe don’t have a THOUSAND tabs

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In the US, many government workers are contractors, who are easier to fire. Full time employees of the government are less common, and as you said are harder to fire, get better benefits, etc.

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Anything by Ayn Rand. She’s a terrible author and most people are more interested in showing that they could have read The Fountainhead than actually reading that unfun, meandering garbage.

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“You don’t need to use us for payments but you still need to pay us for the payments we had nothing to do with” is perfectly monopolistic

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Yeah I got very sad when I saw the headline and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Voyager 1’s death will be far sadder than most public figures. Maybe any.

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Cookbooks are unironically great

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This feels like a reference to that article that dropped yesterday making the same claims based on nothing but anecdotes, suppositions, and Twitter threads.

The game is fun. If this is a scam then it’s doing far too much work trying to be a full game

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At least Zorg had a plan

The whole exchange between the ProtonMail person and the repo maintainer is wild. The maintainer is clearly grinding and axe and pretending we should thank them for it https://github.com/7c/fakefilter/issues/73#issuecomment-1785182508

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I mean I hate to say it but if steam closed up shop tomorrow your games are gone too. You buy a license, not a copy, from steam

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Mods and admins have enormous power to shape what can be discussed using comment moderation tools, bans, and promoted content. At the very least you should be aware of what potential biases an admin has that may inform how they moderate.

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They won’t, everything is working. Why would they spin “success?”

Technically only Congress can authorize a war. However, the president can and often will undertake “peacekeeping efforts” or “counterinsurgency operations” or “targeted strikes” without congressional approval.

Whether anyone could stop a president issuing an order is another question. The president is the commander in chief - the military reports to the president, not Congress. If the president tried to order the military to do something unconstitutional (like fight a war that was not authorized by Congress or, idk, overturn an election) then we’d be in a constitutional crisis. In such a crisis, either the military disobeys the president (which is unconstitutional) or the president violates separation of powers (which is unconstitutional)

The American system of government relies on three branches all participating in good faith. As soon as that stops, it all falls apart. Though government is just a series of rules and norms. Rules and norms won’t stop soldiers all the time.

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Because she’s liable too. He broke the law and implicated her in a crime.

That also doesn’t have anything to do with working from home. Insider trading based on information you gleaned from your spouse’s or friend’s or mom’s job has been happening for as long as the stock market has been in existence. Would the situation be different if she had been talking about how excited she was about this merger over dinner and he’d acted on that information? The burden is on him to not break the law, but employers will use stuff like this to stupidly argue against working from home.

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To cash out

It doesn’t improve ExxonMobil’s performance literally today, but it does when, you know, the world doesn’t end as fast. Literally “think beyond today”

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The problem isn’t that it’s pay to play, it’s that they already paid to play and they don’t want to pay again

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Gym Jordan? You mean the same Gym Jordan involved in the cover up of systematic sexual abuse in the Ohio State University system? That Gym Jordan?

Those things? Also bad.

Incredible that two things can simultaneously be shit, but it’s true.

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Nothing unites the republicans quite like a chance to kill Muslims

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Yeah and as we all know the second amendment has ALWAYS protected your right to openly carry guns in public \s

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What does this even mean? Am I OOL or is this just a deranged post with 4000 upvotes

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In a Bayesian sense this would be called updating your prior. You assume the wheel is truly random. After many observations that assumption seems not to hold so you adjust your prior probability that any given spin will land on black to be higher.