Black student at Hawaii Mormon school says he’s fighting order to cut hair to – 233 points –
Black student at Hawaii Mormon school says he’s fighting order to cut hair

Kanaan VyShonne Barton says he’s following all other school rules but shouldn’t have to cut his hair: ‘My locs represent strength’

A Black student at a Mormon university in Hawaii said he has been told by staff to cut his shoulder-length hair because it does not adhere to school policies, he said.

Kanaan VyShonne Barton, a student at Brigham Young University-Hawaii, told the Salt Lake Tribune he has been engaged in a battle with the school since September over the length of his hair, which he has refused to cut.

The university requires students to follow an “honor code”, which states hair should be “neatly trimmed”, although the code has no official guidance on length.


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What is with conservative groups and their weird fixation with hair length? It's not like its a historically set thing for men or women.

The best part is the Mormon depiction of Jesus has long flowing locks that go at least past his collar and a beard. The church promotes being clean shaven and a stereotypical military cut for boys.

Brigham Young had a long beard. Brigham Young would not be able to attend Brigham Young University because of the honor code about being clean shaven.

Conformity and control.

We’re all alike so I must be correct because everyone around me looks and believes like I do

Exactly. Just more cogs for the machinations of religion and capitalism.

The tale of Samson. It's always the tale of Samson.

Why, why why? Delilah!

I mean, it's been that way in many parts of the western world for hundreds of years.

So yeah. It has gone long enough to call it "historically", I'd say.

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