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Because they're a small company producing a niche product, so the scale they produce on is way smaller too. They also don't have a huge B2B branch to cover their other costs with, like HP, for example.

And it is actually sometimes more expensive to make something modular than not, just in manpower and testing alone, not even considering RnD and manufacturing. Also, they make less money in repairs or new devices, if the users can just easily repair the device themselves.

So unless they manage to stay in the business for a while and grow their customer base by quite a big amount, their prices will most likely stay the same. Personally I think that they're on a good path to getting there eventually.

I mean, you're obviously a sexy military mechanic woman, who goes into battle with fantasy battle armor and goes fishing as a hobby! Duh.

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Isn't Plex also slowly going down the shitter? Like, with their social features and stuff?

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For me, it depends on what they're promoting. If it's some crappy mobile game or crypto, I'm out. But I'm fine with the usual shit like energy drinks or VPNs. Like, those things usually have a serious business behind them, even if they might be useless for the vast majority of viewers.

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It's a little different with Netflix, because of what they started out as. With Youtube, I expected to be advertised to from the beginning, you know? I pay for Youtube Premium and use Sponsor Block to support the creators I watch while having a mostly ad free experience. Also, I just trust most of the creators that I watch to have my best interest in mind in terms of what they advertise.

But for Netflix, their whole thing from the beginning was that they were better TV. That's how they sold it to me. Now they're slowly losing their point. So I'd definitely not be alright with it if they started showing me ads on top of my subscription fee. Same with Prime Video, because I know they're experimenting with that.

I'm pretty sure they don't think it's wrong.

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I wonder if that will mean anything for David McBride's sentence. Probably not, because I assume the Australian government has ulterior motives behind bringing Assange home, especially with how corrupt it is in many places. But one can hope.

Yeah, that's sadly what a lot of companies do. Push it until people complain, then back off a little for a while and then push further once people are used to the status quo. Rinse and repeat.

Eric? Isn't his first name Guy?

Honestly, that's pretty close to what could've been if the Right to Repair act for cars didn't pass back when it did.

Lol, I love that article. The author clearly also thinks that Taylor and her goons are full of shit on this one. Like, it's public information provided by the FAA. Will they sue the FAA then?

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Damn, that's pretty cool. I myself hunt down zombies in my free time.

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Wow, this really says a lot about S O C I E T Y

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There are no women on the internet. Men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.

We should also hold their fans accountable for being mindless assholes. If some guy I watch on the internet tells me that he got a bad review, my first thought is not "I should send death threats to this reviewer". Like, that's not how a normal, semi well adjusted person behaves!

In other news: Reports of malware on home users' PCs spike in North Carolina and Montana.

The parents and the child were unvaccinated and the parents refused medication. I'd hazard a guess that they're on that anti-vax esoteric shit.

I was thinking of buying a Meta Quest 3, because of a lack of similar devices. I wasn't really seriously considering it, but I sure as hell am not at all now.

TV in the US is so weird. I mean, we've got all of that in Europe too (on some channels), but whenever I watch American TV, everything seems to be cranked up to 11. The aggressive of your news shows, the quantity of your advertisements, the weird rules from the middle ages (no swearing or nudity on certain channels), etc.

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Just like Google Search results. I don't even really notice those anymore because my brain ignores them automatically.

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You've never heard a positive word about Mr. Beast / Jimmy? I have, quite a lot actually. Maybe you don't watch the people who interact with him more, idk. He seems like a nice guy who uses his videos to generate revenue that he immediately puts back into making more videos. Like, almost all of it if I understand correctly. All while helping tons of people in the process.

Also, Musk is desperate for Jimmy's attention lol. He asked Mr. Beast in a tweet recently why he doesn't upload his videos on X and basically got the answer "It's not worth it" lol

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Come on, we all know that girls are supposed to wear pretty dresses and fart rainbows while guys are supposed to wear suits and repress their feelings. It's just common sense! /s

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He also got Tate arrested. Again. Lmao

I hope this guy gets taken behind the tavern too...

Lots of people do it here in Austria too, and I hate it.

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Liar! I got excited for no reason! 😠


It'll be like Cyberpunk 2077: "Why repair when you could just get new stuff?" That's basically a quote from V too, as you find the possibly last repair shop in Night City. Took me by surprise...

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Wtf are the kid's parents doing? Like, how does a 6 year old smuggle a loaded weapon out of the house? And why would they even have that in the house? (I know it's in the US, that last question was more of a rethorical one.)

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Yeah, I hate it when they troll their kids!

Lol, good luck trying to control everything around your child and what it consumes as a parent. Pretty much impossible, especially nowadays.

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"Do YOU feel the Need? The Need to Breed?"

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Lol, I would've been bullied in school if I didn't have a phone. At least in later grades when phones became more popular.

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Musk is just a suck-up. Also, Mr. Beast doesn't really do anything he could clown on, and he's well connected. It would make Musk's reputation worse than it already is.

That's fucking rough! Crappily produced electronics are a plague.

Wtf was that even supposed to accomplish? 😅

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The fear's got some pressure behind it.

I'd be interested to see if / how Cloudflare will respond to this. Because at this point I'm not 100 percent sure who is in the right.

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4/5 and working on the 5th one. All in a day's work.

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You don't know that, he could've sent some kids AI generated nudes.

Extra fingers just sound very useful.

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