1 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If your state allows it, set up a table and register people to vote

Volunteer to phone bank

Thank you. Agreed this is more an English language issue.

Between people it should be (in love ) — “I’m (in love ) with you”. Rather than “I love (like being around) you”

Tee hee

While your point is correct — you assume that 1, they have good backups. 2 that they can “format “… etc

Yes I frequently lose sleep over our backups where I work, and I know they are good… we do test them

They have to have 3 years of English

So yeah.

TLDR:: Bitcoin

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As I’ve understood it ; RESERVING the right to be wrong, raising tariffs was ONE of the factors leading to the Great Depression…

So yeah I’m sure that’ll work out fine this time.

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Economics Teacher: In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered?... raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. Today we have a similar debate over this. Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? The Laffer Curve. Anyone know what this says? It says that at this point on the revenue curve, you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point. This is very controversial. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics. "Voodoo" economics.

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So many things.

Refusing to say AIDS for years , let alone doing anything

Iran -contra

Making a deal with Iran to continue holding the hostages until after he becomes president

Breaking PATCO the air traffic controller union




Display them in Arabic.

This would never have survived scotus 5 years ago. Today I would not bet against them finding it constitutional

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Since beer is liquid bread.

Quite a while, especially if you also had a multi vitamin..

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It is not a safe option.

It is designed as a catch all.

The FBI isn’t going through tax returns looking for Illegal income; rather if you’re suspected of illegal activity, they WILL go through your tax returns, because if you didn’t report your illegal income that is another law you’ve then broken. — See Al Capone

So. It is both a very bad idea, and a good idea to report your illegal income

A better idea is to not do anything illegal; or at least do the illegal thing offshore and hide the income there. Like a good multinational corporation would.

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lol. Please 🙏

GOP would not win the presidency for 20 years at least

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Music fell out of him. He accidentally walked by a bass and it exploded from the funk.

Talent for days. (See also RRHoF playing “while my guitar gently weeps”)

Second vote would be Trent Reznor or Danny Elfman

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Actually- yeah.

Perception is reality; while hardcore nerds are willing to roll their own distributions, there’s a reason Ubuntu is damn popular. Most normal people want their computers to work, and to have an easy discoverable ecosystem.

So yeah. A Big deal

Yes. That is actually the point. MUST maximize that profit!

Airlines do this now, as does Uber.

The tech is only just catching up for retail. This is end game capitalism hope you enjoyed the ride.

Anyone selling a “System “ is making money from selling the system, rather that using it.

Free bot that trades stocks? Good luck

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I’ll also add that managers don’t think like normal people…

IT makes your computers and networks and websites run. But the manager asks how much money does IT bring in? They are a cost and generate no profit.

But Sales. Well that’s all profit. So we should give them all the money.

Even if we closed sales most people who want our stuff will still buy it from us, but nothing will get done without IT…


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So if the president can’t do anything illegal, unless he’s been impeached and convicted for it…

Dark Brandon needs to send Trump to Gitmo and see how that changes the math.

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Gdism. This shit.

I don’t want prosecution to be afraid of going after criminals…. But if your State Bar says you effed up; the penalty should HURT.

OH NO a $1250 fine. Golly.

How about a $125,000 fine.

Those well known LibTards /s of the Texas Bar said boy you done messed up. Punish his ass

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System administrator

It has been 18 years and as of yet no one has mentioned my being a dog , so I guess no cares or has noticed…

I read a metric ton on everything, and yet I know less than Jon Snow.

Mgmt is always asking about things and we just mostly figure it out. And they are very good about supporting us.

But yeah; imposter syndrome is real. I don’t feel like I’m the adult in the room and feeling like it is all fake

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Interesting question… honestly why?

There isn’t an easy way that I know of… but you can block ip address using a list of the address blocks for that country.

I’d think I’d suggest a vpn? Or I’m not understanding the context

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Your Honor, I object!

On what grounds?

On the grounds that the truth is devastating ….

—with apologies to Liar Liar…

I’m really surprised that, given the size of the order and the tight time frame, that she didn’t ask for the money up front…

But yeah. If she has anything in writing she should go to small claims 100%

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Police shoot Airport Executive while attempting to arrest him


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They are and have become the living embodiment of the Skinner “No they must be wrong “ meme

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Because my caboose is so cute…

Oh… not trains?

Thank you Mr. Wright.

Conformity and control.

We’re all alike so I must be correct because everyone around me looks and believes like I do

Parking lot lights, that are in/ on each space. That indicates if there is a space available…. Less driving around the lot looking for a space

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This is the kind of information, that the “Law and Order “ folks need to be reminded of on the regular…

Or is it we need to follow the law, but they are being unfairly targeted?????

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Cruelty is the point.

I guess “be nice “ is too difficult.


I’d like some information first….

Just the basic facts

Run a Pi-hole with Unbound

Oh thank god we just moved our auth to them. Such good news. Feck

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And please, may I have a “I support “PREACHY FEMALES” shirt?

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See the problem is that these women were stupid enough to be poor.. the smart rich people would have bought another car; and called the country prosecutor to get the cars returned. Silly people should have just eaten their cake.


I found a copy of “The Hunt for Red October “ in a bargain bin. It looked funny and had a version of the cover I’d never seen before Bought it for like $5

It was a first printing From the Naval Institute Press.

Worth like 200$.


Quorum Health shut down Martin County’s 43-bed hospital, citing “financial challenges related to declining population and utilization trends,”

We’ll make more money if we let you die.

Yes profit is killing our medical system

We mix bleach and ammonia, to really kill off all the things…


We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty…