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Joined 4 months ago

I don't know, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess.

Not his daughter.
His daughter that does porn.
His daughter formerly known as "son".
His daughter formerly known as "son" that does porn.
Any of the above, but it's incest porn.

Am i close?

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If i remember right from the many years ago i first came across her works, it's a compression method she personalized and finessed over time.

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They don't care. They have monopoly over everything! They have your phones private data, they have your search history, they have your automatically uploaded pictures to Google drive of your butthole! They own you and you'll do as they like, whenever they like! Now where's that guy who knows how to operate all that stuff? Wait, he was fired to lower costs? Oh...

Less of the fluff.

Cassandra’s letter of cancellation, issued by the Department of Home Affairs, states: “As part of the visa application process, you were required to meet section 600.211 which states the visa applicant genuinely intends to stay temporarily in Australia.

“The delegate considered the situation in your home country, including the current conflict, the internal displacement of persons and the difficult circumstances facing ordinary citizens there.

“The delegate considered you never intended a genuine stay temporarily in Australia and therefore the visa was granted based on circumstances that never existed.”

A spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said the government could not comment on individual cases.

“The Australian government recognises that this is an incredibly distressing time for Australians with extended family members in Gaza,” the spokesman said. “All visa applicants undergo security checks and are subject to ongoing security assessments. The Australian government reserves the right to cancel any issued visas if circumstances change.”

Basically the gov don't want them to ask for asylum due to the state of war, which they pretty much have to grant.

Nope. They'd probably move to YouTube shorts or some other lower quality copy of Vine.

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I'm no expert, but it looks like someone cut a gorilla out of one picture and pasted it over the lion picture.

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This title doesn't mention it, but it was reported earlier that users editing their past posts against this move get banned for it.

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According to an article or two, social media deliberately sends material created by these "influencers" to teenagers. So, to answer your question, teenagers.

To be fair to them, I don't know either.

Bookmark and forget. Thanks

Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Or Origin? Too many of them, don't know.
Watchdogs 2.
Most games with a customizable main character.
Mafia 3.
Crysis 2 and sort of 3?
Some platformers I can't name because it's not my genre.
That 80s Kingdom offshoot.
Does Crusader Kings 3 have African leaders enabled or does it come as a DLC?
Civilization series.

Representation of any demographic in games should be done by those who have an interest in doing it well.
Doing it just to pad the numbers is more insulting than even not doing it at all.

Inside job.

This changes everything!!!

Think of the rate of decay!

Think of the motion!

Think of the odds of finding life!

Think of the light!

Think of time itself!

We were nothing before, but we are doubly nothing now, which is much worse!

Panic! Panic at the disco!

WebMD says it's a brain tumor. Or an ear infection. Or lupus. But it's almost never lupus.

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Say what you will about Russia, but it had its fair share of amazing scientists.
I wonder if the next generation will rise from these restrictions or have they already been fed as fodder into the war machine?

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Is it Stop Killing Games, Stop Killing Games or Stop Killing Games?

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Hey, I introduce myself to ants and other creatures regularly. Most of them ignore me. Of those that don't, either I'm warned off or bummed for food.

I doubt he even thinks of us at all.

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Not really. Unless things have changed recently, South Korea treats their artists as expendable products.
Anyone can be made a star with the proper plastic surgery, so the artists are at the mercy of their company. And if something happens, they just go "oh no, how sad. Anyway, here's the next pretty star to drool over."

I knew. Then I forgot. Now I know again.

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Huh. Guess my bank isn't my bank for telling me to move my money in a separate account to keep it safe (from myself).

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Exxon just sued its shareholders for crying about climate change.

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All that silky smoothness is on point.

Come on. When you have companies like Boeing unwilling to even build a plane right, you'd actually expect them to add parachutes and not cheap out on them?
Let's be serious here.

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That I exist. And that we're in a relationship.

It's a love-hate thing. You wouldn't get it...

Hit them with an "Actually". People loove being corrected.

What kind of boobs do they have over there?

What about the mean of cringe?

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You know that scene with the guy on the castle wall in Monty Python and the Holy Grail that farts in your general direction?
Yeah, I giggled.

It should be "GOOD MORNYING", to be kinda direct.

Found the solution, peeps! Capture the heat, transform it to energy, free electricity for everyone!

Now someone go do it.

Working in coal mines. Well, actually, nevermind...

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They want more, but cheaper.

Think of it like this:

  • the other party has a known history of shooting anything that moves
  • as medical volunteers they went there to treat the wounded, many of which are likely unable to evacuate, and they lack the resources needed to at least get them moving
  • abandoning the wounded pretty much defeats the purpose of them going there in the first place

Nope. Any potentials are staying quiet in order to avoid accidentally exiting through a window.

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Dunno, but within the context, Microsoft claimed only ads for Microsoft products. Now, whether those products are predatory mobile games for example, well that's technically within the said terms. It's basically a matter of scope and wordplay.

A lot of people don't get is that the churches didn't want knowledge for knowledge's sake. It was about power. Copy their unholy book, spread it to the masses, teach it to them and hold them as a weapon against the rulers of the countries they were in.
They had the wealth and the manpower from all the gullible fools they conned.

Sure, specific intellectuals did pursue advancement in science and technology under the wing of religion, but it was often that or be silenced.
Same as with the witch trials. It wasn't the Church that did that and even advised against it, it was their rabid followers who misunderstood the texts.
Remind you of any current group in particular?

I feel pity for the Renaissance. All that hubbub about enlightenment and yet we're still stuck in the ages before it.

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If you shave Chewbacca, will he still be brown?

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Well, I'm glad you didn't die before enjoying your AMD variant of the Thinkpad T16 Gen 2 specced to the gills.

No doubt it's intentional. But the excuse would be that it's actually militants disguised as civilians relaying information or supplies to other militants disguised as civilians. And because they have no way of knowing which civilian is a militant in disguise, all civilians are therefore militants.