2 Post – 470 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Absolutely. Mostly because I don't consume much entertainment. Movies and TV really shape how people think.

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You know, LARPers.

The thing most companies are missing is to design the AI experience. What happens when it fails? Are we making options available for those who want a standard experience? Do we even have an elegant feedback loop to mark when it fails? Are we accounting for different pitches and accents? How about speech impediments?

I'm a designer focusing on AI, but a lot of companies haven't even realized they need a designer for this. It's like we're the conscience of tech, and listened to about as often.

When I tried to report my suspicions that my ex was abusing my kids, I was told by DCFS to stop stirring up trouble or I would lose custody.

Years later, my kids are old enough to be listened to, and the DA office still chose not to prosecute because it's he-said-she-said. Both kids have mental health issues stemming from child abuse that I have to deal with on a daily basis, all while trying to juggle my mental health as a previous abuse victim from the same man.

And then they say that victims fail to report. Well, duh. It's often safer not to.

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The reality women live with is even in this thread, which has more than one comment focusing on how stupid this guy was to do it on camera, rather than how stupid and disgusting it is to do it at all.

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The short and unsatisfactory answer to your question is that this isn't a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment is narrowly defined. You telling everyone about his rape of your friend is closer to the definition than him being a rapist.

An unsafe work environment applies only to physical hazard, so the same goes there. You'd have to demonstrate and prove that he is causing you current harm. Basically, unless he sexually harasses you or attempts to rape you, and you can prove it, there is no leg for you to stand on.

The law was built by men. It's built on what has happened, not what could happen. It doesn't protect victims, only inconsistently avenge. The bulk of protections in place are for accused/ perpetrators.

Take my cart from where people randomly left it or from the return and leave it in the store.

Tidy up my table and stack dishes when I eat out.

Park between the lines.

Put my cart on the side when shopping instead of leaving it in the middle of the aisle.

Pick up the dog poop other people don't.

Pull forward product if it is shoved into the back of the shelf.

Hold open doors.

Pick up stuff that people accidentally drop, especially if they have kids or are elderly.

Leave intersections clear.

Let people merge.

Not park on the street when it snows.

Be polite to anyone working public facing, no matter how bad my mood is.

Take my meds.

Teach my kids to respect rules, even the ones that seem dumb.

Keep my dog leashed when not in a designated area.

Leave accurate and fair reviews.

Return ebooks early if someone is waiting.

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Covid. I used to think people were basically good and caring, trying to do the right thing. I also used to think that everyone besides me was better at dealing with stress.

Turned out my life really is so bad that a global pandemic actually reduced my stress level. And when other people are stressed, they use that as an excuse to treat everyone else abominably. People are fundamentally selfish and self-centered. Kindness is at best a veneer for the vast majority.

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Because they are grown men with the capacity to be self sufficient?

It's not the parents who are entitled, here.

I would assume double chocolate means chocolate dough and chocolate chips. Double in essence, not in quantity. And 40% is referring to how many chocolate chips are in the dough.

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1823: we should let the Indians have their land

1923: we really need to go over to Europe and stop that Hitler guy

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A bachelor's degree is a ticket into a lot of jobs, no matter what is in. That doesn't mean you have to go to an expensive school to get one.

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No. I find it possible to be close to people without romanticizing them.

Because when it comes to survival until procreation, you don't need more than two sets.

Everyone is telling you too much butter, but if this only happened to part of your batch, it's more likely you didn't scrape the sides of your bowl while mixing.

When mixing anything with creamed butter, especially, you need to mix about a third of the time, scrape all the sides and fold the dough, mix, scrape, mix, and do a final scrape/ mix/ fold by hand to make sure all the butter is incorporated.

Stand mixers have this problem more than hand mixers.

Well, duh.

Here's a thing: so are sports.

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"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

"I'm not usually this easy."

"I'm ready for my close up."

"Not this again."

How much everything still hurts. Physically, emotionally, everything. How much I hate that I'm still trucking away, trying to do the right thing.

And it's so lonely.

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Everyone told me I was like my dad.

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I'm probably going to get eviscerated for this, but that sexuality is purely genetic. I think that for the vast majority of people, sexuality is way more fluid than not, and much more influenced by environment than people would like to think.

I also don't think that has any bearing on people's right to choose.

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On the positive side, you are now one of an elite group of those who have a raccoon attack story.

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Napoleon Dynamite is garbage.

I liked the idea of Beehaw, but it ended up being rather like an HOA. You weren't allowed to ever disagree, no matter how gently, because it "wasn't nice." They ironically tried to reduce bullying by bullying people.

Ended up with a bunch of Karens policing each other, so I think that's a win for all.

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My dad is arguably not the best dad in many ways, but he taught me a solid work ethic, and most importantly, called 911 when I was attacked by my husband. The best thing a dad can do is teach his daughter how she should be treated by men.

How easily we can know anything, yet how diligently we fail to learn anything.

People thinking Trump is a Christian symbol is the biggest con ever.

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Almost all of them.

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Companies hiring for my career are having a hard time finding skilled employees for anything other than fully remote.

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Like others said, Che Guevara.

From what I've seen, he's worn largely by edgelords who think they are rebellious but mostly just sit around and smoke pot.

I wasn't even in a dispute. I had full custody, and he had minimum visitation, which was still half the kids' free time. And he had been convicted of domestic violence.

That poor, sweet child. We are failing our children in the guise of parent's rights.

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If this had been a law for me, I and my children might very well be dead now.

The thing that is different is that they really CAN leave. Reddit has nothing over them. Reddit doesn't have their important documents, control of their finances. Reddit isn't physically present, so they aren't physically endangered. And yet they are STILL reacting exactly how an abuse victim.

This ought to be a lesson for all of us that ANY of us can fall into that pattern and not judge people who are.

"Educational" and "mindless" are fairly mutually exclusive.

But I agree, what you want is a book.

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I don't think any of that is "adulting."

As a parent of a 17yo, adulting is:

  1. Buying and eating your own healthy food
  2. Arranging your own transportation
  3. Working and living within your means, whatever that looks like
  4. Paying your bills on time
  5. Regularly doing something for the community
  6. Making and keeping your own appointments
  7. Managing your own meds
  8. Having someone/ something besides yourself to take care of
  9. Trying to understand people you don't agree with
  10. Focusing on people instead of problems
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The mundane nature of the offense actually makes it more terrifying. My final night of marriage, he raged because I was too morning sick to go out as planned and leave the house to him. It didn't stop him from doing what he wanted, I was just going to go to bed after feeding my toddler.

It's so mundane an offense, that you feel stupid telling anyone. Even having lived through it, sometimes I have a hard time believing it.

One time he almost drove us off the freeway because I knew more about genetics than he did. I had a degree relating to the field and he had once watched a documentary on it.

And he raged because I hung up the phone when he got home. He was convinced my friend Jackie was actually Jack (names changed) and accused me of cheating. He knew I talked to Jackie at least once per week because we were working on a project together.

There was a Microsoft profile picture named Jack that he was convinced was the man I was cheating on him with. I couldn't convince him otherwise, even after showing him it was in a file with other profile pics. He got a secret vasectomy to try to catch me cheating.

Spoiler: I was not cheating. I didn't get pregnant again until he got a reversal. Guess who was cheating and gave me an STI?

They really don't care. They either can't afford to realize their sycophants are abusers because then they'd have to take a hard look at their own beliefs, or they think being abusive is a feature, not a bug.

My hobbies are making things, growing things, and learning things.

It's the only way I can keep it to only 3 hobbies.

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This entire thread makes me homesick for Germany.

I wish they sponsored citizenship just for being an old lady who likes to bake and garden.

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When I stared into my husband's eyes as he calculated the consequences of beating me in front of our 2yo.

Followed closely by being ordered by a judge to allow him at the birth of my second child that he had claimed wasn't his fifteen minutes previously.

Agree. When I say "people are stupid" I mean they are living below their potential. The average person may have the intelligence, but consistently refuse to use it.

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Marriage, having children.

I'm glad I have my kids, but I should have trusted myself that I'm not parent or spouse material.