Project Veritas Suspends All Operations

Flying to politics – 318 points –
Project Veritas Suspends All Operations

I hope the former members of ACORN are enjoying a celebratory drink right now.


They'll just return under a new "untainted" name and do it all over again.

Just ask the folks at Cambridge Analytica Emerdata

Or the boys at “Arther Andersen,” the accounting firm in the Enron scandal, nowadays known as “Accenture”.

And Blackwater is forever stained with the blood of innocents. But Academi is totally fine guys.

Accenture actually split off from Arthur Anderson just a little bit before the Enron scandal. It was incredibly lucky timing, since the Arthur Anderson name took a complete shit, but Accenture was able to thrive.

"Emerdata" is bad French for "shitty data".

As much as I hate CA. Its like the third time I've seen them mentioned this morning. Were they in the news or did something happen?

This. They should have been arrested and had the book thrown at them when they trespassed in Sen. Mary Landrieu's office and attempted to wire tap her phones.

...and reminded those being laid off of their nondisclosure agreements.

I'd like to remind all of those being laid off that this is an organization that has ceased operations due to lack of funding. Do they have enough money to pay a lawyer to enforce their NDA?

They will because the vultures who run these types of organizations and would be hurt by the information coming out always have money stashed in other companies or personal accounts.

Why use personal money when you can essentially blackmail your wealthy backers into defending you.

One of the journalists let go in the bloodletting on Wednesday is Bobby Harr, a former lead investigative reporter with Project Veritas. Harr told Mediaite he was “confused” when he was officially laid off on a phone call with Giles and Kiyak Wednesday afternoon – because he had already been let go from the organization last month.

"We fixed the glitch - The whole thing will just work itself out naturally!"

Misinformation machine mismanaged and in post mortem.

Rest In piss.

I love how the ppl they contacted were like "you morons fired me a month ago".

It's all one big grift. Millions missing.🤷‍♂️

[O’Keefe] ... left the organization earlier this year amid allegations of improper spending of funds on personal luxuries.

Oh, I missed this. I'm shocked. Shocked and apalled.

Gosh, that's such a shame. Sad face.

In all seriousness, it's sad that O'Queefe has not spent some time in prison for his activities.

“The organization used to thrive and prosper. It’s truly sad to see what can happen to great opportunities with a surplus of resources when the wrong people are in power.”

People don’t know the difference between “to thrive and prosper” versus “launder and hide” money.

It's good to see this blatant partisan propaganda organization go down the shitter.

Man, this is awesome. Hopefully all involved can find honest work to do now.

Spoiler, they won't. They'll go work for some right wing spin propaganda company or roll out new versions of the same bad faith, likely illegal, operation.

I know… but I don’t want to celebrate people losing their jobs (unless they are CEO’s or board members of almost any corporation) - the only way I could think to do that in this situation is to hope they get a job where they can contribute to society in a positive way.

I celebrate them losing their jobs and I hope their dreams are crushed. They should suffer for all the damage they have done to civil discourse in my country. I have no sympathy at all for them.

Not even the video editor?

especially no sympathy for the video editor. If there was anyone in that organization who knows the scope of their lies, it's the video editor. That person took raw video and intentionally filtered it into misleading lies. Fuck that person in particular.

Ok fair enough

But what about the audio editor? The only thing she or he did was mix some clutter out, cut and paste some partial sentences to *checks notes * clarify the message and maybe add some funky intro music

Stop this. You know it’s silly to defend these people and that anyone with any morality is breathing a sigh of relief they no longer have to be part of this scummy org.

Naah, it's an interesting exercise. I've thought more about it and if I feel any sympathy for anyone in the org, it's for any service workers such as janitorial staff that are out of a job. So I guess I have some sympathy after all. Then again, that was probably outsourced anyway.

Sympathy for your fellow worker is a good thing. I just don't really "get" why anyone would willingly work for a place like this and figure they will be fine if they were any good to begin with

No one worked for Project Veritas without buying into their mission. According to their 2021 Form 990, they had 59 employees and spent north of 6m on salaries. James okeef was the highest paid at 396k.

These people were well compensated for years to do illegal and immoral things. Do not pity them. Save that energy for the people whose lives they've destroyed. They got Acorn shut down, which employed a bunch of people across a lot of communities doing actual good work.

It's OK to celebrate bad things happening to bad people. Even if you yourself don't want to punch a Nazi, you might have a problem if one getting punched in the face makes you sad...

Don't worry. The executives kept their jobs.

One former Project Veritas staffer said just 11 people remain on the non-profit’s payroll, including CEO Hannah Giles.

1 more...

Rest in hell

Rest In Piss would be more appropriate but I reckon some of them might find this wish enjoyable.

Let them rot in hell where they deserve