
7 Post – 453 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"The amount of times she told me that stupid 'I have protest signs older than you in my basement' shit," Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a text that's cited in the book. "Like yeah but mine don't collect dust."


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What do we need to do to get him to remove it from America?

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I love this guy. A heaping helping of ridicule is exactly what House Republicans need and deserve.

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His first act will be a bill that lowers the age of consent to 12.

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Bad case of anal glaucoma. I just can't see my ass going in to work today.

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♫ Brave Sir Kevin ran away! Bravely ran away away!

When danger reared its ugly head he bravely turned his tail and fled!

Yes, brave Sir Kevin turned about

And gallantly, he chickened out. Bravely taking to his feet,

He beat a very brave retreat, Bravest of the brave, Sir Kevin! ♫

Good. This is just theater for the knuckle-dragging Republican base anyway. The dems who went along with it can eat a bag of dicks.

Their base will get offended over anything & everything so long as it's not one of their own being criticized. They are forever hypocrites, and generally dumber than a box of rocks.

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This seems deeply, disturbingly fucked up. "Fuck working with real people, who have their own goals and desires out of a career, we're just gonna use an AI since no one can tell the difference." It's fucked up on multiple levels, not least since the fashion industry was already full of broken people before AI hit the scene.

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Easy enough, just add '*.twitter.com' to your blocklist.

AI is actually the king of bullshit. It might give you some code, but will it compile? Probably about as well as an AI art knee would actually bear your weight.

The takeaways should be that nobody gives a shit because these are the also-rans. The Republican nominee will be Trump, and then they're gonna be fucked because he'll be campaigning from jail.

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Damn if she's not right about that.

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Don't feel bad for him, this is how he gets paid. He's a professional asshole.

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DeSantis is poison for Florida. He's so busy trying to prove how much he hates gays & non-whites that he doesn't take any time to govern. But I guess that's the standard GOP playbook these days.

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Conservatism has been infiltrated and suborned by Russian intelligence.

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So wait, not only has their monetization effort so far been a flop, now they're going to start paying people to post? Woooow. Spez trying to edge out Elon for the Most Incompetent Management award this year?

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Absolute deal-breaker. I will not be dictated to on what I may or may not do with my personal private property, beyond the bounds of the law.

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Twitter: The terrorist's choice.

I'm not seeing any consequences listed for failure to comply.

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Jeez, if you can't make money off of defense industry contracts, you should probably just hang it up.

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Anyone who hasn't abandoned the platform by now deserves whatever they get.

Fucking retire already, you goddamn lich.

Aptos was created by Steve Matteson, who is also responsible for Windows 3.1's original TrueType fonts (including Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New) as well as Segoe, which has been Windows' default system font since Vista and is also used for Microsoft's current logo.

Fuckin' hell though. You gotta respect someone who's been in the game that long. And his one, single, sole job is fonts. That's dedication. Or maybe just a gravy train. But either way, dude has predicated an entire career on how letters look. Mad respect.

Unfortunately he seems to have recovered, was back out there walking and talking again before too long. Still, an encouraging sign.

No one over 70, period. Go home. Retire. Make way.

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There's a case to be made for criminal negligence resulting in loss of life.

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And by "news" we mean "whatever dumb shit an 'influencer' has come up with today to move clicks."

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Google has a vested interest in showing you ads and selling your data.

Firefox does not.

Seems like a pretty clear choice to me.

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Trying to get the pool boy to notice her.

Ugh. I'm not real happy about having to vote to uphold the gerontocracy, but as both likely frontrunners are a part thereof, all I can do is vote to minimize the harm.

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phone manufacturers hiss and recoil like vampires

That's a good way to lose all your top talent.

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Because they're sellouts.

Crypto is a scam and you're being duped.

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And it’ll surely continue with the Russian forces not knowing how to respond to these strikes.

No one has really fucked with Russia in a long while due to their rep for having a lot of nukes. But the Ukrainians are like, your plan is to kill us all anyway, so let's scrap. And now the Russian military is like "wait, what?"

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Yeah, they can try it with me, but they'll be minus a senior devops engineer, and I don't think they'll understand how their build scripts work without me. FAFO, corpos.

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If SpaceX is that critical to national defense & foreign policy, it should be nationalized.

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I don't recall pledging allegiance to Exxon or the house of Saud. Maybe the traitor is you!

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Better do it before the F-16s show up, too.