Fetterman Presides Over Senate Wearing Short-Sleeve Shirt, No Tie, And Shorts

Uniquitous@lemmy.one to politics @lemmy.world – 772 points –
Fetterman Presides Over Senate Wearing Short-Sleeve Shirt, No Tie, And Shorts

A horde of trailer-park visigoths can sack the Capitol and Republicans say "what's the big deal?" But let one guy show up in casual clothes and they lose their goddamn minds.


He can do it in a bikini, for all I care. Let’s not pretend Congress stands on decorum now.

Or tradition. Or morals. Or principals. Or anything at all really. They just suck.

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Didn’t one of them literally bring a big giant card with a photo of the president’s son’s dick on it for their speaking time?

Uhm, also, how isn't that sexual harassment and non-consensual porn?

How isn't that a jailable offense?

Well, what you fail to see is that they’re rich - and therefore they have a different system of justice from you and I.


Revenge porn displayed without warning (by an R senator) in congress? Republicans: 😴

A (D) Senator in casual wear? Republicans: 😱

Priorities, people! Ffs.

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Fascism has always been big on dressing fancy.

Our founding fathers must have been so fascist.

The founding fathers didn't dress fancy at all, literally the attire of better of peasantry, they just made sure to look their best for picture painting day.

the idea of Washington in his military uniform as permeated the public idea of what the man looked like to the extent that modern depictions show him wearing his military uniform when spending time at home with his children!

Everyday is picture day now.

if every day is picture day, no day is picture day

If they show up for painting day wearing their fancy wigs and clothing they most certainly cared about their image.

remember back in school, on picture day you would see everyone trying to look their best, did they do that every other day? did people come in with sweatpants? (if school allowed it), or did they wear their dress pants every day?

Fascists always dressing fancy =/= everyone dressing fancy is a fascist. I'm sad to see such a pitiful level of reasoning skills, I hope you don't vote.

Applying the logic of someone’s statement shows poor reasoning skills?

I typically vote Democrat, but I guess if I have poor reasoning skills I will just stay home on voting day.

I just explained your fallacy, maybe your issue is refusing to read before replying to people instead, in this case definitely don't vote since you may accidentally pick the republicans due to your unwillingness to read the ballots, assuming you haven't done that already.

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“If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”

Lol, go git em Fetterman

He added "Wouldya rather have a yinzer or an asshole up here? Your choice."

I always assumed a yinzer was just an asshole with an affinity for French fries on a Rueben. It is good sandwich tho

They're good sandwiches, Bront.

Oh man he got them good.

If my opponents will stop focusing on issues that are very important to their constituents, then I will stop doing this thing that slightly annoys their constituents for a week.

This is a losing issue for Republicans.

Do they think their base gives a shit about dress codes? Obviously not! But the fancy lads can't stand the thought of people not dressing correctly lol

Their base will get offended over anything & everything so long as it's not one of their own being criticized. They are forever hypocrites, and generally dumber than a box of rocks.

Eh, the base will forget about this in a week if its not right in front of their faces on TV. It's just not something they actually care about.

Some issues ignite a fire in the base and sustain themselves, like racism and queerphobia, but dress codes ain't it.

That’s the thing though. It will be in front of their faces on tv on Fox News and their radio shows will bring it up all the time. It’s a propaganda opportunity for them and they’re gonna capitalize on it.

Don't forget opportunity cost - by focusing on this nothingburger they're letting other opportunities slip past them.

Just going for the low hanging fruit all the time isn't a good strategy, is all I'm saying.

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They don’t give a shit about dress code. They give a shit about having an excuse to be angry about something.

I guarantee if some GOPer showed up in a stained wifebeater with camo shorts and crocs, they would be celebrated as ‘just like us’ and ‘a hero of the people.’

That's my point!

Republicans should have been the ones to do this first, their base would have loved it and it would have pissed Democrats off because it violates the precious norms. But instead they missed their chance and now Democrats are eating their lunch.

To be fair, I don't think Gym Jordan owns a tie or blazer. I also really don't care. :)

I can imagine an alternate universe where Republicans were the ones to do this, and you know in that universe Democrats on MSNBC would be up in arms about Republicans disrespecting the norms.

Their base does give a fuck though. Anything they can make into us vs them. Our team vs their team. And now it’s our team wears suits and theirs doesn’t! So fuck anyone without a suit because they are on the opposite team!

My favorite genre of Republican: trying to dress like the common man while all the clothes don't have as much as a wrinkle.

Is anyone here in a client facing job allowed to dress like this? This guy is on TVs and websites around the world dressed like he rolled out of bed and grabbed yesterday's shirt out of the laundry. Not on the weekend where he got called in for an emergency, but for a regular workday; one where he was scheduled to lead the all-day meeting he was in.

The vast majority of Americans have a dress code for work. It really isn't an issue when the boss shows up to work looking like a hobo to fix something on their day off, but if they dress like this every day its a slap in the face to all their employees with a dress code.

If this guys showed up rocking a turtleneck and jeans or a polo and khaki shorts and people lost their minds that would be one thing, but look at that picture again and tell fill me in on the latest version of whataboutism.

Nothing wrong with relaxing the dress code some, but this guy is a walking example of why most companies have them.

His constituents voted for him. He dressed exactly the same then as he is now. His constituents are his clients and they approve of this uniform. I sense it has something to do with the fact that it connects with them as it's genuine. Something that seems to be rather important to Senator Fetterman.

Perhaps we should rethink the literal centuries old understanding of what is or is not appropriate to wear in this setting.

That is a very good point. A business certainly wouldn't send a salesperson in a three piece suit to try and pick up the business of construction workers if they were smart. Need someone who won't stick out like a sore thumb.

Though, I suppose if you think of the voters as the boss, and the other senators as the people being marketed to, then maybe a dressing to the nines to convince them might be the right move.

everyone in a client facing job should be allowed to dress like this. the clothes are ARBITRARY

clothes are ARBITRARY

Total nonsense. Appearance is the true first impression we have of someone. This is a fundamental and common trait throughout mankind. We may not like how much emphasis is placed on personal appearance, but it doesn't change the reality.

This is just the first thing that popped up when I searched "appearance is the first impression" this is not a novel concept and definitely has some (if not definitive) research behind it. https://www.science20.com/news_articles/appearance_says_lot_when_making_first_impressions

I had never heard of Fetterman before I heard that Chuck Schumer changed the Senate rules for him. The first headline I saw said something like, "relaxes the senate dress code." I was like... why is this news and moved on. Then I saw post here with a picture attached and was like... wait what? At that point I stopped to look into the issue.

If Fetterman had looked presentable but not in a suit, I would have assumed this was more R v D drama to distract from important issues. That wasn't the case. He looked ridiculous.

If I saw someone dressed like this checking their mailbox on a Saturday morning, I would smirk to myself in acknowledgement that I had worn similar stuff to do the same. If, however, I walked into a law firm because I needed serious professional help, and this guy introduced himself as the person I was looking for, then I would either ask if it was his day off or thank him for his time and leave immediately. Someone who cannot be trusted to manage their own personal appearance, also cannot be trusted to manage a serious professional issue for me.

If he is just incapable of telling the difference between looking like a slob and a professional then he needs to have a spouse or a staff member help him out each day. Nothing wrong with someone knowing their limits and focusing on what they are good at.

I'm looking at that picture and I don't see anything that would cause a safety hazard nor anything offensive, so I don't give a shit and neither do the vast majority of people. He's not wearing anything that would negatively impact his job performance, it's fine.

Also, its the legislature. If there was a dress code, it should be red and blue jerseys with their donor's logos on them.

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"we must protect the sanctity of that place at all costs"

I fucking refuse to hear Republicans speak of sanctity after the shit they've pulled since 2015.

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...Why are we allowing Daily Wire here?

The current community policy seems to be we're responsible for vetting our own sources. I understand that philosophy, though I think a mod comment with materials on reliability.

I would really like to see a bot that posts media bias information from one of the trusted sites for that information on every post. I’m not capable of creating one but had looked around and unfortunately none of them seem to offer an api.

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As she looked up from the crotch of the man she was manually ejaculating in public, Ms. Boebert was quoted as saying, "shorts is so bad, it's such disrespectful to the government and stuff".

I'm just here to upvote the phrase 'trailer-park visigoths'. Carry on.

I like it, it has some metaphorical levels, but I'm torn because Rome definitely had it coming.

Hell, did you know the Visigoths allowed women to inherit property and noble titles? They were the woke mob destroying the literal patriarchy by 410 AD standards.

I don’t give a fuck. What are we doing about the worthless traitor filth who salivate at the thought of installing a dictator?

Me too, but at least business casual should be expected?

Agreed. I expect my politicians to look good. I also really like when they give a good handjob around a bunch of children with their tits hanging out. That's my type of professional!

Why? What someone is wearing really doesn't make a difference as long as they're decent.

Does someone wearing a button up shirt make them better at legislating? I must've missed that study.

Destroying Democracy = A-okay!

Not wearing a suit = Unimaginably evil!

Why do people care what they wear when congress is fucking us over regardless?

Because without the illusion of decorum putting a degree of separation between the common man and the senator, people might start to realize that the ones fucking them over are just as regular as the rest of us and maybe start to think about doing something about it.

I think that's pretty much Fetterman's point. Well, that and that he'll wear whatever he damn well pleases.

Would you give a shit what the son of a bitch that shot you was wearing!?

So are we going to start eating with our bare hands? Taking showers when we feel like it? What's next? Clipping nails in the middle of the state of the union. Public perception and image still matters and it should matter. I don't give a shit what they say, putting a tie and a suit shouldn't be too hard.

I think public perception is shifting to viewing people in a suit and tie as out of touch or sleaze balls. It certainly doesn't garner my respect.

If public perception matters, I identify a hell of a lot more with a guy wearing a hoodie and shorts than I do with a guy wearing a tailored suit.

I don't trust anyone with a suit and tie on. I'd venture to guess that's going to be the majority of the younger voting bloc as well.

Fetterman is wearing the uniform of his constituents and whether you like that or not doesn't really matter to Fetterman. I have a lot of respect for him because of that.

I'm not sure I get the shower example..

So what, Ted Cruz is usually wearing a bodysuit out of human skin and nobody bats an eye.

Let's go back to powdered wigs, knickers and coat tails. I'm sure Mitch McConnel remembers those.

well, Obama once wore a beige suit 😯

Not to mention the bike helmet, which made him look weak.

People always saying Obama looks week, people only every say I look day.


How could Schumer let somebody who OBVIOUSLY skips leg day preside over the senate?

What kind of example is he setting for the kids? How can I be expected to get my son to pound out squats to exhaustion before school if THIS is supposed to be a role model?

I get that this guy rolls how he wants to roll but I just wish someone would buy him clothes that fit. They can be cool clothes, shorts and whatever, put on a hoodie, that's all rad but just make it fit

he has such a strange body though he'd probably need to get something tailored, which kinda defeats the point of his style to relate average Americans.

Yup. I have 50ish size shoulders for suit jackets/shirts. I'm average height. I have to buy XL everything, trim fit because I'm on the lean end for a wide body guy. Nearly everything that isn't more expensive tailored size stuff hangs off of my body like I lost weight after I bought it. I've gained a decent amount of weight and lost it a few times, and my fucking close fit better when I let myself go...

Fetterman doesn't have anywhere near normal body dimensions. I'm sure finding clothes that fit decent is a struggle. Big shoulder long torso ends up with a lot of this kind of looking clothes.

So what? As long as he is decent I don't see any issue.

The dress code at one of the best jobs I ever had was "keep it covered and don't smell"

Here I am proudly..... sniff.... yeah, we're good.... maintaining the bare minimum if standards.

I get making the dress code more lax, no reason business casual should be unacceptable. And yeah, Republicunts are hypocrits as always. But are we sure about no dress code at all? People joke in this thread about congressfolks showing up in fursuits or banana slings, but how long is it until someone actually unironically tries that?

And the harm would be exactly what?

It's the same logic as school uniforms. Congressmen, you see, have the same miniscule attention spans and raging libidos as teenagers, and the only way to keep them focused for more than 30 seconds is to surround them with nothing but boring blue suits.

Seriously, I suspect it's tradition-for-tradition's-sake, no less surreal than powdered wigs. It's interesting how aside from a waxing and waning of moustaches, there isn't that dramatic of a change in looks between the portraits of Presidents and Congressmen from 1820 or 2020. I'd hope that by 2120, we have at least one fursuit Presidential portrait, along with a head-in-a-jar, and of course, the first Robot President, who was obsolete on day 1 because he had to wait til the age of 35 to get elected.

and of course, the first Robot President, who was obsolete on day 1 because he had to wait til the age of 35 to get elected.

John Quincy Adding Machine. He struck a chord with the voters when he promised not to go on a killing spree.

Isn't the point of school uniforms that everyone wears the same thing, there's no little Jonny in his Walmart jeans getting teased by Tarquin in his Versace.

They'll still tease because Tarquin can afford multiple uniforms and to have his staff dry clean them regularly and they won't be worn down.

That's the excuse they tend to use but kids are gonna find ways to bully each other no matter what. Making them all wear the same clothes isn't gonna solve that.

It's not going to solve it, but it's one less thing for parents to need to worry about. Honestly wearing a school uniform/having kids who wear a school uniform is not something I've ever been too worried about.

If I was a senator I'd be coming in wearing Elton John outfits all the time.

I hope you know, we all assume you're definitely a fury now. I'm tagging you as a fury.

Why would he be a winged humanoid mythical creature?

They are clowns anyway, so they might as well look the part.

When Jello Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco, part of his platform was to mandate all businessmen wear clown suits between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm.

Who cares if they do? As long as they can still effectively do their job (har har yes) then what difference does it make if they wear leather daddy gear?

They probably won't get another chance in the next election

I'll vote for any Congress critter who promises to show up in a Randy Savage outfit on day one. I'll even move to a different voting district if I have to.

On the complete opposite end, people are joking about how if they want uniforms they should be wearing powdered wigs and breeches, but like, that's already a thing across the pond in the UK? The courts and house of Lords and a few other bodies have uniforms like that and yeah, there's a layer of outdated tradition, but it's also to sort of standardise how everyone looks, so that you still look like a barrister and someone to be taken seriously, regardless of age, race, gender, or looks. An equal footing sort of thing

Hell, the Canadian Supreme Court looks like a bunch of mall Santas.

Those costumes are only worn on the State opening of Parliament (which is kinda like Halloween for politicians) and even then only by certain people fulfilling certain ceremonial roles e.g. Black Rod.

Where wigs and gowns were a daily occurrence, until recently, was Crown Court where serious criminal trials were held. The rules changed a couple of years ago.

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They are angry they didn't think of it first and some working class people could be thinking hmmm this guy dresses like me maybe he isn't so bad like republicans say.

Well shoot, if this keeps up they might have to start trying to judge people by the content of their character instead of just their virtue signaling. Do you know how fast the system would fall apart if voters actually had to figure out what kind of person their representatives were?

Elect me to congress and I'll show up to the first session after my swearing-in wearing a $10,000 full-body fursuit, and I'll use my own money to buy it, not a single cent of taxpayer funding required.

Look at Mr Rich Guy over here. Flaunting his 10k$ furry suit.

This is 2023. Most of us can only afford a fursuit made out of carpet remnants.

Wasn't that guy a sex pest?

The guy who made fursuits out of carpet remnants?

Carpet Sample. Yeah, he's banned from a lot of cons for being skeevy IIRC.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I was making a joke about being too poor to afford a real fursuit.

It's for America, no price is too great to pay 🫡

I'm surprised nobody showed up as a furry, or at the very least Boebert in a banana sling.

Let's show some guts damnit

This is wonderful. That being said, why are we linking to The Daily Wire?

Because it's an interesting story, irrespective of the source, and it's fun to point and laugh at Republicans and their hypocrisy.

Yeah, but we shouldn't be giving them page views and generating income for them.

This has already been addressed. Mods concurred that while this source leans right, it is for the most part an accurate source of information. As well, it's good to see what the other side is thinking.

It's not about what mods think, it's about not making money for them.

You vastly over estimate the value of your click. And even if everyone who upvoted clicked in, that's still less than a thousand page views. And if it really matters that much to you, turn on a dang ad blocker. In short, get over it.

Still you might as well use an archive of the webpage if it's available, there's not much reason not to

The return on investment for the effort is simply not worth it.

I mean, ok, do whatever you want but obviously it only takes like a minute lol. Not saying it matters much but to say it requires any effort isn't really true.

I think there is some value in dressing nice and decorum. The same way we dress nice for family dinner or wear business casual to work even though there might be no dress code, it shows respect. That being said, if anyone is outraged at this then they completely lost the track. We're long way past the point of caring about "decorum" in the senate. Dressing nice is like that nice little cherry on top of the sundae, it does not fucking matter if the sundae is made of literal shit.

Like I said, it's ridiculous for them to cry crocodile tears over a guy in a hoodie when they wave away the fact that the whole building was sacked by a horde of magats. If there was any sign at all that they respected any of our country's institutions, then they could possibly be taken seriously on this. (But not likely.)

Wear business casual to work even though there might be no dress code

You are a very strange person

I used to do that. It helped me maintain a clear mental boundary between home and work.

Well I wasn't necessarily including myself in that we, but most people I work with try to dress nice. In that sense I am indeed the strange one in my office. Anyway, it was meant as a general statement about people, not a description of my life.

I definitely try to wear nice shorts and a nice t shirt and closed-toed shoes, but business casual is an oxymoron I refuse to participate in unless forced.

I wear shorts and a T-shirt to work and I wouldn't want to have to do bullshit dressing up for it. I'm there to work, not to "look professional."

He's from Pennsylvania. I grew up in Pennsylvania and lived in several parts of it before I left the state. Dressing nice for family dinner means putting on a clean hoodie and your nicer jeans and sneakers/boots.

I just think it's interesting that the previous dress code was so much more restrictive for men than for women.

Men had one and only one choice: a suit and tie.

Women could wear suits (also called "pantsuits" for some odd reason -- why not call the alternative a "skirtsuit?"), they could wear dresses with short or long sleeves, they could wear skirts, just not miniskirts. The jacket was optional, although many women wore one. They could wear flat shoes or high heels.

In terms of colours, men had to wear dark colours. Women could wear red, maroon, checked patterns, the variations were huge. They could wear ties, but they didn't have to. Many wore necklaces instead, often with an open-necked shirt. Can you imagine a man being allowed to wear an open-necked shirt, no tie and chains?

I just hate suits and ties. I think they look stupid, and hate that that look is associated with "business wear" for men. If the Senate does go back to having a dress code, men should have as many options as women for a "professional" look that doesn't include suits. (And yes, open necked shirts with chains should be part of that.)

People that give a fuck what anyone else looks like literally at all have no place in government, ideally.

People are upright apes, and looks matter to apes. There's a reason that presidents have historically been significantly taller than the average citizen.

If you can't get past your base animal instincts, you have no fucking right voting or legislating.

Did you make a type typo there lmao

Edit: I literally typo'd typo what is wrong with me

I did in fact make a typo "can" has been corrected to "can't ". Thanks lol. Important distinction..

You sound angry, which is a base animal instinct.

I love it. Hah hah hah

I bet you Biden is just itching to get into his normal attire: a cut-off Van Halen t-shirt, skin-tight jeans to show off the hog leg, and an Italian horn necklace.

I'd love to see him and Fetterman roll into Sheetz late at night in Biden's Stingray blasting Journey

Biden: ♪ He took the midnight train going anyyyywhere ♫ Fetterman: ♫ Some will win, some will lose, some were born to siiiing the blues ♪

Republicans prefer those in the Senate chamber to wear fur and horns.

Mf looks like a circus strongman with that tash. Not even sure they make suits that size.

Dude is not hurting for cash. If he wanted it, he could go bespoke.

Assuming he's taking all the legal bribe money anyway... If our politicians were actually living off their salaries it's actually pretty ruff to have somewhere to live at home and DC, while having a ton of cash to blow.

That being said, they all have a bunch of legal bribery slush fund money that it's completely fine for them to buy clothes with. The amount of shit they can call a campaign expense is astonishing...

I have no idea what you're going on about, but Fetterman was independently wealthy and a successful businessman before he ever ran for office.

He actually brought that up. He would have to have custom tailored suits and he doesn't want to spend that money. I don't blame him.

Decorum rules are so fucking unhelpful. Its shocking how un-American our reps. are. We need more Fettermans.

Shoulda showed up in a tan suit and blown their damned minds.

He presides OVER most everybody!

I think this is fine. I understand why rules of formality exist, but it's not like Congress shows decorum in its actions. If they want us to respect it, they should pass good policy that helps people, we care much more about that than whether individual senators wear a suit.

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Love it. Only thing better would have been him holding a can of beer as he walked in.

they don't want to be seen in their prison stripes. alway projection. should remove their 'Honorable' title

I don’t care if he’s naked, if he’s fighting to help the people of this country!

I'll support Senators not having a dress code when there isn't one for anyone else working in Congress...

The rule change seems like the Dems version of “owning the libs”. Especially since staff of senate are required to dress in suit & tie.

Whats up with the mask, though? I guess we should ban disguises that would interfere with identifying congress members.

Not my favorite form of protest, but whatevs. I’d rather this than the usual MO of destroying America in a suit.

Is there an actual reason he can’t wear a suit, though?

Yes. It's because he doesn't want to.

They asked if there was an ‘actual’ reason why he can’t wear a suit. It implies that the reason isn’t just by choice.

No one taught Fetterman that sometimes you have to do things you don’t like.

No one taught Fetterman that sometimes you have to do things you don’t like.

What are you talking about? He deals with republicans on a daily basis...

It seems he's doing perfectly well without that particular lesson. Notwithstanding, I was being facetious.

Why does there need to be?

The rule change was made specifically for him. I think it’s reasonable to want to know why. He had medical issues, is it related to that?

The rule change was made specifically for him

No. I'm pretty sure everyone else there can take advantage of the rule change too.

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Wow he's so relatable!!!! Such a heckin wholesome reddit moment

I think you've been online too long, buddy. This doesn't read like the scathing sarcasm you desperately wanted it to.

Wait, Fedderman is a Republican?

no, hes a dem

That's what I thought, but the article used a phrase like "his fellow GOP members" and I was so confused.

Why is this where Fetterman draws a line in the sand? Aren't there more important things to cash in his reputation points on? Or does he think this makes him look "populist" among "elites"? There are real serious issues to deal with, so this is a distraction.

It's bait. He is daring the opposition to take his appearance more seriously than their jobs. If you've got the other side talking about you, you win.

These are the kind of games that Democrats usually fall for, rather than play. It is sooo nice to see that not all Democrats are a bunch of fucken pussies and that Fetterman is willing to mess with Republicans in this way.