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Joined 10 months ago

there absolutely is. just do your job facilitating trades between consenting parties, thats it.

Lemmy has just as many terminally online weirdos as reddit, except I've noticed there's a higher concentration of extremists. In my short time here, I've been threatened by someone to dox me and accuse me as a pedophile, and another person wishing death upon me because I disagreed with them about policing. Definitely still some weirdos here

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he was a one time guest speaker. you don't get to claim unemployment for that. and he chose to cancel, not the school

I find a lot of the people here to be extremely bitter resentful people. But I'm willing to give it a chance.

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theatre majors are the most annoying people on earth and I will hold firm on that statement

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Hijabs are a sign of female empowerment i've been told.

US companies should not be able to outsource labor overseas.

they look like normal glasses wym?

oh please. this entire place cries about christianity 100x more than they do about islam.

you're not saving the world complaining online about twitter bro.

It's a bit hard to accurately gauge these sorts of things when there is such a large incentive to lie about this stuff to get someone out of the political arena. This is inclusive of all sides. I don't know how we should properly go about these things but the truth is that there are entities with LOTS of money and connections who can ruin anyones life without any hard evidence in an instant. None of us know what happened, it's up to the court of law to properly determine things. But you'd be ignorant to think that the powers that be wouldn't throw rape accusations at anyone who is inconvenient to those in power.

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I get everyone here loves to hate have hate boner for musk but any electric car will break down if submerged in water. If tesla's were breaking from simply driving in the rain, you would have heard about it.

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body shaming is ok as long as it's someone you don't like

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I don't think 17 year olds who commit heinous crimes should be excused because they're a year younger. For example, I think those kids who stole a car and purposefully ran over a biker while recording, resulting in his death, should be in jail for life. They lost their chance to participate in society.

Yeah but the landscape for technological innovation is much shallower nowadays. Of course innovation was present in an age when home computers and mobile phones were on the rise. Although I do think their VR headset is relatively innovative.

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What if they did something racist outside of a work setting?

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Are there any ad blockers that currently support blocking the popup?

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then whats your point? pretty sure you know what it means

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This is a weird way to cope with the fact that this place is filled with unbearably smug leftists. There are also a lot of places that are way more right wing than america. I.e. a lot of the muslim world, India, etc... I think it's telling you pretend those places don't exist and I'd argue you have a eurocentric world view.

discussion forums is not necessarily that they are “left wing”, but rather not deprived of morality, and share a different set of common sense values of creating a society that is fair, the vulnerable and sick are taken care of, no one is exploited, etc etc

Give me a break and stop huffing your own farts please.

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The current userbase of Mastodon are the most self righteous fart sniffers of old twitter. hopefully this will improve over time but half the content is complaining about twitter and how much better their little circlejerk of a community is.

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teslas are pretty cool cars. lots of fun features that make them really feel unique.

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I mean it honestly is pretty likely that all these politicians are hiring people to attack their enemies. This is a pretty well known thing but people pretend like it doesn't happen when it's their side. There's a whole industry around it called opposition research.

"Blindsides" give me a break. You are telling me one of the most intelligence heavy militaries in the world couldn't possibly have seen this coming? Israel let this happen to justify wiping out hamas for good.

You just don't know about the other dickheads in charge.

It actually would be pretty easy to ignore him but this place is absolutely obsessed with dissecting his every move.

anyone have a good chrome extension that blocks youtube ads? The one I was using was just flagged for malware

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We're talking about ex theatre majors, not people who work in media. I went to a college with a renowned theatre program and I can say first hand that they are easily the most insufferable people of any major. I'll admit that has colored my opinion quite a bit. The entertainment industry is notoriously nepotistic and the only people from my class that had success were those with rich dads who were connected in the entertainment scene. This breeds contempt amongst them and it's palpable when you are hanging out with them.

why was it a good thing? not disagreeing but don't really feel either way about it.

I don't want to run servers to participate in social media.

I think it points out the fact that saying you are something does not mean you are that something. Anyone willing to lie (lots of people) can abuse this freedom to the detriment of the protected group. self id cannot be a thing if you want to exclude a certain group, because you have no basis to call them out, no matter what your hunch may be.

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Haha its fine that they got death threats because they have shit opinions

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Musk is a minority stakeholder in Starlink. This place hates Musk so much that they'll criticize and actual innovative company serving the underserved.

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reddit tier humor

this is something very important that people should spend their time on

its way worse on mastodon. if you want proof do to and look around

seems like rose tinted glasses. lots of things are much better executed when its on a small scale.

Very controversial statement but really couldn't be more true. Of course there might be exceptions but most of the time it's a cushy job where you are paid exorbitant amounts to do practically nothing of value.

if it involves hating on elon musk, yes.

fun fact: SBF was one of the largest donators to the democrats during his prime. he bragged about how easy it was to get in the "in crowd" through said donations.

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