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Yeah its almost like if we didn't keep extending copyright protections a bunch of stuff would be in the public domain and any streaming service could offer it without having to deal with licensing.

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I think they have pretty recently finally become profitable thanks to the increased amount of ads. Although you could always make the argument before that the data YouTube provides to Google that allowed their ad and data empire to thrive is invaluable whether YouTube directly profits or not.

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Yes but at the same time Unreal doesn't really compete with Unity at all when it comes to 2D games. Unreal is primarily meant for 3D games and maybe you could make a 2D one work in it but Unity has a lot more resources for 2D games. That's why games like this switched to Godot instead of Unreal cause Unreal wasn't really an option. I could be wrong but when Ive made some projects in Unreal it didn't really seem to have any options for 2D games like Unity has.

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It wasn't just Russia who was saying that wasn't gonna happen, basically everyone outside the US thought it wouldn't happen cause it would be a really stupid thing to do. Then it turned out they did it and it was really stupid and I think a lot of people were surprised the US was telling the truth and it wasn't just fearmongering.

This is a great idea. Not only does it maliciously comply with what Reddit said but it also has the chance of getting a mention on LastWeekTonight when they come back.

They really should do these polls on a platform reddit can't mess with the results of. Like just link to an external poll in the thread.

If it's on steam it isn't even really review bombing. Cause for steam reviews you have to own the game. So this is people who own the game giving a warning to potentially new people who might get the game about what's going on and a recommendation to not buy it. Usually review bombing is people who have never even played the game or consumed the media reviewing it bad to bomb it for whatever reason. So this definitely isn't that and they're just trying to shift the definition of review bombing to any kind of mass negative reviews for whatever reason.

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Yeah I think if anything twitter is a lesson in how even if you try to give users only positive ways to interact they will find ways to use them to interact negatively. Whether that be quote retweeting or ratioing.

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What I hate more are the entry level jobs that will be like that. Like bro it's an entry level job and you're expecting people to have a super deep understanding makes no sense. Like I get it's just marketing and a way to lower the number of applicants to get just the really good ones but it makes it so much harder to figure out what level of skill a job is looking for if they all say they want experts with certain skills or tools.

I mean acting like American tech companies aren't basically an arm of the American intelligence services is a bit ridiculous too. Just cause they also make money and have to compete in the "fair market" doesn't change that. If anything it makes it worse cause they'll sell their data to anyone, whether that be America or China. I'm not saying what TikTok does is good, I'm saying all these companies are bad and focusing on one like this because it's foreign is dumb.

The only reason they're that bad is cause it's what people click on. I do agree they look terrible but it's what draws people in.

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This is the classic problem with all paradox games that I don't really have a solution for. Like as players we want them to support the game for a long time and keep updating it, but unless that's through dlcs then they can't really do that without getting paid somehow. The other alternatives are just not doing any updates and releasing a full new game every couple years which would probably have less features added compared to doing dlcs. Or having a subscription that you pay to get new updates which while I'm personally fine with I know a lot of people aren't. So that just leaves the current strategy of constantly doing dlcs and every once in a while releasing a new game and bringing over as many dlc features as they can to the new one while not making the development time unreasonable.

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I think the distinction here is between people and businesses. Is it the fault of people on social media for the acts of others? No. Is it the fault of social media for cultivating an environment that radicalizes people into committing mass shootings? Yes. The blame here is on the social medias for not doing more to stop the spread of this kind of content. Because yes even though that won't stop this kind of content from existing making it harder to access and find will at least reduce the number of people who will go down this path.

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I don't use YouTube Music but I love using YouTube for my music. Tons of songs on there that just aren't on either YouTube music or other services like Spotify.

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That would be nice but Palestinians never get a seat at the table when it comes to talks about things in the region. They were left out of the Abraham accords which was meant to normalize relations in the region with Israel and they'll be left out of this because Israel wants to keep being able to steam roll them. Not let them have any kind of platform or position to be able to negotiate.

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Part of the problem as we've seen with a few subreddits is all it takes is one mod who is swayed to reddits side to end the blackouts and probably will happen with these protests that have been happening as well. One mod that either doesn't support the blackouts or says they don't but really is just using it to gain full control of the subreddit is all it takes.

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At least with steam I'm pretty sure you can apply a balance to a purchase and pay for the rest with a card. If I remember right the last time I tried with battle.net it doesn't let you do that.

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I mean maybe not take actions that caused groups like this to gain power in the first place. Constantly bombing and attacking a place is a great way to empower groups like this in an area.

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It's not about entirely replacing people. It's about reducing the number of people you hire in a specific role because each of those people can do more using AI. Which would still displace millions of people as companies get rid of the lowest performing of their workers to make their bottom line better.

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I think it's good to have a normal copy along with this remove tracking one. In case for some reason removing tracking messes something up with the link and makes it not work. It's always nice to have options rather than just doing it automatically.

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Yeah this is the same kind of thing they did at another one of these events in the past with the whole "Ladies and gentlemen, we are all domestic terrorists." thing. It was meant as a joke to make fun of what the liberals were saying but at the same time it wasn't entirely inaccurate.

Yeah because that legitimizes Hamas and let's them keep using the reasoning that their cleansing of Gaza is to go after Hamas. Letting a terrorist group have a platform just makes them look better cause they can keep going see how bad these guys are, we have to kill everyone there to get rid of them.

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Yeah I had pretty unrestricted access but never found anything that bad and if I did I was probably too young to understand it was bad and forgot about it if I did see anything

They're already going after Google which is mentioned in the article. The real next target (at least in the tech space, don't know a ton outside of that) is Microsoft imo.

I honestly only use self check out. I don't buy a ton in a single shopping trip and I just find it easier to do it myself since I bring my own bulky bags that go on the side of my bike. A lot easier for me in general and sucks some places are getting rid of it.

Yeah I've always assumed incognito mode is just for when you don't want to have it save to your browser history or if you want to be able to log into a second account on a website.

The point is to sell that to the Russian people to build support for continuing the war.

I haven't had driver problems in forever, unless I'm using some old weird device that I haven't used in ages. And even then usually going into device manager and telling it what kind of device the unknown device is usually fixes it.

I mean at least for video games especially ones that are live service games having a place to go to talk about the game and new changes is really nice and still a thing I miss a lot about Reddit.

I mean the one time I used one of these "pay in four payments" kind of things there was no interest added on. It just let me split up the cost easier rather than having to do it all at once and subsist on very little till I get money next.

Yeah his strategy was and still very much is to just say things, see how people react, and if there's enough applause it becomes policy and if there is enough backlash then it's walked back and he said he misspoke and then never talks about the issue again.

I think a lot of the time for universities it's cause they're not building their own custom tools for this stuff, just using off the shelf solutions that they can implement locally. So they just grab one app or system for each different thing they need instead of building one connected one.

I mean yeah but there is also a concept of an animal getting used to captivity and not being able to survive in the wild anymore. So releasing them like that is just a death sentence.

There seems to be a lot of gaps in that timeline in the 1800s, wonder what they were doing then 🤔

I think the problem I've noticed with Lemmy is I tend to only get the more popular communities showing up over and over again. Reddit was at least a little better about showing smaller subreddits I visited in my main feed at least somewhat often. Not sure if I just need to change how I sort on Lemmy, I currently use hot and subscribed.

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The problem also goes both ways though. Not only does it create fake things but it makes it much easier to discredit real things by just claiming that it's deep faked.

Yeah I'm not arguing that replacing people isnt what they want to do. They absolutely could if they would. I was just responding to the person saying they can't be replaced cause AI can't do what they do perfectly yet. My point was that at least for now it's not entirely replacing people but still displacing lots of people as AI is making people able to do more work.

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This is why I tend to just use the mobile apps for places to order. Not laggy and gives the benefits you mentioned of using a touch screen kiosk. A lot of them you don't even need an account to use the app which is nice if that's something that bothers you.

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I mean at least when it comes to design it was shit in the past cause either it was being done by people who didn't know much about design or it was something new and people didn't know what would be a good design for it. Now it's shit cause making it shit in certain ways let's companies make more money.

I remember during the GPU shortage I managed to get a new graphics card from waiting outside a best buy for it to open. So I tried to sell my old one on eBay. Gave good pictures and followed all the rules as far as I could tell but because I had never sold anything on their platform before I was instantly banned with no way to appeal. I get they were probably having to deal with lots of scammers but if I could appeal or talk to support I could literally prove I had the GPU I was selling but as far as I could tell there was no option for that. So now I can't sell anything on eBay unless I get someone else to sell it for me.