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I don't understand how having a rainbow nearby isn't protected by 1st amendment rights.

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Listen, I love Sinead, but she had some serious mental health issues. She became a catholic priest after lambasting the catholic church over child sexual abuse, then left the catholic church, then converted to Islam in 2018? I think if we want to completely divulge every single issue she had in her life, it does a disservice to her memory. From my perspective, there's no reason other than mania that I can think of why someone like her would convert to a faith like Islam.

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Criticizing. Israel. Is. Not. Anti-semitism.

Is criticizing Saudi Arabia "Islamophobia"?

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For any moderate woman reading this who hasn't heard: REPUBLICANS SEE YOU AS 2ND CLASS CITIZENS.

Him showing up to a Valorant tournament is some next level "how do you do fellow kids". Like, what's his business being there? I mean, if you told me that he secretly just spends his days playing Valorant and shitposting on twitter, it would make a lot of sense.

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If nothing else, this terrible unnecessary war has shown the West's cognitive dissonance.

Hardcore right wing people generally hate Jewish people, unless the Jewish people are fighting Muslim people, then it's "Jewish people have the right to self-determination!"

People on the left generally do not hate any specific ethnic group, however, we have a long history of criticizing Israel for their apartheid. Being met with the furor of everyone else calling us anti-semites is nothing new, but never has it come so forcefully from so many people all at once.

Moderates in the center aren't speaking out at all for fear of being called anti-semitic, maintaining international relations with a nuclear power, and secretly hoping that this takes attention away from the climate crisis so we can keep going business as usual in favor of the ruling class.

More important than the cognitive dissonance though, is the fact that everyone in the West believes their opinion is the best and will solve everything.

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Imagine losing your arbitrary blue check mark because you didn't buy enough ads on a platform that no one really uses anyway.

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Amazon is literally aliexpress but with a more sophisticated UI.

Nothing but absolute shit chinese knock off products. No longer can you get the same kind of savings like you could in the past. You're basically paying full retail now, plus prime or shipping.

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Stop paying attention to him. He was over validated as being a great interviewer, but that's only because he created a safe space for right-wing reactionaries to pander to conservative bros. His takes are trash, his hyper masculine routine is tired and lame, and he is a regular source of immediately debunkable misinformation.

Oh fuck no. Silksong is never coming out.

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Well this oughta change a few hearts and minds. War is hell, but this is a straight up crime.

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Imagine thinking that Trump is in any way, shape, or form, better for you and your family than Biden.

Conservatives and Republicans: hate working class people, hate people that rent, hate minorities including women, want to privatize every last piece of American society so you'll have to subscribe to your alarm clock and appliances.

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Man, I love That 70s Show, but so much fuckery and creepy shit happened during production. The irony being that this guy could have had any woman he wanted without assaulting them. He was the "cool funny" one on the show. Fucking gross piece of shit.

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This shouldn't be surprising to anyone. And it's a death knell of the internet as we know it. It won't be today or tomorrow, but slowly, over the next few years, expect surface level internet services to be extremely user unfriendly. I expect normies to just accept their fate and pay access fees to literally every website and service they use, while more tech savvy or explorative people might find their way to federated spaces or Usenet, etc.

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Don't you guys know anything? Words have zero meaning anymore. From "literally" to "pov", no one really understands how to use the english language anymore. Trump is a practitioner of the "that's not what I meant" school of communication. GWB had clearer thoughts.

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Who does CNN think their target demographic is with that headline? If you're reading CNN, you remember Reading Rainbow, and if you remember Reading Rainbow, YOU PUT SOME RESPEK ON LEVAR BURTON'S GATDAMN NAME.

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Oil companies invented a psyop in North America centered around male insecurity with their masculinity. That's why the best selling vehicle in North America is a massive gas guzzling pickup truck that the average person can't come close to affording but drives anyway.

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For real! Give me back the original game I purchased!

You forgot "seething resentmint"

Left wingers: "The right is full of neo-fascists who want to exploit natural resources, subjugate minorities, project their own pedophilia habits onto us, roll back the clock on women's rights, and are willing to lie, cheat, beg, borrow, and steal to get it all done!"

Right wingers: "The left is ANNOYING!"

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Because anyone who cries "freeze peach!" at any provocation are really just people that want to say hateful shit without repercussions. Generally, those same people are the ones to shut other people down from expressing their own freedom of speech.

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No it isn't. I paid $40 for it.

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Interesting to me, that Israel, the country that is most well known for cyber security and big tough guys who are good at martial arts, can't find random Hamas insurgents and take them out with precision strikes. No, it has to be artillery.

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I mean, over the years I've heavily reduced my meat intake, am super conscientious about transportation (haven't flown in a decade, keep my revs low when I drive, and try to get all my errands done in efficient ways as to minimize gas usage), turn off lights, ration my hot water usage, don't eat out at wasteful restaurants, buy "ugly" produce from the grocery store, promote renewable energy solutions whenever possible, compost, recycle, and create extremely little garbage. Yet, at my work, several of our AC generators that we use to power the facility use more oil in one day than my car does in its entire lifetime. Several handfuls of billionaires and their families emit the same amount of carbon as the poorest 66% of humanity. Seems to me, if we want to solve climate change, we have to get rid of the biggest polluters first, then transition to clean energy.

So a cop murdered a person.

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The reality is, the police knew he was in Romania, and they knew that he owns property in Romania. When you fly into a country, the government knows. He was already under investigation and the arrest just coincidentally synchronized with the pizzabox photo.

Ahh yes. Very normal temperatures. Super slow onset indicative of periodic warming of the planet over thousands of years. Definitely not man made. Nothing to be concerned about.

If I was a Republican, and I fancied myself a man of wit, accountability, and maturity, I would not be able to reconcile my politics against just how absurdly juvenile, idiotic, and whiny Trump is at all times.

They're not NFTs, NFTs are bad, no these token are called Community Points! Totally different than NFTs!

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It's a verifiably trash movie. It's not even remotely realistic in its depiction of child trafficking. "Giving a rats ass about the politics" is people understanding that it's garbage conservative propaganda and nothing more.

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You're suggesting that Nazi's use their famous critical thinking skills to understand that 99% of the world hates them and their ideology?

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Mental illness.

Ahh yes. Makes perfect sense. God created everything, he even created the apple that he didn't want Adam and Eve to eat, they ate it anyway, even though God knew that would happen, giving Adam and Eve free will, something that God knew would happen but didn't want to have happen even though he didn't have to create the universe in such a way that would allow this to happen. Anyway, a few thousand years go by and a bunch of humans high on some desert junk write a bunch of nonsense stories about the end of days, so God creates Adolf Hitler to kill all of the Jews, which are God's favorite people and the ones that are the coolest yet most deserving of genocide apparently, so that the ones that Hitler didn't kill could get their own made up country in the middle of the desert, so that God could press a button and open seals on a book or something that would unleash pure misery and despair unto the world so that he can take the REAL favorites (the Gentiles, not the Jews) to heaven while everyone else burns in pure agony for all eternity because that's the normal flow of logic that an omnipotent and omnipresent deity would need to to follow in order to have a bit of fun.

And they wonder why people think fundamentalists are fucking insane.

Pro Tip: You don't need to give a private company all of your passwords. That literally defeats the purpose of having passwords.

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People are so desperate for anything RESEMBLING twitter, that they'll sign up for a trash service like BS.

Mastodon undoubtedly has more brand recognition at this point.

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Look up "the wellness to fascism pipeline". Brand is the poster child of someone who had very left leaning politics, became interested in self help and natural living, fell down the anti-vax rabbit hole, and is now a conservative grifter. He realized that he wasn't getting more popular over time doing comedy, so he gravitated towards being a misinformation node.

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Try to put my PC to sleep? 1 of 3 things happens: it either goes to sleep normally, it goes to sleep but wakes itself up 2 seconds later, or the PC actually just shuts down. Try to shut down my PC? 1 of 2 things happens: it either shuts down, or it restarts.

I think the problem is Windows.

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On one hand, thanks to the nonstop giveaways, I have way more games on Epic than I do on Steam, so I have a reason to continue using Epic.

On the other hand, Epic's launcher runs like shit, constantly refreshes my library page, slow as hell, glitchy as hell, and makes me feel dirty when I use it.

Steam is just so cozy and is on the whole a much more enjoyable PC gaming experience. I imagine 95% of Epic users are people like me: sign in on Thursdays for the free game and then bounce.

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It's almost as if, they haven't fundamentally updated smartphones in almost a decade, and now they want $2000 for them.

Also, it's almost as if we've been in a recession for a year. Regardless of whether or not the government wants to call it a recession, we've had numerous back to back quarters with negative GDP growth. That's literally a recession.

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What is that headline?