
0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

He does know it. He uses it on purpose and then feigns ignorance.

That becuase that law was aimed at antifa and rioters, people DeSantis doesn't like, not his voter base.

Low pay

Buying school supplies with their own money is common

Actively abused by the school kids

Actively abused by the parents of school kids

No support from the administration

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No no, it's not "trolling," they call it alternative debating!

A sad bunch, the lot of them.

We don't use that word. Corruption and bribery sounds icky.

Try lobbying instead.

People who don't want to solve the problem, they just want their turn on top.

Been using lemmy for a few days and I am already feeling the need to do just that.





there are other just like me.

I am right here, and there are many more. I quit reddit about a week before the blackout. I used to be a power user, I'm talking more than 3 hours a day easily. I made a few post, but most of my engagement was from comments. I quit cold turkey, actively avoiding reddit result from google searches.

Fast forward to today, and I still don't use it out of spite. I still avoid it if I can but if there are search results from Google that have answers to my specific problem on reddit, I will read the comments with ad-block on and move on to another website if the reddit link did not provide a solution.

The amount of concern a woman should have about their partner is directly related to the amount of Shapiro that is displayed when complaining about Barbie. I had a few parts I didn't like, but I still enjoyed the movie as a whole. I thought the car chase scenes were so unnecessary and terrible product placement.

As a Floridian, please don't come. We make most of our money off of tourism, hospitality, and healthcare services. Go somewhere else, let this state die.

I never understood why we can elect local judges but not our Supreme Court. I understand why people say it's to keep it from being a political position that people run for like the president, but there has to be some harsher regulations on the Supreme Court judges becuase they keep doing shit like this. All the weird shit is to keep them "unbiased" but it's clearly that's just lie we tell the people to keep them placated.

If anyone believes the Supreme Court judges are unaffiliated with political parties, they are willingly ignorant.

As all this stuff comes out and gets verified, I keep naively thinking that we will see these people face consequences soon. Eventually someone will have to take action and remove him from his position, but as time passes, nothing happens. The news cycle moves on, and the general population forgets.

It's shit like this that further drives me into nihilism.

If the news started telling us why, we would be able to form our own opinions on the information it provides. The 'why' has been a thing of the past for decades.

Fuck, somebody tell Savannah, Georgia. This is gonna be messy.

Also because so many Republicans are running on a platform of Pres. Biden being complicit in his son's shady business dealings. As the evidence on that has gotten thinner and thinner, they are clinging to the gun charge to retain credibility with their voter base. They are trying to say "See?! He is a criminal just like we said, therefore we were right and the president is trying to protect him. That means he's should be impeached, just like they impeached Trump!"

Next they will announce that they are suing Disney because he watched the History Channel, and that had violence on it which contributed to his actions.


I've noticed that too. The compartmentalized nature of Reddit only exists becuase of the size of the communities. I've seen lot of people copying subreddits and also filling them with links to the top posts on that subreddit, meanwhile they are getting no comments or engagement. Lemmy should not act as a mirror hosting website for Reddit.


General Sherman craves to wander the southern lands once more.

I'm a bit confused. Of course, if the parents are not supportive then them needing to approve the "nickname" is a problem, but if the parent is supportive, isn't this good for parents becuase it give them more control over the school. If the parent approves of the nickname, the school has to recognize it and refer to the child by th name.

I agree it's taking control away from the kids, but is it not giving full control to the parents?

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