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Joined 1 years ago

It's Space Karen's new name, and logo, for Twitter.

How hard it is doesn't matter. If you can't compensate people for using their work, or excluding work people don't want users, you just don’t get that data.

There's plenty of stuff in the public domain.

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Fullmetal Alchemist fans only have one joke. We used to have two, but...

You really don't understand what a nihilist is.

I really confused the person monitoring the self checkout on one occasion several years ago.

I paid with cash, and was supposed to get something like $2.17 back in change. The machine gave me the seventeen cents just fine, but instead of two dollar bills, I got a one and a ten.

It took a couple tries to get the worker to understand that the machine gave me too much back.

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It's not using a computer that's the problem. The issue is that generative AI scrapes the entire internet to feed its model without compensating, or even asking, creators for using their work.

No, sparky, "terminate her pregnancy" was correct. No child is murdered by an abortion. Claiming otherwise requires profound ignorance of biology and what happens during pregnancy.

No, but there are things that will make this seem pleasant by comparison.

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Roe was "something on the books", sunshine. Until Trump stacked the Supreme Court there wasn't a need to put anything into law.

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Oh, wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.


The problem here, sweetie, is that you're assuming both sides have bad faith arguments.

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The difference here is that a child can't absorb and suddenly use massive amounts of data.

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Or Ezekiel 23:20

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Republicans would be great Daleks.

Had his party prevent a primary process? Do you have even the slightest idea of how presidential elections work? The incumbent president enjoys the presumption of being the nominee as long as they can, and want to, run again. If you didn't understand that the first time around, that's your fault.

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And what's wrong with that? It's something, especially compared to your plan of doing essentially nothing until an amendment is ratified.

If you're going to claim a response is brainless you should at least try not Maki a brainless response yourself. Nuclear isn't inherently dangerous, and is better for the environment in the long term.

Fuck that rule.

Lisa needs braces

What's that? You want more beans?

"I'm sorry, Marge. Must have been that bean I ate."

The one where my mom never had cancer.

and of course, the first Robot President, who was obsolete on day 1 because he had to wait til the age of 35 to get elected.

John Quincy Adding Machine. He struck a chord with the voters when he promised not to go on a killing spree.

Don't forget the horrors it'll produce from absorbing the Dwarf Fortress subreddits.

Unlikely. There are no beans in that trap.

Probably spiderweb

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It'd help if you weren't spewing bigoted nonsense.

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It's not hard to understand that you're a bigot.

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You certainly seem to care, sparky.

Pills? Those Toledo-stealing jerks are naturally like that.

Your choice to turn a blind eye to systemic racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist, sweetie.

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The best time to ignore the nuclear scare mongers us whenever they open their ignorant mouths.

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Memories if you're lucky. He'd try to put all autonomic functions behind a paywall.

He doesn't actually mean everyone. He'd have no problem with his mistress getting breast implants.

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The problem is that a human doesn’t absorb exact copies of what it learns from, and fair use doesn't include taking entire works, shoving them in a box, and shaking it until something you want comes out.

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Except they literally don't. Human memory doesn't retain an exact copy of things. Very good isn't the same as exactly. And human beings can't grab everything they see and instantly use it.

More bean, and bean adjacent content, please.

So, you're just going to ignore the Israeli attempt at committing genocide against the Palestinians?

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I'm just imagining Quebecois having a sub vs dub argument.