3 Post – 230 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Why don't you call anymore?"

I mean, why not have a dying sociopath representing us?..

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Wondering if this person is religious? I am. brb

Edit: Indeed, mormon. Religion is a cancer on society that preys on the ignorant and afraid. Capitalism seems like a carcinogen for religion.

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Another black Republican? WTF?

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There needs to be a new rule where when a headline asks why something sucks ass so tragically the answer is capitalism. It’s always capitalism.

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Religious people terrify me

I'm just some dumbfuck but,

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Hail Satan!


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Is this not clinical sociopathy?

Go gay dads! Go gay dads! GO!

Those who need to won't understand the reference.

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I had to stop reading. I don't like progress if this is the cost. I'll just continue to type out my critical comments with my fingers...

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Nestle is comically evil, but it's just not funny.

3 shitty years?!! He must’ve been super light skined-ed.

Why does Moscow Mitch always look like he just shat his pants?

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Religion terrifies me.

I guess dude didn't finish... some values!

I can't describe calmly how much i deplore the fucking police. Fuck the police.

And sabotaging Bernie

Because the produce industry doesn't violate workers rights...

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All slavery aside... YOU! Motherfucker! Are the problem.

Get this man a badge!

Captain hairplugs is pretty creepy.

Fuck the police. That is all

When is this waste of space gonna die?

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I guess the mouth breathers are going to have to go back to rubbin' 'em out to Guns and Ammo back issues.

I think I feel the world’s tiniest tear forming!, I just had to fart.

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Which rapist is he? I can't keep them straight (neither can they SNAP!). He the mouth breather who adopted the pool boi?

Dalls beep

This is pretty incel-ish. Here’s an article linking several studies which contradict your anecdotal suggestions. But you keep not fucking, I’ll cover for you!

I'll say this once and slowly... FUCK. THE. POLICE.

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I have prime. I torrent their content anyway as they don’t play nice with vpn.

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Mmm, censorship!

White supremes are gross.

The return of the Nazis

All these Cats Are Beautiful too?

All cats are beautiful!

This is an issue from the past decade. I can't wait for all these old politicians to die... Fuck our collective lives😒