Trump slurs words, struggles to gain crowd enthusiasm as he takes to campaign trail to politics – 592 points –
Trump slurs words, struggles to gain crowd enthusiasm as he takes to campaign trail

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When is this waste of space gonna die?

Trump is currently 77, at that age life expectancy is about 9-10 years. You could adjust it downward a bit for obesity and perhaps other evidence of poor health, but not by much.

You're forgetting that he's rich (compared to most americans, but as much as what he claims) and former POTUS giving him access to some of the best healthcare in the nation if not the world.

Just remember that when he contracted covid back in 2020 and was hospitalized, it wasn't just a vaccine or horse medicine they used to cure him, bit god damn stem cells derived treatment.

That doesn't change that we simply don't have ways of curing or treating lots of things. If he's developing Alzheimer's for example no amount of money can do much of anything.

Ronnie was a doddering old man for decades and they hid it really well.

It's why they pick actors.