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Yeah, but bland as the last one was, can you imagine Vance doing the right thing and certifying the election after the shit show on Jan 6th?

I may not be a Pence fan, but he earned a ton of respect from me that day.

Well, it's not like RDR2 had a short story, so I'm ok with that.

I suspect they want enough of a solo game to not piss off us old guys, then will quickly pivot to GTA6 online for the cash cow.

If the world and AI are good, I'll have endless hours causing chaos and jumping motorcycles.

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Was born premature, and required open heart surgery when I was only a few days old.

When I was around 17 I had the chance to visit the hospital and tour the children's ICU I had been in. A children's ICU is not the happiest place in the world, and there were strange looks from both staff and parents as we walked around, feeling very awkward.

Then a short man with a thick accent burst through the door and hugged me. Turned out, the doctor who had performed my surgery was there and insisted on showing me around personally.

He walked me over to a woman who was about the saddest person I have ever seen, sitting next to an incubator. "This is what your son will look like in 18 years" he told her.

They took my picture, and hung it on the board for the kids who had "graduated", and I have to believe it was the first time in a long time that room had joy and happiness in it.

If someone had told me that that doctor wasn't welcome because he had a husband I think I would have wanted to become violent.

This law means that those families now have 1/3 fewer people to give a chance for thier kids, and the odds for me hadn't been that great to begin with.

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George Carlin said it best, yes a receding hairline is annoying, but no where near as bad as an advancing hairline.

Who would want to have to shave their forehead?

This is all fine and good till it's a conflict between two specific mods. Damn you FO4 on PS4, why you gotta be like that?

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My cats are the perfect balance of affection, entertainment, and low maintenance.

Dogs are great, but I can leave my cats alone for a long weekend and when I get home, the house is just as I left it.

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There are a lot of both dark themes and on screen deaths and violence, many of which are pretty graphic.

Fallout as a franchise is well known for some pretty horrific elements, often painted over with bright colors and upbeat music, but horrific all the same.

If Game of Thrones or The Boys were too much for you, then Fallout certianly is.

That said, it is an absolutely brilliant and faithful adaptation of the source material, and as a long time fan of the games, I loved every minute of it.

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You are really moving your scalp by pulling various muscles in jaw, forehead, back of neck, eyebrows, etc, and your ears go long for the ride.

So do plenty of us older ones. I worked in a hospital state side, I wasn't G.I. Joe.

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A friend of mine offered me a yoga lessons.

At the time, my body was in a real bad way from decades of skateboard and snowboard injuries. I had just accepted that this was how things were going to be.

I figured what the hell, it can't make things worse.

Over the course of about six months, I was able to walk, move, and sleep almost like normal. While it couldn't fix much of the actual damage, my range of motion greatly increased, I have a lot less headaches and neck pain, and the pain in my joints has greatly diminished.

Now at almost 50, I am back on the boards, though since my landing gear is fucked it's a much more mellow style of riding.

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I know you are but what am I, glad to see he's going with the Peewee defence.

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True, but remember "did not vote" was higher then either Hillary or Trump first time around.

I was apathetic in 2016, I didn't care enough to vote for her, or know enough to vote against Trump.

I voted against Trump on 2020, and now I've seen enough I will vote for Biden in 2024, assuming he is the nominee. Otherwise, it's another vote against Trump.

My point is, there was a real disconnect back in 2016, and a lot of people just couldn't be bothered.

Trumps base has only gotten smaller, but the people who know and want to keep him out has grown. I suspect we will see both significant turn out, and significant voter suppression in 2024.

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It's not, but it happens to males, so no one cares. I certianly wasn't consulted about it, and have only been ridiculed when I've suggested it should have been my choice.

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Last time I voted against Trump, this time I'm voting for Biden.

That is assuming he is the candidate. Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to vote against Trump again.

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Use windows + p to change the presentation settings on a laptop when connecting to a monitor or audio / video system. This lets you quickly change between laptop, dual display, and extended desktop.

Windows + x and then b brings up a menu where you can turn on "presention" mode, preventing the laptop from going to sleep during a presentation.

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Both perfect dark and goldeneye had dual analog support on the N64, though only in single player. Was my first experience with dual analog and all my friends thought I was nuts holding two controllers. Then the Ps2 came out w dual stick and we never looked back.

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People want weird crazy mysteries in life, though personally I don't understand it.

I agree, when all this comes to light its just going to be new tech, or glitches in the existing tech.

We've hidden advanced development behind alien stories plenty times before.

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If you are producing enough urine to drown in a coffin in 48 hours you should see a urologist

I love my job, I really do, but I wouldn't do it as a hobby. I don't think it's so much advice about making your hobbies a career, as it is about finding work you enjoy.

Video games, skateboarding, riding a motorcycle, all things I love, but no way I'd try to make a living at any of them.

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Back in the 90s my father to us on ski trip to the Rockies. We grew up in the midwest, and even though snowboards were still new, we were masters of the tiny mounds we call ski hills in Wisconsin.

Before he would let us go on our own, my dad insisted we take a lesson. When the instructor asked what we wanted to learn, I said "Jumping cliffs and tree skiing".

We went up the highest lift, and then proceeded to hike another half hour. Well above the tree line, on a narrow ridge, the instructor stops, straps in, and says we are dropping in here. He asks one last time if this is what we want to do, then he went off the damned cliff.

So now my brother and I, both teenagers from Chicago, are alone on the top of this mountain watching our guide shrink off in the distance.

We looked at each other in disbelief, and realised we were either doing this, or walking another half hour back down without a guide.

Strapping in and psyching myself up to push off into what seemed like open sky was maybe the biggest "Wait, how the hell did I end up in this situation" moments of my life.

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If you don't feel it, don't do it. Some injuries don't heal right, and many of the hobbies I enjoy have a pretty damned high risk factor. Almost every single time I've had a serious injury, that little voice was telling me "This one might not end well", and I went for it anyway.

I could have walked away, called it a day, and come back another time. It wasn't a contest, I was just out filming a few tricks for my "You're turning 40 and still doing it" video. Didn't stretch, didn't warm up, and my over enthusiastic filmer was all "Try this, do that". Ended up collapsing my knee and fully tearing my MCL.

Between that and a few neck and back fractures over the years, my mobility and flexibility are pretty well shot. There are things I just can't do anymore.

Sure I still skate, and am amazed just how much I can still get away with, but now every minute on the board includes a constant "Is this safe? Is this worth it?" chant.

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This is only going to get worse with modern games. Always online to servers that won't exist. Digital only copies you won't be able to download.

Not only should the firmware be made available, I think if you are taking servers offline you should be required to release the source code.

I can still play my N64 and PS3 games with physical copies, but many on PS4 are basically unplayable without the day one patch at least

Ubisoft has made it clear, "Well, if you want to play Assasins Creed, or Farcry, we expect you to play the new ones".

Well, in both cases, the new ones are ass and I want to play the old ones, that I paid for.

As others have said on here, once the product is no longer supported, I feel the rights to that software should pass to the community.

I write code for a living, and when I'm done, the client owns that software. I hand over all the source code as part of close out. If they want me to maintain it, fine. If the want to go with someone else, its theirs to do with as they please.

Requirements for a car. 1: All wheel drive 2: Small station wagon 3: Manual transmission 4: No touch screen 5: Does not connect to internet

Yup, looks like 2014 is the newest car I can buy.

Get your shit together car companies and maybe I'll be interested in you products again.

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TIL that both Voyager craft are still operating, simply amazing.

Sports equipment has benefited greatly from advances in material science.

I've been snowboarding since they weren't allowed on the hills and a few years ago was finally able to buy a full new setup.

There isn't a single component of my gear that isn't a radical improvement over the prior setup from 10 years earlier.

Thermal form boots, fancy new strong and flexible plastics in the bindings, and who knows all the wizardry in the board itself.

It is all so comfortable and performs so much better I can't imagine going out with my old gear.

I have to believe this is true across the board in football and hockey protection etc.

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Well, it better not be. I suspect the outcome of this election is going to determine how a lot of things work.

We just need to compromise, arrays start at 0.5

It was my primary social media site for over 10 years, and only one in probably the past five after ditching Facebook.

All I ever used to access it was baconreader. When the first talk of killing off the API started with the rate hike, I had a sinking feeling this was the end.

Rode it out till the last day, and reflexively kept opening baconreader just to realise again it was offline.

Decided to give Lemmy a try, and while it took a couple days to get it sorted, I have to say, for my daily browsing fix, it's more than enough.

Yes, reddit is a giant database, and when google searches take me there I'll view the info, but for everyday use, lurking, posting, and commenting, never again.

Not sure of its bias, user saturation, bot, shills, demographic, or what, but while smaller, the quality and content of the comments here just seems better. It reminds me of the early days on fark or even back on IRC.

It really does piss me off that greed over an IPO ruined something that had been a part of my life for so long.

I am enough of a grumpy old bastard that unless they fix the API and baconreader starts up again, I'm done. The internet is a big weird place, and I'm happy to go see other parts of it.

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My playstation 4, I've had it who knows how many years. Not only do I have countless hours of gaming, but it's also my primary media device.

Have an original N64 from like 98, no idea how many hours of enjoyment I've gotten out of that.

Ceramic skateboard bearings I bought in 2001, as well as a pair of grind king trucks from maybe 97 that I still ride.

She didn't say anything really, just smiled and thanked the doctor.

While I was too young to fully understand it at the time, it still had a big impact on me, and looking back on it now I tear up a bit.

That day is the reason, years later when joining the military, I took an MOS fixing medical equipment. I'm no health care worker, but I'm damned good w tech, and fixing the machines that help fix people always meant a lot to me.

I don't know what happened with either her or her child, but I suspect the doctor knew because he said it with such confidence, I doubt he would have given her false hope.

The amount of time and money spent doing all the starting and running a buisness crap that has nothing to do with the actual work is staggering. I started my own LLC in an industry where I am considered an expert, and it was a complete failure in less then three years.

I had clients, I had projects, but was so overwhelmed with all the buisness elements I just couldn't spend the time required to get the work done properly. On top of that, while the money was good, the clients were often late paying, so all sorts of fees piled up and quickly ate into the profit. In the end I realized to do it right would have required at minimum four full time people.

Ended up taking a job with a large company as their in house specialist and I'm so much happier. I work shorter hours, get a regular salary with benifits, and spend my time doing the technical stuff I like.

Not saying don't do it, just be aware of everything that goes into it beyond the core elements of the work / product.

I've been skateboarding since '85, and in the 90s is was basically dying out as everyone turned to rollerblades. The one two punch of Tony Hawks Pro Skater and Tony landing a 900 in the Xgames on live TV really reinvigorated the sport.

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You know, as a non-combat veteran I would laugh my ass off if someone said this to me.

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I have two main categories, pleasant distractions, and screaming at the gods.

Pleasant distractions are things I enjoy in my free time like video games, reading, juggling, lock picking.

Screaming at the gods are things I do because I need something so physical and dangerous that it requires 100% of my focus. Skateboarding, snowboarding, long distance motorcycle trips. These are things I do to get work and other stresses out of my head for a time, as I can't afford to have my attention split.

The advances in material science and manufacturing in sports equipment in the past 15 years has been amazing.

That means boots, bindings, and a snowboard that would have seemed like alien technology to me when I started riding. Same goes for all the saftey gear, knee pads, helmets, integrated wrist guards in gloves.

The performance, comfort, and saftey offered by modern equipement means I can still enjoy my favorite sports at 50. The thought of getting on a hill with gear I had just 15 years ago makes me shudder.

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When Oblivon was an Xbox exclusive, Sony turned to Fromsoft to create an RPG for Playstation to compete with ES4.

The whole project tanked, and from the ashes we go Demon's Souls. A whole new genre of gaming was born, and we're all better off for it.

Hopefully something similar will happen this gen.

I have always been a huge fan of Bethesda games, well, fallout and elder scrolls at least. I would love to play ES6.

That said, there is no way I'm but another game system just for a handful of games.

Honestly, considering that Skyrim has been ported to every single device w a processor in it, I'd be very surprised if we don't see a PS5 release of Starfield next xmass season. That is just way too much money to be left on the table.

20 years ago at a trade show, a new module based visual coding tool was introduced in my field which claimed "You'll never need another programmer".

Oddly enough, I still have a job.

The tools have gotten better, but I still write code every day because procedural programming is still the best way to do things.

It is just now reaching the point that we can do some small to medium scale projects with plug and play systems, but only with very specific equipment and configurations.

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Woman I liked borrowed money from me to buy a motorcycle, and in a drunk haze I told her to keep the bike as a valentine's present.

Demons souls through Dark Souls 3 I bought, tried, and quickly ended up on my shelf.

Knew they were amazing games, but I just couldn't figure it out. Always played with a shield, was slow and methodical, and just didn't get anywhere.

Then I read a post about someone who was having trouble so summoned another player. The summon showed up "Naked with a katana and charged in like a Jedi".

So I said screw it, and tried a light no shield build. Didnt care how far I got, I just started grinding the early enemies and leveling up. Then it all just sort of clicked.

Got my girlfriend into the games, and we've played through them all together, just now finishing on bloodborne.

If you want the best bang for your buck, in my opinion, you have two options.

One is to go cheap. For personal use I buy Visio displays, and have had nothing but success. I never connect them to the internet, and use my PS4 as my media player.

The other is to buy a commercial grade display. This usually means no media apps at all, but they are designed for 24/7 operation. Look for something advertised as a digital signage display.

As the other poster mentioned, OLED is supposed to have better contrast and black, but I've never noticed much of a difference.

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