8 Post – 603 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I learned this recently: eau de toilette means it is a lightly scented cologne made for short term wear. Eau de parfum is a stronger scent for longer wear.

Eau de toilette is the most popular type of men’s cologne in the USA.

Using ProxMox has been extremely useful for me. It has allowed me to experiment with a lot more things than I ever did before—it is very easy to spin up a new VM to test things out.

I would recommend it to anyone running a home server.

Indeed, the person in the ambulance went bankrupt. I’m not even kidding.

In America, you can’t call just one—you’ll still get police if you ask for an ambulance.

Source: am American, have tried calling for only an ambulance before.

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It’s almost like they’re a bad car.

I just read his Wikipedia page. Under the conditions of his time, how was he a racist? The article says he opposed slavery, opposed “scientific racists” of the time who argued polygenism and that some races were “transitional” between animal and man, and he asserted that science could never excuse the atrocities of slave owners.

He did have incomplete theories about a racial hierarchy of intelligence, which was a common idea at the time. The article doesn’t suggest that he was a primary champion of that theory, or that it heavily featured in most of his work.

In my opinion, he seems like a man who was doing what he could to expand his understanding of his observations, even if he was limited and misled by the prevailing methods and attitudes of his lifetime. Perhaps he should be judged against his peers rather than modern sensitivities, particularly without any evidence of malice in his work.

This may be the first true thing he’s said in his entire life.

Pretty sure Chipotle is owned by McDonalds.

Invest in real food. It is the foundation of your body.

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What a tricksy thieving hobbit you are! /s

You’ll be fine. Stop seeding the thing they don’t like and increase your security—VPN, seedbox, private trackers, etc. If anybody asks, you had an asshole neighbor kid who guessed your WiFi password.

Edit: just realized that you were using a server with Hetzner—Germany is one of the worst places for torrenting. Get a server in a friendlier country for that.

Makes sense. Having a ladies only exhibit that only shows women artists is a positive thing. Not allowing certain visitors into a museum because of their gender is sexist.

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It isn’t making the coffee that’s hard, it’s being on your feet for 8 solid hours while getting assaulted by a Karen every 30 minutes and playing the memory game of 3 pumps vanilla no foam cinnamon powder vinti super choco-latte. The coffee is just a minor part of the job.

As a Texan, can confirm that Ken Paxton is a piece of shit.

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Don’t forget the tits out for Harambe too. She exposed herself in the presence of children—a tried and true Republican tradition at this point.

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I’m suspicious of the idea that women respond favorably to those notices.

“You wouldn’t download a car…”
Women: Gee, officer, that’s a good point.


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Wait, people get on to strangers plex accounts? Like for money or something?

Bro, pirate your own movies and provide your Plex access only to your friends, friends friends, friends friends friends, coworkers, and family, as god intended.

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Link without paywall:

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This is the first time I’ve ever heard something positive about RPAN. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

I wouldn’t have learned to type if a teacher hadn’t lied to me and told me that I wouldn’t be allowed to go to high school unless I could pass a basic typing test. It enraged me at the time when I found out, but it was one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me in the long run.

My mom was like you, well intentioned and getting involved a lot, to my detriment. I’ve never been able to get across to her that I would have been better off as an adult if I’d been allowed to struggle and accept consequences more as a kid. This became extremely apparent to me when I went to boarding school as an older teen, and had to catch up fast to my more self reliant peers. Getting away from people going overboard to help me was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I watched the same pattern play out with a lot of other students who had overly loving parents. The road to hell can be paved with good intentions.

Typing things for your kid is like reading things for your kid—it is such a fundamental skill that not being forced to reach your potential in it will massively change your life for the worse. My mom was a teacher for over 20 years, and the three biggest factors in success were reading ability, reading comprehension, and typing (as the modern form of writing). None of those skills are going to be obtained with anything other than exposure, practice, and time. You can give someone tools for practicing, but you can’t do the practicing for them.

I saw in your comments that your daughter has a learning disability, but all of this still stands. She will be judged against her peers as an adult, regardless of her diagnosis, so it’s best to start finding ways to work with it now.

Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I would be offended to get an AI robocall from a politician, and it would make me less likely to vote for them, even if they were from the party I support.

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This is correct. It’s about a healthy scalp. Like lotion for your head.

That’s called brandishing, and it’s usually a crime.

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Unconscious and pathetic on a hospital bed? Yeah, kinda. /s

Wait until you find out where the US came from…

Nginx. I pronounced it N-Jinx.

I never in a million years would have guessed it was “Engine X”.

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Rip, upload, seed forever. It’s the only way to repent.

What are the positive qualities of Microsoft Linux? I’m sure it is more stable than normal Windows, but I’m not sure I could ever trust it as an OS.

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Trust me, it’s already worth it. Literally every other operating system in existence is better than windows. I’d use Temple OS before going back.

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I’m doing my part!

As a Texan who is working to create change in this state, please don’t kick us out. We aren’t only the bad things you see on the news. We can offer you:

Big Tex
Cowboy Hats
Willie Nelson
Chuck Norris
Fried (insert any food group)
Everything cool about Austin
Czech kolaches
Boots galore
And so much more.

Help us. We are a lot more purple than the news makes it seem, and we have been gerrymandered to the point that we need more than a simple majority to create change. If you can find it in your hearts to assist us in becoming a swing state, the whole nation stands to inherit all the things that made Texas an iconic part of the country in the first place. We are worth the effort.

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On one hand, he sounds like he learned to be completely unlike his father. On the other hand, he admits he has major educational deficiencies from his upbringing.

Seems like a bit of a risky choice for a political candidate, but he does seem genuine.

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Just do it.

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No need to stress about that decision when you could never afford a home anyway.

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Lmao at the perfume and chocolates. You somehow beelined to the most Valentines related gifts possible.

The suggestion for a letter or card saying how much they helped you is the best idea. If you don’t feel up to writing, then think about a professional gift, like a fancy pen or something to sit on their desk. Don’t spend a lot of money, that makes it weird. Less than $30.

I’m so glad we had this talk at this stage of your life before you gave your first boss a fine bottle of perfume and then had a bewildering conversation with HR, lol.

One of the greats.

Perfectly replicating a Mac trackpad on a Linux system might be the final push for me to switch. Once those gestures are part of your flow, they are almost impossible to live without. It is one of the primary things Apple has ever gotten consistently right.

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Texan here. The vast majority of us don’t want to secede and think this is crazy. Please don’t curse us along with the monsters that are ruining our lives.

And before the “just move” train starts, a lot of us would like to, but we need access to our current support systems to survive, and can’t detangle our lives from our area at the drop of a hat.

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I once stood within 3 feet of Greg Abbott. Every single day of my life, I regret not punching him straight in the nose. It wouldn’t have changed anything, but he most certainly deserved it then, and double deserves it now.

So why is your mother dating this douche?

It wasn’t right in 1965, and it isn’t right today. Creating inverse discrimination to draw attention to historical discrimination is still a form of discrimination, even if it is temporary.

This was just a poorly executed concept that could have been done better.

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Sam from LOTR saying “I donated to DB0, together we can share the load”