Affine Connection

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Joined 1 years ago

Journalism was always like this when it comes to reporting on research.

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The last paragraph is completely irrelevant, as it has nothing to do with the ozone layer. You do not want ozone in the troposphere, but you do want it in the stratosphere.

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Simply open about:config, search for dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled, and change it from true to false.

Indeed, the upsides to this outweigh the downsides. I can't even remember the last time I needed to re-enable it.

"X" already happened. Musk even stole the logo.

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Incidentally, Biden is the only silent generation US president.

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It’s not shelf stable. It has a short lifespan.

Ultra-pasteurized milk has a remarkable shelf life, even when unrefrigerated.

And how is it better for us? Considering a majority of the world can’t digest it is a big sign as to why plant based is better.

Your argument becomes a non-sequitur when extended to people who are lactose tolerant. The mere existence or ubiquity of lactose intolerance does not entail that milk is bad for the lactose tolerant. Perhaps plant substitutes to cow milk are better for even the lactose tolerant, but lactose intolerance is completely irrelevant to the minority of us such as myself who produce sufficient enzymes to digest lactose without any difficulty whatsoever.

"Single pixel" is an interesting way of putting it.

That comment made me imagine a bunch of people sitting in a movie theater, watching a film that consists of nothing but a giant square that keeps changing colors and brightness, with the soundtrack from another film. The film is called "Blindness Simulator."

I have obsessive guilt about silly things, but even I cannot comprehend why people would feel guilty about simply not buying something at a store.

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He's stealing the X logo, not the X.Org logo. The X.Org logo consists of the X logo with a superimposed "O".

X came way before X.Org. X.Org is just a 21^st^ century implementation of X.

It's just another Chromium browser now.

using copyrighted clips in a monetized video can make you get a strike against your channel

Much of the time, the use of very brief clips is clearly fair use, but the people who issue DMCA claims don't care.

how is that even allowed

lobbyists, I presume

Rip current with giant waves (and no lifeguards)…
I got back to shore a mile away.

.C came first. I don't usually use it though; I usually use .cc or .cxx, but if I'm making some tiny test source, I often use .C. I'm strongly opposed to the .cpp extension because calling C++ "CPP" leads to confusion with the preexisting (before C++) use of the initialism to refer to the C preprocessor. There's a reason why CPPFLAGS refers to preprocessor flags and CXXFLAGS refers to C++ flags.

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How much is ext4 filesystem-level encryption actually used though?

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It's not just legal—it's not even impolite.

Cow milk tasting much better than alternatives (which I do very strongly agree with) is not exactly a good argument for dairy subsidies.

You won’t loose data or corrupt the filesystem if your system looses power.

Some secondary storage devices ignore standards and outright lie about sectors being successfully written when they are actually scheduled to be written out of order. This causes obvious problems when power failure prevents the true writes from completing. Nothing can be guaranteed for such drives.

I got all the landscape ones correct—except for one—by applying my limited knowledge of art technique.

Does a tree falling in the woods with nothing to hear it make a sound?

It's probably № 1 on my list of stupidest questions. The answer is yes.

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Why does philosophy constantly twist things into an over complicated mythical mess, and then act like it’s some novel insight?

I cannot stand that either, but this sort of pseudo-profundity is more common in some specific schools of thought, rather than philosophy in general.

Pretty sure Christopher Columbus is on record telling a native to “Love it or Leave it”

No, he was too busy with murdering them.

It’s not like the entire operating system is GPL. The customers are obviously free to redistribute the source for the free software components.

It's technically all the same font. The script characters are "Mathematical Bold Script" Unicode characters (U+1D4D0 to U+1D503), rather than plain ASCII letters in a separate, cursive web font:


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That's the X logo, not the X.Org logo, which has a superimposed "O" in addition to the X logo. X.Org didn't come until the 21^st^ century, despite the fact that it is now considered the official reference implementation of X.

Because Hurd was disastrously conceived from the very beginning, it can never be more than an unnecessarily inefficient curiosity.

All homeopathic remedies are equally strong with an efficacy of essentially zero, so yes.

Also, I constantly name files in the same directory the same thing except for case. In my ~/tmp directory I have unrelated foo.c (C source) and foo.C (C++ source).

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wet, fuzzy magnet with a bald rock child

But dc is a reverse polish calculator Unix program. It's even in the Bell Labs' Unix 1^st^ edition manual.

I was under the impression that the assertion that chiropractic neck manipulation causes vertebral artery dissection is often suggested, but that evidence of such a causation is inconclusive. I certainly believe it, but I can't assume. Chiropractors may twist the inconclusiveness into suggesting that such neck manipulation is safe, but that's a fallacy.

IPA is also useful for cleaning and drinking.

Yes, but they were satisfied when IBM was given a license to use JSLint for evil.

That was the answer to the question.
God deleted it.

The first time, I was barely sedated and had traumatizing hallucinations for what felt like ten minutes but what was probably less than a minute.
The second time, I was heavily sedated to the point of double vision and cannot remember anything after I put the mask on.

I found waking up unpleasant in both cases because of the paralytic agent.

I want to believe that most wash their hands after defecating, at the least.

cocaine entities

I look forward to finding out how it’s actually much worse than meets the eye. [emphasis added]

It this schadenfreude because you hate Canonical and their Snap system?

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No Ad is good sunscreen.