4 Post – 215 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You didn't though. You replied to me saying this:

What did Clinton do? You mean aside from keeping his mouth shut about being offered an underage girl?

Bro the guy was literally "the leader of the free world" and said nothing about his friend selling children to child diddlers and you are going to come at me with a "but akchually WHICH LAW DID HE BREAK?!?!?!?". Go piss.

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What did Clinton do? You mean aside from keeping his mouth shut about being offered an underage girl?

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In this specific case I agree, not reporting CSA should be illegal (and probably is?) I'm not so sure that we should codify the current ethical understanding into law though.

We need to leave room for development. Forcing new ideas to first go through the battle of legalization isn't helpful in this regard. Laws are there to regulate what normal social regulation can't do properly.

I think people who cheat on their partners are morally speaking bad people. But writing into law you can't have multiple partners at once is quite obviously a bad decision, because there are happy polyamourus relationships. The government doesn't need to get involved here, being treated like the ass that you are for cheating is punishment enough, and leaves the room for developing new ways of living together.

It's not like trump is known to not stoop below any bar he sees. Holding the bar up won't do anything

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Well building bombs on the other hand is very lucrative. As long as you keep a few zones of earth as playgrounds for these bombs

The point being trump would set the bar very low anyways

Excuse me the correct slang here would be to hit someone with that "hawk tuah"

You just have a chain of unprovable assumptions there.

Kid's use slang -> they must have picked it up on the internet -> many people are illiterate -> the parents of these specific kids are not raising them right

I'm gonna start following and bothering you!

Edit: huh boost for lemmy doesn't seem to have a "follow this user" button. So you might be save for now.

I guess it's also my bad. After reading the text with a more neutral mindset it's not that clear cut as I initially read it. My bs detector tends to get a bit sensitive when AI comes up and I interpreted the wording in the worst way possible.

Well I hope she's afraid of them now.

You know what I never had a picture of a silly goose in my head. But now I do. Thanks!

Cocknitive balls therapy?

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Stupidity shouldn't result in death. And not following the law also shouldn't result in death as long as lives aren't actively endangered.

Aside from that, chasing the guy over a broken light was pretty dumb of the cop. Noncooperative vehicles are a BIG hazard to other traffic. Write down the number plate, visit them at home. The taillight will still be broken tomorrow.

You have written tests for your code and now feel safe because your code is tested. But test quality is really hard to measure. The idea seems to be to introduce "vulnerabilities" (whatever that means...) and see if your tests catch them. If they do that's supposed to show that the tests are good and vice versa.

As the first AI-based mutation testing tool, Mutahunter surpasses traditional “dumb” AST-based methods. Our AI-driven approach provides a full contextual understanding of the entire codebase,

This is where I call bullshit. The AST is a precise representation of the code which should be easier to analyse and modify instead of the raw text. If you only rely on processing the text I have a hard time believing your AI has a deep understanding of the contextual interdependencies of the different parts of the code.

Edit: it kinda does use the AST if one of the preconditions is a treesitter grammar? Maybe the marketing wording is just very unfortunate?

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You think a company run by Elon has an extensive software safety review system?

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What's really important is this: Crime is not on the rise in Germany. The fear is entirely manufactured. The fear is real and explains the results but the fear itself is manufactured.

Yes pedophiles acting on their urges are criminals, of the worst kind. Pedophiles that manage their urges should be treated like anyone else. They also deserve representation so that they can find the support they need. Just shoving them in a closet won't help anybody.

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I think the biggest problem is that ai for now is not an exact tool that gets everything right. Because that's just not what it is built to do. Which goes against much of the philosophy of most tools you'd find on your Linux PC.

Secondly: Many people who choose Linux or other foss operating system do so, at least partially, to stay in control over their system which includes knowing why stuff happens and being able to fix stuff. Again that is just not what AI can currently deliver and it's unlikely it will ever do that.

So I see why people just choose to ignore the whole thing all together.

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Well ackshually real-time describes a mode of processing data where you have hard requirements on when a computation needs to be finished.

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You ought to love humanity. "We are shipping flower seeds halfway across the globe so we have at least some legitimacy to make an online rating marginally better"

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Toilettentieftaucher is another great german word mishmash. Literally someone doing deep dives in toilets

No. I won't not do that. For security reasons.

Trans, gay, Romani, Black people all got deported to concentration camps as well as jews. The death machinery worked against a lot of people, even if it was designed to exterminate jews.

They even had a badgesystem to visually identify for what "crime" someone was in the camp.

Edit: As well as other groups of people, a complete lists is basically impossible. Communists where early victims, but disabled people where also brought to the camps and killed for the "Volksgesundheit".

Is it because society decided that they need to be treated with disgust because of something they don't have control over, something they were born with, who they are?

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What exactly are the consequences relating to becoming a mother?

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That's so not how onlyfans nor deciding to become a mother works, I don't even know how to respond to this

Which makes it 1% total. Which is a lot for one single change

Because it's not an outrageous amount if you are one of the richest people on earth. It's all relative.

But it also shouldn't take a lawsuit to correct this at a later point. It sounds like she did ask for a raise to the same level as her colleague pretty consistently. Honestly there should just be more tariffs. Making everyone go through the same struggles to get more money seems so inefficient and unfair if the outcome doesn't depend on the actual work delivered but on (sometimes completely unrelated) skills. A software dev doesn't need to know the best strategies in salary negotiations to be a top notch software dev.

As a German I am always surprised how little I know about french politics (I mean I know le pen and macron are and i vaguely remember that he had to form a weird coalition?). Even British politics are discussed more than French politics even though they do influence us way more. Would you say it's the same for you?

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Be careful it starts with just one scorpion and suddenly you are involved in a show about a deranged exotic animal fan that supports trump with an arch nemesis that fed their husband to a tiger.

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To noone's surprise as she has hardly visited school


I mean he also is a friend of Linus' going a long while back but I agree he should be given a chance to straighten this out

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Yeah I hate it when "the tribe" calls out my factually wrong opinions.

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Time for one of the most interesting seasons of the bachelor

I mean, I guess the point they are making: "Keeping the fediverse an enjoyable experience is hard work by design" is kind of true.

But I would be very interested in how you can exclude hate speech "by design"

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I'm not saying I support Iran with their threats but I think I have a problem with the generality of what you said. The same could be used to say the west shouldn't support Ukraine with weapons because then the war would be over sooner, preventing deaths and violence.

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