2 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Lemmy for me is all Linux, politics, boobs, anime and sports. I'm a straight woman who hates sports and anime, has a surface interest in Linux but doesn't wish to debate about it, and likes to be knowledgeable about both world and US politics but hates the anger. I'm really debating if Lemmy is for me, but I won't go back to reddit and I need someplace to browse when the insomnia strikes.

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When I was in my late teens/early twenties I truly thought that in ten years I'd own a home for sure, with some hard work and dedication.

Ten years later, I don't even get to buy groceries every week or eat every day. I've lost 30 pounds in the last year just from skipping so many meals.

I can't wait to see what the next ten years holds.

And if one more person tells me I should make sure to invest for retirement... I can't even feed myself, what you want me to invest? My retirement plan is work until I'm too old/sick/injured and then off myself.

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I'm also joining the group coming here from All, I've never heard of this, but just wanted to chime in and say I'm sorry some of you have to DYI your own healthcare because the system is failing you, please be safe and healthy.

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One of the men I've most respected and most trusted in my life told me once (at the time a teenager) that when he was in his 20s, women in their 20s were so hot and seeing a barely clothed young woman was so hot. But he said that now that he was in his 40s, women in his 40s were so hot and whenever he looked at a woman in her 20s all he could think of was that she could be his daughter and that he just felt protective and there was nothing hot or attractive about her.

I'm a woman, but when I was in my teens and early 20s guys in their teens and early 20s seemed so attractive and anyone older was not it. Now that I'm in my early 30s I'm so attracted to men in their 30s and I look at teens and guys in their early 20s and they just seem like babies to me. I actually deal with a lot of young guys with my work and they're all cool people and I love talking to them, but dating them? Ugh, no thank you. They were in elementary school (or younger) when I was graduating high school. So yeah, I think for a lot of people your goalposts move as you move, and that's not a bad thing. I also am curious as to whether I'll someday find 60 or 70 year old men hot, but I've got a long ways to go.

About a month ago I was at the gas station filling up my 24 year old clunker when a homeless guy came up and asked if I would give him enough money for a coffee. I was going to lie and say I didn't have cash on me, but it occurred to me that I'm one bad day from being in his shoes every moment, so I checked the emergency stash I kept in my car and on impulse just gave him the whole pile of it. Idk how much it was, not a ton, but a handful of ones and maybe a $5 or a $10. And yeah, a week ago, that bad day happened. My husband dumped me via text message, and now I'm very, very close to homelessness in the next few weeks or months if I can't find a place to go soon. It's not always drugs, or addiction, or laziness. Sometimes it's making what look like good decisions and just getting fucked over.

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I'm convinced that Trump could murder someone live on camera and then claim it wasn't him, a shapeshifter did it, and get away with it and still have a voter base defending him.

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I wasn't smart enough to make that choice this time around, but next life being born into a rich family is my number one criteria :)

I cancel more often. Because who cares what I have to say? And sometimes I realize it's been more therapeutic to just type a comment out than it is to hit post and deal with people's potential responses.

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Ooh, can I share a sweet story instead, because this made it pop into my head and it's a memory of a wonderful person that I wish everyone could have known?

I used to work at this small business when I was younger, and one of the employees was an older guy in his 80s who had retired and worked a few hours a week just to keep busy. He loved us teens and twenty somethings and we adored and respected him.

As time went on, the assistant manager left and I ended up being promoted to assistant manager. And eventually daylight savings happened and the clock changed. This employee came in for his first shift after the time change and looked half dejected and half embarrassed and he quietly explained to me that he didn't know how to change the time on his watch, that the previous assistant manager had always done it for him, so now he was trying to deal with his watch being an hour off. I happily changed the time for him, and after that I changed it for him every time change. Even after he retired for good he would come in during my shift and give me his watch and I'd set it forward or back the hour so it could be right and he'd be thrilled every time.

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I'd love to leave. I desperately want to. But I have no marketable skills (too broke to attend college out of high school, am trying now but still have 2 1/2 years to go, so too long), I'm terrifyingly broke, have a weird-ass employment history from years of undiagnosed mental illness and just recently diagnosed ADHD, and I never learned a second language because shitty education and I don't pick up languages well from those programs that claim to teach you. If I could go, I've have gone already, but nowhere worth going wants me and I get it. I know I'm a loser. I'm stuck on this ship while the cool kids are leaving in the life boats. And yes, I vote, but what does it matter?

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Im a broke woman with chronic health problems in a red state who may be homeless soon and who sure as hell can't afford to leave and go somewhere better. I guess I'll just keep trudging along and hope that somehow we're all being hysterical and things won't actually get that bad but if they do and if I lose what little social assistance I have I guess I'll just tap out and call it a life, ya know?

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My husband refuses to use ad blockers for some unknown reason (I installed them on his computer, he won't fucking use them/turns them off) and also is the person who gets the cookie settings menu and clicks "accepts all" every time. I get so stressed trying to use his computer but also like dude! Have you any idea just what you are allowing them to access??? Granted, I'm somewhat ignorant when it comes to how to be completely safe and private on the internet, but I try, and to see someone just blatantly not care makes me lose my cool a little.

I commented that I had switched to Firefox browser from a chromium browser and that I was still using it but really didn't like it and listed a few reasons why and got more down votes on that single comment than I'd ever gotten total on reddit. The condescending responses were something else. I almost deleted my account, like sorry, I clearly don't subscribe to the lemmy hive mind, so I don't belong here. I also don't have strong feelings about Linux, guess I should get fucked.

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Thus the true meaning behind the phrase boys will be boys

I want the gravity gloves from Half Life Alyx.

Back when I played the game I was putting in a couple hours a day for a little bit. One morning I woke up to my cell phone alarm going off and I reached over to shut it off but it was out of reach. In my not very awake state, and having been spending so much time in VR with the gravity gloves on, I pointed two of my fingers at my phone to "tether" it and started flicking my wrist to "pull" it to me, just like in the game. It wasn't until it obviously didn't come flying through the air to me and I started getting frustrated that I woke up enough to realize that sleepy me is incredibly stupid and you can't make things fly through the air to you in the real world.

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Phone calls. Knowing I have to make a phone call wrecks my entire week.

I used to be an EMT (am going to be working as one again soon) and where I worked we had some good cops and some real shitty cops who had no business being cops, but one thing that they all had in common was that the rules were if someone asked for medical help, they had to call the ambulance. Didn't matter if it looked like obvious bullshit, all the departments in the area I worked had a blanket policy that they weren't medical professionals and they couldn't make that decision. You could have a tiny little cut on your finger and ask for medical help and even the shittiest cops would sigh and call for EMS. These cops infuriate me. How many more people have to get murdered? If someone asks for help fucking help them and sort out the details later.

To some degree yes, but not everyone in a red state votes red, and not everyone in a red state can afford to leave. Sounds like an excuse to punish the poor, but we knew that. (Yes, I live in a red state, no I didn't vote for this shit, and yes, I do vote). Now do I feel bad when I read the articles about the woman who are like "I was always against abortion but now that I was denied one this is awful?" Haha, no.

I pay $1900 a month in rent. My budget is stretched thin, and Im never starving, but theres definitely weeks where I eat ramen instead of real food. The alternative is live in a really bad area, get a roommate to move in with my spouse and I, or be homeless. Sad that after being married for 8 years and doing everything "right" we are talking about getting a roommate. About 6 months ago I looked up the apartment I lived at in 2015 for giggles - in 2015 I was spending $850 a month for it and this past winter they wanted $1150. I really think that in a few years we are going to see a lot of homeless people, like a lot.

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"Ray Fisher was attempting to use the Glory Hole on his boat but the current was too strong."

I'm dead...

Poor Capone was born in the wrong time. He'd have been considered a hero and a good politician today apparently.

"Tell me about yourself?"

"Name one fun fact about you?"

"What's something you like to do?"

Look, I'm in my 30s and I don't fucking know who I am, I'm the most boring person you'll ever meet, I've never had a true friend in my life and I like to hike and play video games but I never have the energy to hike anywhere cool anymore and saying I like to play video games either makes me look like a loser nerd or makes people want to endlessly talk about video games with me and I just want to be left alone in the corner to be the loser nerd that I am.

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I agree. I honestly hate boss battles. I love playing video games on hard mode, but for some reason boss battles have never filled my soul with joy or given me a sense of satisfaction when I'm done. They just irritate me. I definitely have games where I'm on the hardest difficulty for normal game play and then right before every boss battle I'm going into settings changing the difficulty to story mode so I can knock them down in 5 hits and move on with the game.

Out of curiosity, how does one join the Satanic Temple? I never hear anything about them except when they show up in the news, and the more I hear about them the more I love them.

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You think zip ties will hold together at those speeds? Not to mention cause drag due to the tiny bumps? Do you know anything about aerodynamical engineering?

You have to zip tie it together, then duct tape over top nice and smooth for extra holding strength and to reduce wind resistance. Boeing, hire me instead!

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Um, no. My husband's raise this year was a one time $25 gas gift card - for the whole fucking year. I'm currently not working because of school, but I was getting raises in the cents per hour every year, despite getting glowing annual reviews and the highest raise my boss could give me. Fuck companies and fuck this entire system of selling my soul and any semblance of joy just to survive. And I'm incredibly lucky because we don't have kids and am (sort of) able to afford to live off of one income for now while I'm in school, but I'm grinding through trying to finish as fast as I can without tanking my grades

  1. Don't admit you use Windows
  2. Don't talk about any browser other than Firefox, Librewolf or a spinoff
  3. Linux, Linux, Linux.
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I'm both a total skeptic who likes to debunk everything possible and also a firm believer that there are just some weird things in this world. I've had a bunch of odd experiences, this one is honestly one of the least creepiest but it's weird because it happened in broad daylight when my brain was fully turned on, focused, and not in a state that you'd think I'd "make up" something.

So anyway, back when I was an EMT on the ambulance, my partner and I got dispatched to respond to assist state police who were already on scene for a call. The address we were dispatched to was kind of a rural road, and there was a small cluster of houses, a business with a couple outbuildings, and a parking lot for the business in between. Dispatch told us ahead of time that the call was in the houses but per the state police we were supposed to come into the parking lot where they were parked.

My partner is driving, I'm in the passenger seat navigating. It's the middle of the day, broad daylight, and I wasn't tired or stressed or anything. We get on scene and my partner pulls the ambulance into the parking lot and we're both looking around to see where the police are. I catch movement from the outbuildings of the business and very distinctly see the face, upper torso, and right arm of a dark haired man in a dark blue long sleeved shirt casually lean out from between two of the outbuildings of the business, make eye contact with me, and wave his arm in the universal "over here" gesture before leaning back out of sight. I remember saying to my partner "hey, they're over there, that's weird, they were supposed to be at the houses not at the business, but whatever" just as a few things happened simultaneously. First, we both realized that the police cruisers were parked on the other side of the parking lot by the houses where they said they'd be, second, it hits me that state police in that state don't wear dark blue, and third my partner pulled the ambulance to where I had seen the man wave and we both realized that no one was there. There was no possible way anyone could have disappeared that fast as the time from me seeing him to us pulling up was seconds and the outbuildings he had been between were both long with no doors or windows to enter and there was nothing on the ground between them that someone could have ducked under or behind.

I was like ok, well that's really odd because I definitely saw someone but anyway there's no one there now so let's proceed down to where the police actually are. My partner was weirded out and asked if I was feeling ok or seeing things and I had no idea what to say except that I was fine and had no explanation. That was years ago and I still think back to that and wonder wtf I saw because most spooky experiences you hear about are at night or in a creepy location but this was neither of those.

Happy International Women's Day, from a fellow woman on the internet. I honestly didn't even realize that was today, my life has been a complete mess lately. I'm sorry you've gotten gross messages online, I like to joke that I'm so unattractive and unlovable that even online no one bothers me 😂

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As an introvert with social anxiety I never call a waiter because I eat my food at home away from people like the rest of the losers

I dont smoke, I've never done drugs, and I drink a few times a year. Have I been guilty of a few frivolous purchases in the past? Sure, but now I literally do not have the money, so I can't. I just make lists of things I'd like to buy "someday."

I've gone out and bought a $7 rotisserie chicken, a $3 bag of noodles and a $3 bag of carrots, thrown them in a pot with a bunch of garlic, spices and water, slow cooked them for an entire day, then pulled out the chicken, ripped off all the meat, discarded the carcass, and lived for an entire month off that soup. I was sooo sick of chicken noodle soup.

But I shouldn't have to. Why should I work my ass off for companies who make more and more profits while my rent goes up, food costs more and more, and every other fucking bill goes up, yet if I ask for a raise I'm a lazy millenial?

Have some fucking empathy.

I noticed a few months ago that if I would put things in my cart and not order them right away, the price in my cart would jump a lot without notice, but the price on the page would stay the same. Like, I added something that was $30 to my cart, 2 days later it was $50 in my cart but the store page still showed the price as $30 and there wasnt the usual "an item in your cart changed price" message. I had to delete it from my cart and re-add it to get the price to drop. There was no deal, it wasn't subscribe and save, nothing. This happened multiple times. I also had prime and couldn't tell you the last time my shipping took less than 2 weeks, and I live near a city. I've since canceled prime and stopped ordering from Amazon unless I can't find what I need elsewhere. Want to scam me, fuck you.

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I dream of being in New Zealand or a Nordic country, but I'm a broke American loser who's too poor to even go visit those countries, and so they don't even want me there in the first place. I will keep dreaming, and die with my dreams unfulfilled. Maybe next life.

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I would love to consider getting an electric car whenever I can afford a new(er) vehicle. But there's no way my landlord will let me run an extension cord from my 3rd story apartment around the building and around the pond between my building and the parking lot. It's sad that an EV would be so great, but its really a mark of privilege to own both in initial affordability and just having the place to park and charge one. Not that it matters, I can't afford anything other than my 24 year old Honda.

I've said this before, but my abusive mother once told me that I wasn't a human and had no rights beyond what she allowed me until I became an adult and moved out of her house. They truly don't consider their children people. They also consider themselves wonderful parents who are victims when those children grow up and cut all contact with them.

I dont have TT. I also don't have Snapchat. Therefore, I also don't have friends, or have any clue what is going on in the lives of those around me or the pop culture of my generation.

It is a lonely existence, but I refuse to get either of those apps. People have my number. If they actually cared, they could return my texts.

Off topic, but do you know what to do about smoke detectors that chirp like once a week? I'm in an apartment, have 4 smoke detectors in here for some reason, and 3 out of the 4 will randomly chirp like once a week. We've changed the batteries, they're flashing green, if you hit the test button they work, but they just chirp once in awhile. Sometimes it's only once, sometimes it's 2 or 3 times in a day and then will go a month or more without chirping. Management is a PITA so I don't want to complain if there isn't an issue, but I'd rather not die a horrible death if my apartment burns down and my detectors don't go off.

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I gave myself myself a concussion almost the same way, except my clumsy ass was getting into my car and I slammed the side of my head on the roof of my car, everything went black, and then the door that I had already started to swing shut came and slammed into the other side of my head, knocking me back to my senses. I had a dent above my ear for a year lol.

My very conservative mother (who I no longer speak to) once got mad at Amazon, as in the capitalist empire, and said that they were "the most communist thing ever." Communists are whoever makes you mad or whoever the alt right media claims they are. Or something like that.

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Skyrim. I played vanilla a bunch and now I'm working through the Living Skyrim 4 mod. I had to tweak a bunch of the settings, but I really enjoy it. I also love the Witcher 3, both actively playing quests and just wandering across the map listening to the howling wind and the soundtrack. I've loaded into that game after a long day with every intention of playing and just sat there with my headphones on and stared into space while the trees crackle together in the wind and the music plays.