
120 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And yet, and this will shock and amaze you, they're probably here already. Lemmy isn't a secret.

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I like Adam Something’s takes on it, which is essentially that the Hyperloop is dangerous and metros/subways are better.

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Mix of both light and deeper shows here, mostly character-driven:

Scrubs - Show about a group of residents at a hospital navigating their first few years of training.

Cougar Town - Show about 40somethings in western Florida, the name has nothing to do with the show after the first five or ten episodes. Same creator as Scrubs. Focuses on the core group navigating life at 40 in Florida and their ridiculousness.

Community - Show about a community college in Colorado that gets increasingly experimental in its story telling. Show focuses on the antics of the core group.

Better Off Ted - Another show about 40somethings, this time in the corporate world. The name, like Cougar Town, has almost nothing to do with the actual show. Focuses on how this group tries to keep ahead of their soul crushing jobs for a corporation that's literally evil.

Happy Endings - This time about 30somethings in Chicago who are all friends, two of whom are about to get married when the bride runs away at the altar. Really turns into putting this group into various scenarios to see how it plays out.

New Girl - Show about a teacher in LA who moves into a loft with three guys (sometimes a fourth) and their subsequent misadventures in the city.

30 Rock - Show about the cast and crew of an SNL-style variety show airing weekly on NBC out of 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York, grows increasingly absurdist over times.

Arrested Development - About the son of a real estate tycoon who gets arrested for so many crimes and how he tries to keep the family business going despite the incompetence of the rest of the family (and occasionally his own incompetence).

Bored to Death - About a writer who solves mysteries with his publisher and best friend (two different people).

Only Murders in the Building - Show about three residents, two older and one younger, of a classic New York residential building that discover they like the same murder mystery podcasts and then start their own true crime podcasts when they discover a murder occurred in their building.

Veep - About a put-upon Vice President of the United States and the general incompetence of her office and the administration. Surprisingly insightful satire of the actual executive branch in the United States.

Silicon Valley - Show about a group of guys in Silicon Valley and their VC partners trying to build a startup.

Happy to recommend more if you've got something more specific you're into.

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Yes. You are misinformed.

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I get you. There's good and bad in law enforcement, especially when it comes to tech and social media. On the one hand, there's pretty serious crime happening online that needs to be stopped. On the other, wild invasions of privacy. There's no easy answer at this point and governments obviously won't police themselves.

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The third party here is a spoiler to try to bleed people from the left to think there's a legitimate other option when their motive is to get a Republican elected. People on the left may not be equally susceptible to bad faith arguments, but that doesn't mean they're immune.

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Fun fact: if you took a sip of beer every time you saw the word "federated" on Lemmy, you would drown.

Where was Rogan when the Westfold fell?

They're having trouble finding people who want to do the job for the pay they're offering.

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Go a step further: [State] violated its citizens' rights.

Because of how Republicans have rigged the system, it being a Republican problem necessarily means it's an American problem.

While I like the sentiment, it doesn't actually address OP's question. My guess is OP also hates fascists but has trouble discussing their opinions on politics with their fasc-curious friend for whatever reason, whether it's because they want to preserve the relationship or generally have trouble keeping up in a back and forth (which is totally fine, being quick-witted is not a requirement to hate fascists). What are your tips for approaching the conversation?

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You don't need motive to convict. Just the correct mental state (mens rea) and the commission of the relevant elements (actus reus). Motive helps, but it's not necessary.

But a DDOS attack would probably fall under the CFAA, possibly some other criminal statutes depending on the facts.

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Adam Something - Mostly about civil engineering and public transportation, but also a ton of commentary on the right wing from a European leftist perspective.

Ladyknightthebrave - Film theory and criticism.

King Arthur Baking - Just solid baking videos.

Tasting History with Max Miller - Cooking show about historical foods with brief dives into the dish's history.

Oversimplified - Short animated videos on history.

F.D. Signifier - Black leftist takes on society, politics, and pop culture.

Lindsay Ellis - Now retired from YouTube due to harassment, but excellent film theory and criticism, originated the current film theory video format.

Chinese Cooking Demystified - Chinese cooking videos that focus on how it's actually done in China.

All Gas No Brakes/Channel 5 - Modern gonzo documentary news.

Breadsword - Film theory and criticism.

Contrapoints - Leftist trans commentary on philosophy, political theory, pop culture, and basically everything.

Luetin09 - Incredibly deep dives into Warhammer 40,000 lore.

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An LLM can't make something original, it can only make something derivative. But that derivative work isn't the same as when a human makes a derivative work because a human isn't writing each word or phrase based on the likely "correct" next word or phrase through an algorithmic process. What humans do is magnitudes more complex, though it can at times also be accidental or intentional plagiarism.

In short, an LLM's output is necessarily a string of preexisting human inputs. A human's output, while it can be informed by and reference other human inputs, can be an original analysis. The AI that is publicly available is not sophisticated enough to be more than fancy predictive text.

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Well you see, when a consumer and a product love each other very much...

Yes, and it appears that had vote counting been allowed unimpeded in Florida, as opposed to undemocratically stopping it for partisan gain, Gore would have won the electoral college and popular vote in 2000.

Yes, but the layperson's perspective doesn't really matter here and it's worth reading the NYT piece. The underlying issue is that air traffic controllers are overworked and making mistakes due to staffing shortages and mandatory overtime while working a mentally taxing job. There are legitimate concerns that if this isn't addressed, we could see actual collisions and casualties.

You see the problem was she tried that in a small town...Fort Worth suburb.

What the actual fuck are you talking about. The Japanese literally used suicide attacks and were so brainwashed they believed suicide was preferable to enemy capture. The Germans literally committed the multiple genocides. They were rehabilitated over time but it took time and effort. Both committed horrific atrocities, yet through international effort, are largely reformed.

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Literally in the second paragraph of the article and the summary at the top of this post.

But as he partied with Los Angeles’ superstars and traveled the country for conventions, he also found he could use his fame to strike up conversations and develop relationships with young fans, including some who were underage.

The article then goes on to discuss his conversations with underage fans. The article uses "young" because his conversations with of-age but teenaged fans were also bad.

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Yeah but Space Marines though.

Not sure about the specifics but it might not be enforceable. Just because a company says something in their TOS doesn't mean it's true.

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But when the answers aren't original thoughts but regurgitations of other peoples' thoughts about the book, then it's plagiarism. LLMs can't provide original output, only variations on what people have made available (whether legally or not). The answer might not even be correct or make any sense. It's just predictive text to a crazy degree.

When you copy someone's work without attribution, that's plagiarism. When your output is only possible because of someone else's work over which they own copyright and the output replicated the copyrighted material, that's copyright infringement.

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Well, no, because making a wedding cake supporting a marriage is inherently different from making a cake supporting a hate group. One is about bringing people together, the other is about dividing them. Also, LGBTQ* people don't choose their sexuality, it's an inalienable part of who they are. Nazis choose to be Nazis. Some might be raised in it, so it's all they know, but it's something they can change about themselves. Someone who is bisexual is pretty much always going to be bisexual. It's the same reason we don't discriminate on the basis on skin color: it's something the person can't control about themselves and has no bearing on who they are except to the degree society has made it so. A religion discriminating on the basis of race or sexuality doesn't mean it's okay to do so. Christians also used to believe in child marriage, but guess what? Times have changed.

Additionally, just because it's speech doesn't mean it's equal in what it's doing nor does it mean that it should be treated the same. Ignoring that this case probably shouldn't be used as precedent because the underlying facts are made up (also showing how disingenuous the argument is), there's a difference between saying you can't choose to deny business to someone because of who they are (LBGTQ*) versus saying you can choose not to do business with someone over their opinion (Nazi).

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You're making a hasty generalization here

I'm really not, though I'll readily admit I'm simplifying things. An LLM can only create something it's been given. I guess it can generate a string of characters and assign a definition to it, but it's not really intentional creation. There are many similarities between how a human generates something and how an LLM does, but to argue they're the same radically oversimplifies how humans work. While we can program an LLM, we literally do not have the capability to replicate a human brain.

For example, can you tell me what emotions the LLM had when it produced the output it did? Did its physical condition have any effect? What about its past, not just what it has learned but how it was treated? What is its motivation? A human response to anything involving creativity factors in many things that we aren't even consciously aware of, and these are things an LLM doesn't have.

The study you're citing is from Google, there's likely some bias and selective reporting. That said, we were talking about creativity, not regurgitating facts or analyzing data. I think it's universally accepted that as the tech gets better, it's preferable to have a computer make the first attempt at a diagnosis, especially for a scan or large data analysis, then have a human confirm.

For the remix example, don't forget that samples get attribution. Artists credit what they sampled and get called out when they don't. I'm actually unclear as to whether an LLM actually can cite to how it derived its output just because the coders haven't revealed if there's some sort of derivation log.

RIP Nippy Kind Langur

*Multiple cops. More than one Capitol Police Officer died after and due to 1/6.

Styles change over time. I don't see you calling people slobs for leaving home without their hat.

Look at what Texas did to HISD: took it over claiming "poor outcomes" despite it being one of the best districts in the state. I'm not sure how it works in Virginia but they may try something similar.

Play to your audience, not your opponent. Occasionally they're the same person.

All Eastern religions have their own problems and crimes committed in the name of their beliefs. Christianity might have some of the more global harms, but it's hardly alone in being harmful.

Probably because it's expected, it's happening "somewhere else" to "minorities," and the people being racist aren't always using slurs. Same reason news outlets don't really report on crime in known high-crime areas. Many people do not understand that these issues also affect them because it normalizes racist behavior, which in turn hurts the economy.

Probably a three way tie among:

Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York

Portishead - Roseland NYC Live

Dave Matthews Band - The Central Park Concert

I also have a soft spot for The Complete Monterey Pop Festival

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Or just wear a stillsuit.

To be fair, unless the act itself is interfering in your daily life, the real problem is probably porn addiction.

Either it's not paywalled for them or it's still good journalism and maybe journalists shouldn't work for free.

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Didn't the mods create a megathread specifically for this reason?

Mate, good tip for internet use is knowing that law enforcement absolutely uses the same forums you do. There's always a chance none of them sees your post or if they did, they won't do anything, or if they do, their supervisors won't move on it... But as much as people like to paint LE as a block completely removed from society, they're really not. They routinely suck both at their jobs and as people, but that doesn't mean they're not still people with interests. And sites like Lemmy cater to pretty common interests, so naturally LE is going to be on them, especially the more tech inclined.

Anyway, if you've filed a report with the local PD there, it's possible to figure out this case and who you are for people with the right tools. Regarding your question in your post, if you think this case involves murders across state lines or where the locals clearly won't do anything, contact the state police and the FBI (or your country's equivalents, if they are safe authorities). Depending on the office, they can sometimes do a better job of keeping you anonymous, especially if you express that you're afraid for your life. If that hits a dead end, start contacting the press. Reporters love this sort of thing.

Frankly, I recommend pursuing this, but don't contact the locals again. Go to the feds or state. Assuming this is real and you're not just having fun with creative writing, it sounds like the community knows what's up but is being blocked by the local government. Since you're on the outside and essentially have a "deathbed confession," you're functionally a witness to what happened. I'm not strictly sure if you have an actual duty to report this, I don't know you, but seems like it would be nice if you did.

Still no. Do they do it anyway? Probably, but that doesn't make it legal.