2 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just wait until Orthus shows up.

I own an iron because after washing fabric, it gets wrinkles.

Do you know how much a pain in the ass it is to sew wrinkled fabric? Flat and smooth is the easiest way to do that.

JFC,I thought I had porn brain rot at one point, but this person is consumed by horny.

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“You can have ten or twenty or fifty drones all fly over the same transport, taking pictures with their cameras. And, when they decide that it’s a viable target, they send the information back to an operator in Pearl Harbor or Colorado or someplace,” Hamilton told me. The operator would then order an attack. “You can call that autonomy, because a human isn’t flying every airplane. But ultimately there will be a human pulling the trigger.” (This follows the D.O.D.’s policy on autonomous systems, which is to always have a person “in the loop.”)

Yeah. Robots will never be calling the shots.

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From Wikipedia:

Bechdel-Wallace test is a measure of the representation of women in film and other fiction. The test asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women be named is sometimes added.

Huh, learn something new every day.

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So basically, everyone is full of bullshit and lying to keep the system working.

Why am I not surprised?

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Argument: anal sex.

Don't want to get your dick shitty? Use a condom.

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Hasn't anyone learned? From the founding of America until present day, don't fuck with our boats. We will issue a 'proportional' response.

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But his mother is very proud.

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Talked to quite a few vets. My understanding is that outside of training, the military is like 90% waiting.... I'm sorry, "assuming a holding pattern"

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You get these guys in a room with any objectively good-looking woman in real life, and they would freeze up.

I don't care who you are at long as you do a good job.

Here's the thing. Reddit had me hooked on it like no other until the API fuck up. Pretty much dropped it on it the spot.

After the first week it dawned on me how much time I was spending there.

So while I setup here, much less time is being spent online overall. But the interaction has jumped up immensely.

My garden is looking better and I'm hitting the gym much more often.

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I'm guessing most people aren't happy.

Not just in the gun community but like everyone.

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Does it really need to back up THAT much porn?

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I didn't steal a hydrogen bomb.

I'm already blocking one user after roughly one month here.

He was in so many comment sections posting the same gif of a woman shitting.

Allowing users to post gifs was a mistake.

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The Venture Brothers played on this.

Mr. Impossible kept him alive in a vacuum to prevent Cody the human torch from bursting into flames.... until he became evil and trapped him in an oxygen rich chamber to power his skyscraper.

Top 5

Doom and Doom II

Command and Conquer: Red Alert

Super Mario World

StarCraft with Brood War expansion

Duke 3D

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I find it fitting that an article on enshitification is so hard to read because of enshitification on the site.

The most common version of this is when someone posts to Stack Overflow asking about the exact problem in having.

The only reply is from OP: NVM. Fixed it. (4 years ago.)

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I'm voting Biden, but not happily.

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One capybara weighs on average 108lbs or about 16.5 AR-15s fully loaded.

So the asteroid weighs roughly as much as 422,559 AR-15s with a loaded 20 rd magazine. (Warning my math is bad as I'm American.)

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How well do you handle animated torture?

If that were to become a reality, they would be no cops. Is that what you want? No cops? Because that sounds nice.

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The only bot I'll actually miss is The-Paranoid-Android from the SCP page.

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Don't eat the agar plates.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Reminds me of this.

Didn't that happen last time?

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So which is it, my dude?

Are the HYMARS making war or totally destroyed?

It makes more sense to have China keep selling Russia 4th rate equipment while keeping the economy going.

Every notice how the only threat vatniks have is "we'll nuke ya!"

Like, get a new fucking threat bro. We've seen your military. Your nuclear arsenal can't be in much better shape..... if it hasn't already been sold off or let to rot.

I'd guess it does the news website thing. Scroll down and get meet with a create account blocking barrier.

I've never donated to Mozilla before, but will now.

You don't understand. It's a kinetic artillery round. Zero percent failure rate.

Russian MOD (allegedly)

I now want to see/create an instance with an obscene list of rules so strict that the only thing you can post is a certain image once a year within an hour window. Like the troll face or something stupid.

But the rules are worded in such a way that unless you take notes and really study them, it doesn't make sense.

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I'll put $20 in him sending a body double.

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Did it ever work?

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No. I love watching train wrecks and dumpster fires.