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Joined 10 months ago

I'm surprised they didn't also coat it in radium to make it easier to find in the dark


Sorry for shouting, but they are very annoying.


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My dad told me that walnuts were owl eggs.

He got in trouble when I stole all the walnuts in the house and wrapped them in nose tissues to keep them warm so they would hatch and I would have baby owls.

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I would trust a wacky waving inflatable tube man at a used Renault car dealer before I would trust Oracle with absolutely anything of any value whatsoever.

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OF COURSE he uses GoDaddy

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Remy was avocado toast for Halloween

Describe your code to ChatGPT 3.5, let it recreate what it thinks your code does and then paste it as a question on Stack Overflow

The "escape hatch" is to stop being insufferable pricks

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For federal work, it's all about the duty station. For telework, the duty station is a federal building.

For remote work, the duty station is your home.

Pretty sure all his kids were IVF, so he may in fact be technically unfuckable.

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Red Hat contributes a lot to the Linux kernel and has a history of open-sourcing many of their previously closed-sourced acquisitions.

Oracle bought Sun and then tried to claim that anyone who used the Java API owed them money.

Red Hat is redeemable. What Oracle is trying to do here is like Sauron saying "Hey guys, I really care about open source Middle Earth and want to make things super chill again! Oh, and hey, y'all want some free rings?"

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A few additional facts that people may not be aware of:

  1. Norway is not an EU country.

  2. The population of Norway is 5.4 million. The fines appear to be calibrated to cancel out Meta’s profits from the illegal behavior Meta is using to generate those profits in Norway.

  3. If it is not profitable for Meta to engage in those illegal behaviors in Norway, they will either stop breaking Norwegian law, or pull out of Norway entirely. Either way, it’s a win for Norway.

Just wait until you hear about how AirTags work:

Apple AirTags emit a Bluetooth signal that anonymously connects to any nearby device active within Apple’s Find My network (any iPhone after iPhone 11 with "Find My" enabled). The AirTag’s location is triangulated based on the strength of the Bluetooth signal sent to those third-party devices.

Your AirTag’s location information is uploaded to the cloud and pinned on a map for easy reference.

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Yeah, check out Altered Carbon (the first book or the first season) for how this would likely play out.

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Roger, over.

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Archaeologist in 1005 years: "We have translated the folder names on this glass storage device! The writings within refer to a important man named "Brazzers", and there is another folder full of his correspondence to his "step sister" and someone named "Milf".

Reporter: What could have caused the deaths of these people?

Government Spokesperson: Ecological surveys can be pretty dangerous.

Reporter: Follow-up question. All 37 people appear to have been shot simultaneously in the back of the head. What is ecological about that?

Government Spokesperson: I'm sure we could arrange for you to observe an ecological survey very closely...

Mitch McConnell's ventriloquist is the ghost of Strom Thurmond.

Joke's on Facebook, all my friends are either Amish or live in anarcho-syndicalist communes

(Rumspringa can be a problem tho)

The thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in

The worst are the ones who give 1 star when they CLEARLY did not even bother to read the actual description of the product.

NESPRESSO COFFEE PODS: Exist and are clearly labeled as such.


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I get this. I call it "deja durrr".

The knee bone's connected to the .. something. The something's connected to the .. red thing. The red thing's connected to my .. wristwatch. Uh-oh

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“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”

“That’s the display department.”

“With a flashlight.”

“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”

“So had the stairs.”

“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard."

Great. Now my left eye is twitching uncontrollably and I want to punch a sales drone into next quarter.

Wrong cartoon. Matt Gaetz is this guy:

My main system is a Dell Wyse 5070 Extended running Pop-OS, but its main purpose is to be small on my desktop while being just enough computer to run ThinLinc (which is like RDP for Linux). ThinLinc connects to a much more powerful VM in my Proxmox cluster that runs Debian 11, which is my "real" desktop where I spend all of my time.

However, I'm currently working on setting up a new server with a better CPU, more RAM and a Tesla P4, after which my "real" desktop will be a Nobara 38 VM (based on Fedora) with the Tesla card passed through.

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Ah yes, the Sam Vimes "Boots" Theory of Economic Unfairness:

The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

Babylon: Based 60

NEW for 2025! The Apple Scroll hath been unveiled to succor the clamoring of the faithful for devices which fold not, but rather ROLL into a beautiful scroll (1), suitable for the most discerning of cylinder enthusiasts! Only $1700 (2)!

(1) Placing Apple Scroll in any bodily orifice will void the warranty, except in the EU, where Apple is legally prevented from kink-shaming due to the 2024 Schrems IV: A New Hope (For Sexy Times) Ruling.

(2) Apple Quill $299 (required (3) to use Apple Scroll).

(3) Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder $499 (4): Impress your followers on Threads by being one of the first to wear the official Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder to influence your followers to purchase their very own Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder for only $499!

(4) The Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder requires an Apple Quill to disable the "Ring of Fire" theft-prevention (5) device built into the brim of the Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder.

(5) The theft is from Apple revenue if you do not purchase the Apple Quill.


Are you reading a translation, perhaps? In my English version of the book, he does not scratch "KASPAR" on the coach, he scratches "MR PUNCH".

This is a dual-layered reference. First, Mr Punch refers to Punch and Judy, a puppet show that originated in Italy in the late 1600s but was also popular in the Victorian era.

The basic premise of Punch and Judy is that Punch punches his wife Judy a lot, along with everyone else he encounters. It is considered to be "low" or "slapstick" humour, and it's "funny" because it's puppet violence in the style of the Three Stooges.

Dodger would definitely have known about Punch and Judy. Charles Dickens had this to say about Mr. Punch:

In my opinion the street Punch is one of those extravagant reliefs from the realities of life which would lose its hold upon the people if it were made moral and instructive. I regard it as quite harmless in its influence, and as an outrageous joke which no one in existence would think of regarding as an incentive to any kind of action or as a model for any kind of conduct. It is possible, I think, that one secret source of pleasure very generally derived from this performance… is the satisfaction the spectator feels in the circumstance that likenesses of men and women can be so knocked about, without any pain or suffering.

The other layer to this is that Pratchett's friend Neil Gaiman wrote a graphic novel in 1994 called Mr. Punch, about a homicidal puppet.

Edit: I just realized there is another, more literal layer to this reference. A diplomat could be called a puppet, whose strings are pulled by their home government, and a puppet who hurts people would definitely be like Mr. Punch.

Scratching it on the diplomat's coach, which would go out in public, would be like scratching it on a car with a key - a public humiliation, along with property damage.

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Butterfly Guy: Is this teenagers?

That's not a very efficient way to clean a hammer


For me, yes. My instance is considerably faster and has better uptime than any of the instances I have created accounts on. Mostly because I'm the only one using it.

My Cherry Blues: I'M DOING MY PART

That is some truly malicious compliance on what is clearly a sticker

Translation: ⠞⠓⠁⠞ ⠊⠎ ⠎⠕⠍⠑ ⠞⠗⠥⠇⠽ ⠍⠁⠇⠊⠉⠊⠕⠥⠎ ⠉⠕⠍⠏⠇⠊⠁⠝⠉⠑ ⠕⠝ ⠺⠓⠁⠞ ⠊⠎ ⠉⠇⠑⠁⠗⠇⠽ ⠁ ⠎⠞⠊⠉⠅⠑⠗

Spiderman: Shoots webs

Spidersilkman: Shoots bulletproof kimonos