1 Post – 210 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
  • mountain biker
  • whitewater kayaker (freestyle, creek, river)
  • snowboarder
  • infosec and DevOps nerd
  • small feline lover

Other than the recent nonsense, this is why I cancelled Netflix and went back to pirating. Content leaves unexpectedly? Not on my Nas.

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Fuck software patents and business method patents. Patent the machine. Copyright the instructions to tell the machine what to do if you must.

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All of these obstructionist assholes should be in prison.

So a proxy of their own so Google can watch everything you do themselves? GTFO.

There is something fundamentally wrong with a service that shows more ads than content.

I'd love to get money out of politics. Make political advertising illegal. Give candidates a web site to post their resume. That's it. No more tv, radio, magazine, web, or newspaper campaign ads.

This shit is obscene.

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Your platform is not exciting Microsoft. It's also a royal pain to manage or fix.

A "leak" of tools that should just be out there to begin with is lame.


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The worst part is the inability to swap out the head unit now because everything is now integrated.

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Sounds like contempt to me. Lock him up.

Wash the sheets

I think it will go down a lot faster now that they've blocked API calls to NSFW subs.

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Proxmox is a decent option, or just use kvm provisioning directly with ansible.

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Being a loud obnoxious twatwaffle ≠ confidence

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On phone, use LTE. On computer set up a cheap Linux shell on your vsp of choice. Then use an ssh socks proxy for your browser.

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Plex with a Tidal subscription. Treats tidal as if it is local in your library and seamlessly integrates with your own collection.

Listen with plexamp.

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I'd go with high fructose corn syrup

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Capitalism rewards psychopaths.

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The problem is that HTML was not designed to be a layout description. Your browser was to decide.

So, to force HTML to be a layout description rather than simple markup, we have this mess.


I was doubtful it was mostly man made, but listened to the experts when they told us what was what. Regardless, WTF wouldn't we support conservation and not polluting regardless? We have reversed rivers literally being on fire with all the oil in them. Without enforced regulation, we get where we are now.

Me over here still rocking my pebble time steel. I like that pebble opted to be an accessory and not just a little full featured phone on your wrist. A shame they are gone.

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Antivirus is a technical attempt at solving a stupid user problem. It does not actually prevent any problems and causes many of its own.

  • run only what you need
  • get what you need only from trusted sources
  • keep what you need up to date
  • configure what you need conservatively
  • admin/root account only for admin stuff. Don't use root as your general login.

Programming languages that use white space to delimit structure are annoying at best. I get annoyed at yaml too, but I'm ok once I have a few templates set up.

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They were when HP was run by engineers.

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Can you imagine going through everything it takes to become a high ranking officer to then have to answer to these asshats?

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Yes please. None of those have anything to do with technology. I want to see some PM-esque posts in here.

Try using a timer

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It's not fear. Third parties simply do not work with our system. If you want third parties to succeed, then we need to

  • Get rid of the electoral college
  • Ranked Choice Voting everywhere
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The new NIST guidance is to have something long. Special characters don't matter. So a good passphrase that you can remember > short line noise. NIST also recommends against constant password rotation, but to instead audit for dictionary attacks. See also:

Yes, it is bad programming. Of course, on the backend you must never store passwords in the clear. You should never grow your own hashing algorithm.

Install Linux

Propaganda works on stupid people. There's a whole lotta stupid in this country.

How about we do something about the big propaganda networks and 24x7 "news" channels that are more interested in ratings and entertainment than simply reporting. No more talking heads.

A TS/SCI background investigation would cover it. One would think the commander in chief should be able to hold a security clearance. Then there's Ivanka and Jared with China and the Saudis. But hunter biden did what?

As a whitewater river guide, there are two groups that will never listen to you and make your day hell: Asians and Indians. Every time.

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The only problem with newpipe is you can't log in and manage your own stuff.

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Put him in a cell until he cools off.

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Nova. Clean customizable UI that stays out of the way while looking good.

Sync for lemmy now. Boost for lemmy when it comes out. Jerboa is nice too.

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Because the tea party and libertarians are such awesome options. How about no parties and ranked choice voting.

Is me! Dig it so far!

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