Linux Mint - Screenshot annoyance to – 31 points –

When trying to capture an area of the screen; specifically a Firefox extension; the context menu disappears when I press Ctrl-Shift-PrintScreen

I am trying to write a little guide for some workmates, this is making it very difficult.


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Try using a timer

This is what I do, I can't speak for Mint's screenshot tool, but Spectacle for KDE will indeed freeze the whole screen after a set timer - allowing you to open context menus and whatnot. Then on the "frozen" image you can highlight only a specific section of the screen to screenshot, make annotations, etc.

Spectacle is one of the things I miss the most every time I try out GNOME again for a bit.

With the MATE screenshot tool, you can set a timer and set it to either capture the active window or the whole desktop. It will capture context menus when using the timer.

Why did this not come to my head. My idea was to use video capture card, connect that to another computer or phone, set screens to mirror and then take snapshot of the video.

Work harder, not smarter.

Timer doesn't work with an area, but works well for the whole screen

Ya use gimp, the old standby for impossible screenshots